What Is The Origin Of The Word Buttinsky?


a person who interferes in the affairs of others; meddler.

What is the synonym of spasm?

ache. nounsore feeling; dull pain. anguish. hurt.

What do you call someone who meddles?

interloper. nounperson who intrudes, meddles.

What is a nice way to say bossy?

Better, More Accurate Words than Bossy

  1. Assertive.
  2. Smart.
  3. Has a clear vision.
  4. Honest.
  5. Committed.
  6. Fearless.
  7. Great organizational skills.
  8. Gifted.

What is a bossy person called?

overbearing, peremptory, tyrannical. (also tyrannic), tyrannous.

What’s another name for muscle spasm?

A sustained muscle spasm is called a muscle cramp. Leg muscles, especially the quadriceps (thigh), hamstrings (back of thigh), and gastrocnemius (calves), are most likely to cramp, but any skeletal muscle in the body can cramp. A “charley horse” is another name for a muscle cramp.

What is the antonym of spasm?

Antonyms. unbend push stand still hyperkalemia hyponatremia hypercalcemia hypoglycemia. heave cardiospasm bronchospasm laryngismus retch.

What is an antonym for the word spasm?

Opposite of a sudden and brief spell of an activity or sensation. harmony. peace. calm. implosion.

What is the meaning of meddler?

Definitions of meddler. an officious annoying person who interferes with others.

How do you use occult in a sentence?

Examples of occult in a Sentence

Adjective occult practices such as magic and fortune-telling He began to believe he had occult powers.

What is the synonyms of vague?

Some common synonyms of vague are ambiguous, cryptic, dark, enigmatic, equivocal, and obscure.

How do you know when you have muscle spasms?

What are the symptoms of muscle spasms (muscle cramps)? Muscle spasms can feel like a stitch in the side or be agonizingly painful. You may see a twitch under your skin and it may feel hard to the touch. Spasms are involuntary.

What is the symptoms of muscle cramps?


  • Cause severe discomfort.
  • Are associated with leg swelling, redness or skin changes.
  • Are associated with muscle weakness.
  • Happen frequently.
  • Don’t improve with self-care.
  • Aren’t associated with an obvious cause, such as strenuous exercise.

How do you spell muscle spasms?

A muscle spasm, or muscle cramp, is an involuntary contraction of a muscle. Muscle spasms occur suddenly, usually resolve quickly, and are often painful. A muscle spasm is different than a muscle twitch.


What do you call a very kind person?

sympathetic, affectionate, charitable, amiable, kindly, kindhearted, cordial, courteous, compassionate, tolerant, gentle, thoughtful, humane, gracious, considerate, friendly, loving, sort, brand, set.

What are characteristics of a bossy person?

It’s pretty obvious with some people. They are straightforward in demanding that things be done, planned, and accommodated their way. They radiate a sense of unease, limit general conversations to what can be salvaged during coffee, and ride on you with their titles slapped on your back for saddles.

What do you call someone who always has to have their way?

There are many words to describe someone who always needs to be right, including indomitable, adamant, unrelenting, insistent, intransigent, obdurate, unshakeable, dictatorial.

What is bossy in Tagalog?

Translation for word Bossy in Tagalog is : palautos.

What is another way to say bossy?

synonyms for bossy

  • imperious.
  • overbearing.
  • pushy.
  • authoritarian.
  • commanding.
  • controlling.
  • despotic.
  • dictatorial.

What does bossy mean in slang?

If you describe someone as bossy, you mean that they enjoy telling people what to do. She remembers being a rather bossy little girl. Synonyms: domineering, lordly, arrogant, authoritarian More Synonyms of bossy.

How do you describe vague?

If you describe someone as vague, you mean that they do not seem to be thinking clearly. She had married a charming but rather vague Englishman. His eyes were always so vague when he looked at her. He looked vaguely around the room as he spoke, his mind elsewhere.

What are two synonyms for vague?


  • ambiguous.
  • dubious.
  • equivocal.
  • faint.
  • lax.
  • nebulous.
  • uncertain.
  • unclear.
