What Is The Meaning Of Argots?


: the language used by a particular type or group of people : an often more or less secret vocabulary and idiom peculiar to a particular group He has been bombarded by thousands of scathing messages—known as being “flamed” in the argot of cyberspace.—

What is argot and example?

noun. 4. The definition of argot is a special or secret language or jargon used by two or more people. An example of argot is pig latin.

What is the purpose of argot?

An argot is a secret language used by various groups—including, but not limited to, thieves and other criminals—to prevent outsiders from understanding their conversations.

What are the examples of jargon?

Some examples of jargon include:

  • Due diligence: A business term, “due diligence” refers to the research that should be done before making an important business decision.
  • AWOL: Short for “absent without leave,” AWOL is military jargon used to describe a person whose whereabouts are unknown.

What is a jargon sentence?

Jargon is the term for specialized or technical language that is only understood by those who are members of a group or who perform a specific trade. … Writers sometimes use jargon to appeal to a specific group, or to embed a hidden meaning behind their writing that only certain groups would understand.

What is using jargon?

Jargon is a literary term that is defined as the use of specific phrases and words in a particular situation, profession, or trade. … The use of jargon becomes essential in prose or verse or some technical pieces of writing, when the writer intends to convey something only to the readers who are aware of these terms.

What does patois mean in French?

The term patois comes from Old French patois, ‘local or regional dialect‘ (originally meaning ‘rough, clumsy or uncultivated speech’), possibly from the verb patoier, ‘to treat roughly’, from pate, ‘paw’ or pas toit meaning ‘not roof’ (homeless), from Old Low Franconian *patta, ‘paw, sole of the foot’ -ois.

What is cant an example of?

Cant is an example of an argot or cryptolect, a characteristic or secret language used only by members of a group, often used to conceal the meaning from those outside the group.

What is the difference between jargon and argot?

Argot is a secret language used by various groups—including, but not limited to, thieves and other criminals—to prevent outsiders from understanding their conversations. Jargon is terminology which is especially defined in relationship to a specific activity, profession, group, or event.

What is jargon communication?

Jargon is the language of specialized terms used by a group or profession. It’s common shorthand among experts and used sensibly can be a quick and efficient way of communicating.

What is taboo in English?

taboo. noun. English Language Learners Definition of taboo (Entry 2 of 2) : a rule against doing or saying something in a particular culture or religion. : something that is not acceptable to talk about or do : something that is taboo.


How do you use Argot in a sentence?

Argot in a Sentence ?

  1. The old woman could not understand the argot her granddaughter used to communicate with her friends.
  2. When I listened to the profane argot in the rap song, I was offended by the language.
  3. James was penalized for using street argot in his formal writing assignments.

Whats does arrogant mean?

1 : exaggerating or disposed to exaggerate one’s own worth or importance often by an overbearing manner an arrogant official. 2 : showing an offensive attitude of superiority : proceeding from or characterized by arrogance an arrogant reply.

What is the connotation of home?

noun. the associated or secondary meaning of a word or expression in addition to its explicit or primary meaning: A possible connotation of “home” is “a place of warmth, comfort, and affection.” the act of connoting; the suggesting of an additional meaning for a word or expression, apart from its explicit meaning.

Where does the word epistolary come from?

The word epistolary is derived from Latin from the Greek word ἐπιστολή epistolē, meaning a letter (see epistle). The epistolary form can add greater realism to a story, because it mimics the workings of real life.

What is cant speak?

1 : to talk hypocritically canted about brotherly love. 2 : to speak in cant or jargon The thieves were canting among themselves. 3 : to talk or beg in a whining or singsong manner bade me cant and whine in another place— Samuel Johnson.

What does CAN NOT MEAN?

: can not. cannot but or cannot help but or less commonly cannot help. : to be unable to do otherwise than we cannot but wonder why I cannot help feeling sorry for them.

What is Crasis patois?

(ˈkreɪsɪs) n, pl -ses (-siːz) (Phonetics & Phonology) the fusion or contraction of two adjacent vowels into one.

Who should use jargon?

To specialized audiences, jargon is precise and marks professionals in the discipline. The terms are somewhat obscure and often intimidating to others. Jargon, as a negative term refers to wordy, ponderous, inflated phrasing used by writers to make their ideas sound profound and their prose sound impressive.

Why you should not use jargon?

At best, jargon risks confusing the audience through wordiness or the use of obscure terms. At worst, it completely defeats the intent of the writer to communicate with clarity. Therefore, you should generally avoid using jargon unless you define the words for your readers who may not understand them.

Is jargon good or bad?

Jargon can serve an important and necessary function in language. … These groups use language to define themselves and help them to recognize their own. Besides being a part of a group’s brand, jargon is also often a useful style of shorthand that allows experts in a narrow field to converse quickly.
