What Is The Definition Of Patient When It Is Used As A Noun?


The verb patient means having an ability or willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay.

Is patience a common noun?

Answer: Patience is an Abstract Noun.

Is patient abstract noun?

Answer: The abstract noun for patient is Patience. It cannot be seen but we feel it. Patience is a personal attitude of someone.

What words are abstract nouns?

Love, fear, anger, joy, excitement, and other emotions are abstract nouns. Courage, bravery, cowardice, and other such states are abstract nouns. Desire, creativity, uncertainty, and other innate feelings are abstract nouns. These are just a few examples of non-concrete words that are sensed.

Which is not abstract noun?

What is a concrete noun? A concrete noun identifies something material and non-abstract, such as a chair, a house, or an automobile. Think about everything you can experience with your five senses: smell, touch, sight, hearing, or taste.

How do you turn a patient into a noun?

patient is an adjective and a noun, patiently is an adverb, patience is a noun:Be patient with the baby. That doctor has many patients.

What type of word is but?

But is a conjunction.

What kind of noun is patients?

“Patients” Is Always a Noun

As a noun, a “patient” receives medical treatment. As an adjective, “patient” means tolerant. In other words, it is the adjective of the noun “patience.” This is the root of the confusion between the words “patients” and “patience.”

Are there two ways to spell patient?

The words “patience” and “patients” are homophones: They sound the same but have very different meanings. The noun “patience” refers to the ability to wait or endure hardship for a long time without becoming upset. The noun “patients” is the plural form of “patient”—someone who receives medical care.

How do you say someone is patient?


  1. calm.
  2. forgiving.
  3. gentle.
  4. quiet.
  5. tolerant.
  6. long-suffering.
  7. understanding.
  8. accommodating.

What is the verb 3 of patient?

The third-person singular simple present indicative form of be patient is is patient or are patient. The present participle of be patient is being patient. The past participle of be patient is been patient.

Is patient first open?

All Patient First medical centers are open every day of the year from 8 am to 8 pm – including weekends and holidays.


How do you spell patient with me?

There’s room for confusion here, so let’s make this simple: You can be patient, because patient is an adjective; You can have patience, because patience is a noun; You can be patience personified, but it’s not very easy to achieve; You can’t have patient; Patients is the plural of the noun patient, a person who is …

What is the noun of lazy?

laziness ˈlā-​zē-​nəs noun. lazyish ˈlā-​zē-​ish adjective.

What part of grammar is but?

In the English language, the word “but” is also used for multiple purposes. It can serve as a conjunction, a preposition, an adverb, or a noun in sentences. This word is commonly categorized under conjunctions because it can connect two clauses together and form a single sentence.

What can I say instead of but?


  • although.
  • however.
  • nevertheless.
  • on the other hand.
  • still.
  • though.
  • yet.

What is but in grammar?

The word but is one of the seven coordinating conjunctions in English (the others are and, or, so, for, nor, and yet). It’s used to connect two statements that contrast or contradict each other in some way.

What’s the difference between patient and patient?

Patience is a noun and is a human character trait. Its adjective form is patient. Patients is the plural form of patient. … A patient refers to someone who is receiving medical care.

What is the noun of senior?

senior. An old person. Someone seen as deserving respect or reverence because of their age.

What is the antonyms of patient?


5 impatient, agitated.

How do you identify an abstract noun?

An abstract noun is a noun that cannot be perceived using one of the five senses (i.e., taste, touch, sight, hearing, smelling). Look at the examples below: We can’t imagine the courage it took to do that. Courage is an abstract noun because it cannot be seen, heard, tasted, touched, or smelled.

Is importance an abstract noun?

What type of word is ‘importance’? Importance is a noun – Word Type.

Is money an abstract noun?

Money in the bank has no such discriminating features; it is just an abstract number. … Money in the bank is an abstract number.
