What Is The Difference Between A Holistic Dentist And A Regular Dentist?


If you are interested in alternative medicine, a holistic dentist is a good choice. Since they are licensed and trained dentists, they can provide needed services while using alternative techniques and natural remedies. If you are surgery adverse, a holistic dentist uses surgery as a last resort.

Are holistic dentists real dentists?

Essentially, holistic dentists are general dentists who use holistic techniques. Some may combine these techniques with conventional methods. But overall, their approach to oral care involves alternative treatments.

Do holistic dentists use anesthesia?

Holistic dentists generally use the same kind of anesthesia as conventional dentists — although many have a naturopathic doctor on staff who runs an IV with vitamin C to help the body fight the stress of the procedure.

What fillings do holistic dentists use?

As such, holistic dentists recommend the use of white fillings instead of mercury fillings. White fillings are made from composite material, which is not only safer, but also less visible in the mouth.

Why do holistic dentist not use fluoride?

Most mainstream dentists use and recommend fluoride toothpaste and fluoride treatments. However, holistic dentists do not generally recommend or use fluoride at all. … This is because fluoride itself is actually poisonous to the human body, and the human mouth lining is extremely absorbent.

Why do holistic dentists not do root canals?

A holistic approach to dentistry avoids root canals whenever possible. They represent a stress on the immune system that can manifest in many ways throughout the body. In the past few months we have received several questions about ozone therapy for dental problems.

How do I find a holistic dentist?

You can go to the website for the Holistic Dental Association, and type in your zip code, or you can call 800-794-7437. You’ll be connected with a live operator, 24/7, who will match you with a nearby holistic dentist according to your exact needs.

Do holistic dentists use fluoride?

Most mainstream dentists use and recommend fluoride toothpaste and fluoride treatments. However, holistic dentists do not generally recommend or use fluoride at all.

What does holistic doctor do?

They provide medical solutions to alleviate a disease. A holistic doctor treats the body as one. They aim to find the cause behind the disease, instead of just fixing the symptoms. This could require multiple therapies.

What is a holistic approach?

A holistic approach means to provide support that looks at the whole person, not just their mental health needs. The support should also consider their physical, emotional, social and spiritual wellbeing. … A holistic approach focusses on a person’s wellness and not just their illness or condition.

What is the healthiest tooth filling?

Amalgam Tooth Fillings (Silver Fillings)

One of the most common and durable tooth fillings is amalgam (silver) fillings. Dentists have used this type of filling for many years, especially on back teeth. This type of filling is very durable and can withstand chewing pressure for well over a decade.

Do crowns rot your teeth?

In conclusion, crowns are long lasting. However, just like anything else made by people, they will eventually wear out. Decay under a crown is a common way that a crown eventually fails. Early detection of decay at the edges of a crown reduces the amount of destruction of tooth caused by decay.


Are resin fillings toxic?

Fortunately, composite resin fillings are, in general, less toxic than they ever have been. And many people enjoy that they’re tooth-colored. Early on, composite resin often contained toxic components that leaked into the oral cavity and into the bloodstream.

Why are root canals bad?

This is usually caused by deep decay (cavities) or through a chip or crack in the enamel of your tooth. This infection in the pulp can spread down through the root canals of your teeth into your gums forming an abscess — a very severe and painful infection that can spread to your heart or brain, endangering your life.

What is smart certified dentist?

SMART-certification signifies that a dentist has completed the IAOMT’s educational program about rigorous recommendations for removing existing dental mercury amalgam fillings.

What is a biomimetic dentist?

Biomimetic dentistry is a branch of restorative dentistry that uses treatments to maintain and save the natural tooth structure using materials that mimic your natural teeth. Biomimetic dentists actively work to avoid damaging the tooth structure with certain procedures.

What do holistic dentists do for root canals?

To relieve this pain, Holistic Dentists offers root canal treatments to remove the infected nerves but offers herbal alternatives and we will do anything to avoid a dead tooth.

What is the holistic alternative to a root canal?

The most common holistic alternatives to root canals are: Zirconia implants: These biocompatible tooth restorations provide unparalleled stability, function, and feel. They are used to replace your natural tooth root and are topped with a natural-looking crown.

Why do dentists recommend root canals?

Root canals are needed for a cracked tooth from injury or genetics, a deep cavity, or issues from a previous filling. Patients generally need a root canal when they notice their teeth are sensitive, particularly to hot and cold sensations.

Why you shouldn’t use fluoride?

Now: Fluoride toothpaste is typically not recommended for children younger than six years old. If a child swallows fluoride toothpaste, they may develop fluorosis, which interferes with the development of tooth enamel and can cause white spots or streaks on the teeth.

What happens to teeth without fluoride?

“Previous research indicates that without the presence of optimal levels of fluoride in drinking water, and thus in the mouth and saliva, teeth may form with weaker enamel and lack the ability to remineralize early signs of decay,” the study researchers warn.

Why do dentists recommend fluoride?

Fluoride helps prevent tooth decay by making the tooth more resistant to acid attacks from plaque bacteria and sugars in the mouth. It also reverses early decay.

What is the least toxic dental filling?

Composite resin fillings (also known as white fillings) are a type of filling made of glass or quartz within a resin medium that produces a tooth-colored material. They are used to fill cavities, restore tooth decay, and prevent further decay. Composite fillings are BPA-free, non-toxic, and completely safe.
