What Is The Meaning Of Baloncesto?


Feel free to just provide example sentences. There’s no difference. Usage of the world just depends on region/country, I would say, but you should be understood regardless of which word you use.

Does baloncesto have an accent?

The word baloncesto is oxytone because the tonic syllable is the penultimate syllable. It does not have a graphic accent because it is paroxytone and ends in ‘n’, ‘s’ or vowel.

What is basketball hoop in Spanish?

Basketball hoop: “aro de basketbol” or “aro de baloncesto”.

How much is a basketball hoop?

You can expect to pay an average of $400 for a high-quality one. Basketball hoops are also available at different price points, from low-price hoops under $100 to high-cost hoops that cost over $500. The table below breaks down the basketball hoop cost for a few typical basketball systems.

What is basketball called in French?

basket: panier; corbeille; Panier.

What does what mean in Spanish?

The most common translation of “what” is qué. Cuál is sometimes used for “what” when implying a choice.

What is a spelling of basketball?

(bɑːskɪtbɔːl , bæs-) Word forms: plural basketballs. 1. uncountable noun. Basketball is a game in which two teams of five players each try to score goals by throwing a large ball through a circular net fixed to a metal ring at each end of the court.

What jugar means in English?

(to) play, playing, play.

What is Pasear mean in English?

to take a walk. to go for a ride. to take for a walk. to parade around.

What does Deportivo mean in English?

deportivo2. sporting ; sportsmanlike ; sporty .

What is basketball in your own words?

The definition of basketball is a game played by two 5-player teams, the object of which is to get the ball through the opposing player’s hoop the most times to score the most points, or a large ball that is used in the game. An example of basketball is the game played by Michael Jordan.

Why is basketball so popular?

Basketball has become popular for a number of reasons: Basketball is fun to play: Basketball has a very fast and exciting pace of play. … Basketball is fun to watch: Some of the worlds greatest athletes are basketball players. The game is fast-paced and full of excitement and lots of scoring.

What are some basketball quotes?

Basketball Quotes

  • “The strength of the team is each individual member. …
  • “To be successful you have to be selfish, or else you never achieve. …
  • “Ability may get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there.” …
  • “Nervous means you want to play.

What does Papi mean in slang?

vevo.com. Papi is a colloquial term for “daddy” in Spanish, but in many Spanish-speaking cultures, particularly in the Caribbean, it is often used as a general term of affection for any man, whether it’s a relative, friend, or lover.

What are the two meanings of que?

Pronoun and Relative Clause

You’re probably already familiar with this one. When you use que to define a subject or object, it translates to the words “which,” “that,” or “who.” It applies to describing someone or something.

What is a French sport?

Some of the most popular French sports include football (soccer), tennis, cycling, handball, basketball, and rugby.

What is the French word for netball?

Netball is a bit like basketball, and it’s often played by women. Le netball ressemble un peu au basket, et est souvent pratiqué par des femmes.

What is the meaning of handball in French?

1. (= game) handball m. to play handball jouer au handball. Football) (= offence) faute f de main.

How tall is the NBA rim?

The rims have always been 10-feet high since James Naismith posted 13 rules for a game he called “Basket Ball” in a Springfield, Mass., YMCA gym in 1891. The average height for men during that time, however, was 5-foot-6. Now, your average NBA player is 6-foot-7.

How tall is a basketball goal?

Throughout gyms, parks, and driveways around the world, basketball hoops are almost always 10 feet (3 meters) off the ground. Some leagues for young children play on shorter hoops, but from junior high schools through the professional leagues, the game is played on hoops of the standard 10-foot height.

Is it called a basketball goal or hoop?

Basketball goal and basketball hoop are two terms which are often used interchangeably. … Technically, the goal or hoop refers to the orange rim that is mounted to the backboard, but in common language, the terms are used when people are referring to the complete sets that make up basketball systems.
