What Is The Meaning Of Alkalde?


Scottish. : throat, windpipe —used especially of the horse.

What’s the meaning of Alcalde?

: the chief administrative and judicial officer or the mayor of a town in a Spanish-speaking country or region.

Is Alcalde masculine or feminine?

feminine nounfeminine noun alcaldesa.

What is the meaning of Ayuntamiento?

1 : the municipal council or governing body of a town or city in Spain or the former Spanish colonies. 2 : a town hall in Spain or the former Spanish colonies.

What is the meaning of Regidores?

: one of the body of officers charged with the government of a Spanish or Latin American municipality and corresponding to the English alderman.

What is the meaning of Bailie?

1 chiefly dialectal : bailiff. 2 : a Scottish municipal magistrate corresponding to an English alderman.

What is a Ninnyhammer?

noun. a fool or simpleton; ninny.

What does Muckspout mean?

“Muckspout – One who swears too much

What part of the body is a Thrapple?

Yes, your thrapple is located in the neck region right below your phiz. Or pinna. This one is not so obscure—it’s the “largely cartilaginous projecting portion of the external ear.” We all know the earlobe;pinna is everything else. Pinna can also refer to other projecting body part—such as a feather, a wing, or a fine.

What is Kapitan English?

1. ( Naut, Mil) captain; (esp auf kleinerem Schiff) skipper (inf)

What do pueblos mean?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1a : the communal dwelling of an American Indian village of Arizona, New Mexico, and adjacent areas consisting of contiguous flat-roofed stone or adobe houses in groups sometimes several stories high. b : an American Indian village of the southwestern U.S.

What is a Spanish Corregidor?

Corregidor, (Spanish: “magistrate,” literally “corrector”), Spanish government official, first appointed by King Alfonso XI of Castile in the 14th century and later extended to Spanish colonies in America. The corregidores were administrators of cities and districts with both administrative and judicial powers.

What is a Bedswerver?

Bedswerver. Definition: “One that is false to the bed; one that ranges or swerves from one bed to another.” (


Is ninny an insult?

ninny Add to list Share. Use the word ninny for someone who’s incredibly foolish — in other words, a dope or a nitwit. … Ninny is apt for someone who’s silly and stupid, but it’s also insulting and should be used with care.

Is kerfuffle a real word?

Kerfuffle is a humorous-sounding word for a mostly non-humorous situation: some kind of disturbance, scandal or mess.

What does Bally mean in English?

euphemism for bloody, adjective, adverb.

What is a Scottish Bailie?

Scottish: status name for one of the senior members of a city council, or (earlier) the chief magistrate in a barony, Older Scots baili. Etymologically, this is the same word as Bailey, but the functions as well as the spelling of the two officials were different in England and Scotland.

What does the name Bailey mean for a girl?

Bailey Origin and Meaning

The name Bailey is a girl’s name meaning “law enforcer, bailiff”.

What are the responsibilities of the Regidores?

The responsibilities of a regidor are: To participate in council session and administer the interests of the municipality. To exert faculties of inspection and oversee the branches of public administration. To obtain information from the municipal president regarding the services offered by the different dependencies.

What is the meaning of Audiencia?

Audiencia, in the kingdoms of late medieval Spain, a court established to administer royal justice; also, one of the most important governmental institutions of Spanish colonial America. In Spain the ordinary judges of audiencias in civil cases were called oidores and, for criminal cases, alcaldes de crimen.

What is the purpose of Ayuntamiento?

The ayuntamiento was the principal governing body of Spanish municipalities. It functioned as the town council and had a wide range of administrative duties. Its size varied and was generally based on the population of the town.
