What Is The Best Time Of Day To Catch Redfish?


If you want to know how to catch big redfish, live baits like mullet, croakers and mud minnows are the top presentation. “In early fall, mullet congregate around the jetties for their spawn, coinciding with the bull reds running. Typically, a 4- to 8-inch mullet works, but it’s a trade-off.

What is the best artificial bait for redfish?

10 Best Redfish Baits & Lures Right Now

  • 1) Shrimp. …
  • 2) Crab. …
  • 3) Weedless Spoon. …
  • 4) Skimmer Jig. …
  • 5) Soft-Plastic Jig. …
  • 6) Soft Plastic Swimbait. …
  • 7) Soft Plastic Jerkbait. …
  • 8) Plastic Shrimp.

What size hook is best for redfish?

The best all around hook size for catching keeper size redfish is a 1/0 circle or j hook. A 1/0 hook size is stout enough to bring in a slot sized redfish without straightening out but is small enough to catch the smaller redfish too.

What is a red fish’s favorite food?

In summer and fall, adult redfish feed on shrimp, crabs, and mullet. In winter and spring, adults primarily feed on mullet, pinfish, sea robin, lizardfish, Atlantic croaker, and marine worms among others.

How deep do you fish for redfish?

You can catch redfish from just about any water depth from 6 inches in the back country shallows to more than 100 feet deep when you are fishing the offshore reefs, wrecks and oil rigs.

Do redfish feed at night?

Speckled trout and redfish come to the lights because their food (minnows, crabs, and shrimp) come to lights. A friend and veteran Alabama Gulf Coast angler, Robert Dobson of Foley, gives us some good night fishing tips for when we want to get in a little after-dark fishing. “I use artificials at night,” Dobson says.

Where do redfish like to feed?

As with striped bass, larger red drum roam the surf just beyond the breakers. The biggest fish will also school in deeper holes and patrol channel edges throughout bays. Really big redfish can handle stiff currents and are often found feeding in inlets, harbor mouths and river mouths.

Where do redfish like to hang out?

On the right tide, you can sight cast to redfish lurking in really shallow water. The sight of a redfish tail sticking out of shallow water, which 20 minutes before the tide came in was dry land, is a great experience. You can also catch the fish here in channels and bays, targeting oyster beds or other structures.

What size hooks for red snapper?

“One of the best baits for big snapper is a big ribbonfish, 1½ to 2 feet long. Hook it through the eyes because a snapper’s going to eat it head-first. But a 6-inch live pogy is just as good as anything,” says Pellegrin, who fishes both baits on a 7/0 Mustad circle hook. That’s his best hook for red snapper.


Do you need a leader for redfish?

Having a good leader line with strong knots is absolutely essential for inshore anglers who want to land big snook, redfish, trout, tarpon, etc. However, many inshore anglers simply have never been taught how to make their own leaders, or in many cases, they were taught an inferior way to tie leaders.

Are redfish bottom feeders?

Redfish Fishing Bait

A redfish’s diet consists mostly of smaller fish, shrimp, clams, worms, and crabs. They’re primarily bottom feeders, but can be aggressive and feed much higher in the water column if the opportunity arises.

Is redfish good to eat?

It can be perfectly safe for you to eat redfish, as long as you make sure it’s properly cooked through and you don’t eat more than the recommended guidelines suggest. Redfish can be a tasty alternative to several other species of fish and can be an easy one to catch if you’re fishing in the right spots.

Can you keep a 35 inch red drum?

Recreational fisherman may retain only one Red Drum over 30 inches TL. Five fish per person daily bag limit, 16 inches minimum total length; not more than one exceeding 27 inches. … Take or possession of red drum in federal waters is prohibited.

What is considered a big redfish?

Redfish can get pretty big, over 50″ in length. 16 inches is the minimum total length to keep a redfish. Five fish per person is the daily bag limit with not more than one exceeding 27 inches.

What kind of lures do redfish like?

Best Lures for Redfish

  • Rapala Saltwater Skitter Walk (Topwater)
  • Shimano Suspending Waxwing (Subsurface Wobbler)
  • Sebile Splasher (Topwater)
  • MirrOlure 17MR-18 (Suspending Jerkbait)
  • Halco Hamma 105 (Topwater)
  • Yo-Zuri Crystal 3-D Minnow Jointed (Floating Jerkbait)
  • LiveTarget Mullet Twitchbait (Floating Jerkbait)

What is good bait for red snapper?

We recommend cigar minnows and pilchards for shiny, eye-catching fish. Pilchards are basically larger sardines, so buy them specifically for bigger fish like red snappers. Drop these live baits deep down with a heavy-duty pole and you may be able to coax some heavy hitters out of holes and deep covered areas.
