What Is The Best Way To Study For Multiple Choice Exams?


What is the best way to study for multiple choice exams?

How to ace multiple choice tests

  1. Read very carefully. Take the time to carefully read each question and answer choice. …
  2. Come up with your own answer. …
  3. Look for common types of wrong answers. …
  4. Eliminate answers in two rounds. …
  5. Do not obsess over your choices. …
  6. Manage your time. …
  7. Answer every question. …
  8. 7 ways to cope with exam stress.

What is the most common answer on a multiple choice test?

In multiple-choice questions, first, B and E are the most likely answers in 4- and 5-option questions, respectively and, second, same answer is least likely to be repeated in the next question.

Is C usually the correct answer?

The idea that C is the best answer to choose when guess-answering a question on a multiple choice test rests on the premise that ACT answer choices are not truly randomized. In other words, the implication is that answer choice C is correct more often than any other answer choice.

Why am I so bad at multiple choice tests?

Students perform poorly on multiple choice exams for a multiplicity of reasons: lack of understanding of the doctrines being tested, not being “test wise,” poor exam construction, to name just a few. It was necessary to find a way to separate out these different strands.

How do I pass a multiple choice exam without studying?

Here are a few of Poundstone’s tactics for outsmarting any multiple-choice test:

  1. Ignore conventional wisdom. …
  2. Look at the surrounding answers. …
  3. Choose the longest answer. …
  4. Eliminate the outliers.

Can I study for a final in one day?

It’s possible to revise for an exam in a day. This plan partly relies on the strength of your lecture notes and attendance throughout the course.

Are multiple choice exams hard?

Despite these factors, however, multiple choice exams can actually be very difficult and are in this course. … Multiple choice exams also usually expect students to have a greater familiarity with details such as specific dates, names, or vocabulary than most essay exams do.

How do you cheat on MCQ exams?

All of the Above – how to cheat Multiple Choice questions

  1. Skip the hard questions, mark them with a cross, and go back to them. …
  2. If in doubt choose ‘C’, poor questions designers do not truly randomise the right options and have a bias towards ‘C’. …
  3. If in doubt choose the ‘longest option’.

How many multiple choice questions are there in an hour?

The Statistics test allows students one hour to answer 14 items each with stems of five or six sentences in length. Each item involves answering a number of embedded questions (3 to 8 questions in each). Guessing is not necessarily a problem.

What are the odds of guessing on a multiple choice test?

For every question, there are two outcomes: Either you answer correctly or you don’t. If you pick a random answer, the probability of guessing the right answer is one out of four, 1/4, or 0.25. Consequently, the probability of guessing wrong is a lot higher at 3/4 or 0.75.

Is 3 days enough to revise for an exam?

Ideally, studying should start at least five days in advance of the exam to allow students an ample amount of time to go over course concepts and materials, and reach out to their instructor or peers if they find they have any questions. … Organize specific blocks of time on days 1, 2, 3, and 4 for review sessions.

How can I memorize faster?

How to Memorize More and Faster Than Other People

  1. Prepare. …
  2. Record What You’re Memorizing. …
  3. Write Everything Down. …
  4. Section Your Notes. …
  5. Use the Memory Palace Technique. …
  6. Apply Repetition to Cumulative Memorization. …
  7. Teach It to Someone. …
  8. Listen to the Recordings Continuously.

What should I do 1 hour before an exam?

  1. Relax. It is essential to keep yourself stress-free and calm before an exam, as stress only serves to impair memory and paralyze you during the exam. …
  2. Eat Fibre Rich Foods. Watching what you eat is extremely important, especially right before an examination. …
  3. Exercise. …
  4. Confirm you have everything. …
  5. Be on time.

How can I cheat in exam?

11 Exam Cheating Tricks

  1. Smartphone. This could just be the golden age of cheating in tests due to the technology that’s readily available to students these days. …
  2. Music Player. …
  3. Fingernail. …
  4. Brim of a Cap. …
  5. Hidden Notes on Thigh. …
  6. Tissue. …
  7. Impressions on Blank Paper. …
  8. Mirror Glasses.

How can I cheat on an online test?

10 Unique Ways Students Cheat in Online Exams

  1. Screen Sharing / Reflection. …
  2. Using High Tech Equipment. …
  3. Mobile Phones. …
  4. Auto Coding Software. …
  5. Navigation Offers. …
  6. Impersonation. …
  7. Use of External Devices. …
  8. Their family & friends are present in the room.

How do you pass a multiple choice math test?

Multiple-Choice Test Taking Tips and Strategies

  1. Read the entire question. …
  2. Answer it in your mind first. …
  3. Eliminate wrong answers. …
  4. Use the process of elimination. …
  5. Select the best answer. …
  6. Read every answer option. …
  7. Answer the questions you know first. …
  8. Make an educated guess.

How do you study secretly?

Studying doesn’t have to be hard. In fact, there are plenty of simple methods that exist which simplify the entire process.

  1. Chew gum. The act of chewing gum is actually a brain booster. …
  2. Control your focus. …
  3. Download study apps. …
  4. Eat. …
  5. Search online. …
  6. Jazz up your notes. …
  7. Memory aids. …
  8. Mnemonic Devices.

What are 3 memory strategies?

Whether used by teachers or students, memory strategies, such as elaboration, mental imagery, mnemonics, organization, and rehearsal, are helpful in remembering information.

Is 6 days enough to study for an exam?

Preparing for Test That’s Six Days Away

Your test is coming up in six days, and thankfully, you’re ahead of the game because for you, cramming for a test is a huge no-no. By giving yourself six days to prepare, you’ve done yourself a big favor.

Can you study for an exam in 2 days?

Studying for an exam is a piece of cake, even if you only have a few days to prepare. That’s plenty of time, considering many people think studying for an exam involves cramming just minutes before the exam starts. … It’s entirely possible to study for an exam in just a handful of days.

What are the odds of failing a multiple choice exam?

A multiple choice exam has 175 questions. Each question has 4 possible answers. Only 1 answer out of the 4 possible answers is correct. The pass rate for the exam is 70% (123 questions must be answered correctly).

Should you guess on a test?

If you’re between guessing and leaving a question blank, you should always guess. There is no penalty for guessing on the SAT or the ACT, so you have nothing to lose – and maybe even a point to gain!
