What Is Perusall App?


Perusall is an e-reader platform that allows students and faculty to annotate the assigned readings and engage the reading material in a style akin to social media posting. Students can write full comments, “like” comments, use hashtags, link URLs to their comments and even use emoticons.

How do I download Perusall?

Can I allow students to download the readings?

  1. Navigate to the Library panel on the course home page.
  2. Click to highlight a document, and then click the Edit button.
  3. Check the box to enable downloading of the file directly, then click Save.

How do I set up Perusall?

To create a standalone course, create an account at perusall.com; the onboarding process will walk you through course creation. To create a course that is integrated with your Learning Management System, read our documentation on setting up the integration. Then you will create the course through your LMS.

How do I access Perusall?

Open a web browser and navigate to https://app.perusall.com. 2. If you do not yet have a Perusall account, create one or log in using a social media account.

Does Perusall cost money?

The Perusall platform is free for students, instructors, and educational institutions. … Use Perusall with Open Educational Resources that you add from the web. Free. Use Perusall with books you adopt from our catalog of 400,000 titles from leading publishers.

How do you get a good grade on Perusall?

Research shows that by annotating thoughtfully, you’ll learn more and get better grades, so here’s what “annotating thoughtfully” means: Effective annotations deeply engage points in the readings, stimulate discussion, offer informative questions or comments, and help others by addressing their questions or confusions.

How do I become anonymous on Perusall?

To facilitate freer discussion of controversial topics, and to ease the concerns of students that might be worried about how others perceive a question or comment of theirs, students always have the option to post comments anonymously by clicking the appropriate icon in the toolbar when writing their comment.

Does Perusall grade automatically?

Each comment or question in Perusall is automatically scored by the system and rated as below expectations, meets expectations, or exceeds expectations. … Perusall will score all of the students’ comments and questions and use only the average score of their top-scoring annotations when computing their score.

Does Perusall save automatically?

Perusall’s nonadversarial and nondiscriminatory grading tries to get 100% of students 100% credit for being 100% prepared. Grades sync automatically with your LMS.

Why is Perusall free?

Perusall itself is free Readings you have rights to: drag and drop to perusall.com Books or articles for purchase: Perusall obtains content & permissions from publishers. Students usually pay less than for print version. What Happens When You’re Assigned Reading?

Is it possible to print from Perusall?

Printing is a feature of Perusall, but print functionality depends on the kind of document you are trying to print: You can print documents uploaded by your instructor if they have turned on the setting to allow the document to be downloaded.

How does Perusall make money?

Perusall generates more revenue and less cost for publishers without increasing the price to students (and without charging instructors). Publishers get nearly 100% sell-through, no resales, the ultimate solution to piracy, a larger impact on the learning experience, and more satisfied customers.


Is Perusall safe?

All student connections to Perusall servers are secured and encrypted with SSL. For additional security, the Perusall database is encrypted at rest. All of our server infrastructure is hosted in the cloud by companies that implement industry-standard practices for access management.

How do I use Perusall student?

What instructions can I provide to students?

  1. Go to perusall.com, click Login, and then either log in using your Facebook, Twitter, or Google account, or create an account using your email address and password.
  2. Select I am a student and enter the course code ____.

What is the Perusall algorithm?

Perusall includes an auto-scoring feature that grades student annotations with an algorithm. This can be a useful feature for providing a low-stakes grade around student engagement with the readings. Perusall grades can be accessed using the “Gradebook” link on the left sidebar.

How do I upvote on Perusall?

To upvote a comment, click the checkmark icon in the comment bubble. Upvoting tells the author of the comment that it helped your understanding. This provides some feedback to the author to tell them that you appreciate their efforts!

How do I start a conversation on Perusall?

To start a conversation, highlight some text; once you finish highlighting, you will see a panel open on the right where you can type your comment. Press Enter or Return to submit the comment; your classmates will see it appear in real time. (If you are having trouble highlighting text, see this page.)

How do you do annotations on Perusall?

You can start a new annotation thread in Perusall by highlighting text, asking a question, or posting a comment; you can also add a reply or comment to an existing thread. Each thread is like a chat with one or more members of your class, and it happens in real time.

How do you buy books on Perusall?

To order, contact [email protected] and include the following information: Name, author, edition, and ISBN of book that the instructor has adopted for their course. You can find this information in our catalog.

How do you annotate?

How do you annotate?

  1. Summarize key points in your own words.
  2. Circle key concepts and phrases.
  3. Write brief comments and questions in the margins.
  4. Use abbreviations and symbols.
  5. Highlight/underline.
  6. Use comment and highlight features built into pdfs, online/digital textbooks, or other apps and browser add-ons.

How do you highlight in Perusall?

As a workaround, you can always use the figure highlighting tool to either (1) click to drop a map pin anywhere on the page, or (2) click and drag to create a rectangular highlight anywhere on the page.

Can students upload to Perusall?

Upload Videos

Perusall will also allow you to add and assign videos from external websites, and students will be able to write annotations that correspond to a time code in the video.

Does Perusall work on iPad?

Perusall. Side note: it works on the web and on an iPad through a web browser.

What data does Perusall collect?

Perusall allows us to collect data on how much time students spend on each individual page of a reading assignment. Using these data, we can determine when a student makes it all the way through the assignment. We define a page as “read” when the time spent on that page is longer than 10 s and less than 20 min.
