What Is Platinised Platinum?


A clouded or ill-defined mark of colour. …

What is the meaning of Adges?

Acronym. Definition. ADGES. Air Defence Ground Environment System (India)

What is the meaning of Illused?

transitive verb. : to use badly : maltreat, abuse.

What is called illusion?

The nature of illusions

Illusions are special perceptual experiences in which information arising from “real” external stimuli leads to an incorrect perception, or false impression, of the object or event from which the stimulation comes.

What is the purpose of an illusion?

Illusions can offer scientists new insights on how vision and the brain work — and are more than intriguing parlor tricks. “They widen the mental horizons and make it clear that things are a little different than they seem,” Bach said.

Has been ages Meaning?

It has been ages!: A lot of time has passed! It has been a long time! Many months have elapsed!

What does set foot mean?

to go to a place, especially when there is something special or unusual about you doing this. set foot on​/​in in: It was the first time she had set foot in the desert.

What is the meaning ages ago?

ages ago = a long time in the past.

What is the procedure of nebulization?

How to use a nebulizer

  1. Wash your hands well.
  2. Connect the hose to an air compressor.
  3. Fill the medicine cup with your prescription. …
  4. Attach the hose and mouthpiece to the medicine cup.
  5. Place the mouthpiece in your mouth. …
  6. Breathe through your mouth until all the medicine is used. …
  7. Turn off the machine when done.

Why is Platinised platinum used?

Platinized platinum is used in 4-electrode measurements, for example in myocardial impedance studies, because it is a simple way to increase the true surface area of the electrodes and to reduce the electrode polarization compared to shiny platinum. … The high frequency, small signal, interface impedance – A review.

Why platinum is used in she?

Platinum is an excellent catalyst for H+ reduction to H2 and H2 oxidation to H+. Therefore the SHE electrode is based off of a platinum electrode for that reaction. Platinum is robust (stable) and highly active, which is why it is used in that electrode.

What is platinum black hair color?

Garnier Olia shade 2.11, “Platinum Black,” is part of our Dark Platinum Collection. … It is one shade lighter than Olia 1.0 with cool tones. It provides 100% gray coverage and is best for anyone with natural hair between medium brown and black. This is the darkest shade in our Dark Platinum collection.

What is the synonym of set foot?

Synonyms for set foot in. access, enter, penetrate, pierce.


Is it set foot or step foot?

When you want to say that you refuse to enter some location, the traditional expression is not “step foot,” but “set foot”: “I refuse to set foot in my brother-in-law’s house while he lets his vicious pit bull run around inside.”

What does straight to the point mean?

to get straight (or “right”) to the point: to address the main subject directly, without deviation. idiom.

Is has been a while?

“It has been a while” is one way to indicate that time has passed since something happened. In informal English, “it has” is sometimes shortened to “it’s.” The apostrophe is needed because it shows where some letters were removed.

How do you reply to its been a while?

How have you been? The positive reply is usually Good, thanks, often followed by a similar question. In the UK people may say Yeah, good, thanks, and in the US people may say Real good, thanks.

What age is of age?

Being at the age of majority—that is, old enough by law to vote, marry, or sign legal agreements without one’s parents. Typically refers to age 18, the age of majority in the United States. Just because you’re of age doesn’t mean you’re suddenly versed in the ways of the world—you’re still just a kid.

Is what we see an illusion?

It is a fact of neuroscience that everything we experience is a figment of our imagination. One of the most important tools used by neuroscientists to understand how the brain creates its sense of reality is the visual illusion. …

What do illusions do to your brain?

Optical illusions occur because our brain is trying to interpret what we see and make sense of the world around us. Optical illusions simply trick our brains into seeing things which may or may not be real.

How do illusions affect behavior?

Illusions can happen to any of the senses, but the most common are optical illusions, because sight tends to override the other senses. Fortunately for us, our brain is able to accurately perceive stimuli most of the time, so illusions don’t affect our behavior too often.

What is human illusion?

In one sense, the main theme of the Being Human conference was “illusion.” Illusions occur when what we perceive does not match with the true state of the world. When our thoughts do not accurately reflect objective reality. Visual illusions make this obvious, and we usually enjoy them.

What is mental illusion?

Illusion: A perception that occurs when a sensory stimulus is present but is incorrectly perceived and misinterpreted, such as hearing the wind as someone crying. Everyone may occasionally experience an illusion. However, illusions are extraordinarily common in people suffering from schizophrenia.
