What Is Submental Triangle?


The submental triangle is the only unpaired triangle of the anterior triangle of the neck. It is limited by the body of the hyoid bone and the anterior bellies of the digastric muscle. The mylohyoid muscles form the floor of the submental space.

What is medical term for under the chin?

below the chin.

What does maxilla mean in medical terms?

Medical Definition of maxilla

1 : jaw sense 1a. 2a : an upper jaw especially of humans or other mammals in which the bony elements are closely fused. b : either of two membrane bone elements of the upper jaw that lie lateral to the premaxillae and that in higher vertebrates including humans bear most of the teeth.

What does zygomatic mean?

Zygomatic bone: The part of the temporal bone of the skull that forms the prominence of the cheek. … The word “zygomatic” comes from the Greek “zygon” meaning a yoke or crossbar by which two draft animals such as oxen could be hitched to a plow or wagon.

What does interproximal mean?

Medical Definition of interproximal

: situated, occurring, or used in the areas between adjoining teeth interproximal space.

What is another name for your chin?

Chin: Medically, the mentum. The lower portion of the face below the lower lip including the prominence of the lower jaw and the line of fusion of the two separate halves of the jawbone (mandible).

Why does mental mean chin?

The size and shape of the bones making up this structure are responsible for the size and shape of a person’s chin. Synonyms of mental protuberance include mental process and protuberantia mentalis. Mental in this sense derives from Latin mentum (chin), not mens (mind), source of the more common meaning of mental.

Can you feel submental nodes?

Swollen lymph nodes under the jaw or on either side of the neck may hurt when you turn your head in a certain way or you’re chewing food. They can often be felt simply by running your hand over your neck just below your jawline. They may be tender as well.

What causes submental fat?

An increase in submental fat is caused by a combination of factors, including genetics, aging, and weight gain. Submental fat can be particularly distressing because it creates the illusion that a person is overweight, even if the rest of the body is in peak shape.

What is the content of submental triangle?

Contents. It contains one or two lymph glands, the submental lymph nodes (three or four in number) and Submental veins and commencement of anterior jugular veins.

Does mental mean chin?

The word mentum refers to the chin, so mental can be used to mean “relating to the chin.”


Is the chin called mental?

The human chin (also known as the mental protuberance, mental eminence and, rarely, mental osseum, tuber symphyseos) refers to the forward pointed part of the anterior mandible (mental region) below the lower lip.

What is chin slang for?

Noun. chin (plural chins) The bottom of a face, (specifically) the typically jutting jawline below the mouth. (slang, US) Talk. (slang, Britain) A lie, a falsehood.

Is chin short for Chinese?

Chin is a surname. As a Chinese surname or Korean surname, it could originate from various Chinese characters (including 陳, 錢, and 秦), and it is also a surname in other cultures as well.

What constitutes a chin?

1 : the lower portion of the face lying below the lower lip and including the prominence of the lower jaw. 2 : the surface beneath or between the branches of the lower jaw. — see also take it on the chin. chin.

Why does under my chin feel tight?

Tightness in the jaw can result from stress, anxiety, inflammation, or injury. Overexerting the jaw — by chewing too much, for example — can also cause muscle tightness. The joint of the jaw, also called the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), is a ball-and-socket joint similar to that in the shoulder.

How can I tighten the skin under my chin?

Lift your chin toward the ceiling while moving your jaw forward. You’ll feel a little tightening under your chin. As your neck extends, the muscles in front relax while the side sternocleidomastoid muscles get a workout. Hold for 5 seconds then repeat the movement 10 times.

What do you call the fat under your chin?

A double chin, also known as submental fat, is a common condition that occurs when a layer of fat forms below your chin. A double chin is often associated with weight gain, but you don’t have to be overweight to have one. Genetics or looser skin resulting from aging may also cause a double chin.

What is gap teeth called in English?

A diastema (plural diastemata, from greek διάστημα, space) is a space or gap between two teeth. Many species of mammals have diastemata as a normal feature, most commonly between the incisors and molars. Diastemata are common for children and can exist in adult teeth as well.

What is interproximal contact?

in·ter·prox·i·mal con·tact

(in’tĕr-proks’i-măl kon’takt) Area of a tooth that contacts, usually mesially or distally, an adjacent tooth in the same arch.

What is the mental point?

The most anterior point of the midline of the chin.
