What Is OUPH?


quile. Quile: To quieten down. Calm. Past tense: Quiled. The crowd has quiled down.

How do you spell OOPH?

Interjection. “Ooph!” Jeff grunted as I elbowed him in the rib.

What does umph mean in texting?

(Entry 1 of 2) —usually used to express skepticism or disgust.

Is Quil a word?

No, quil is not in the scrabble dictionary.

Is QUIB a word?

noun. A jibe, a taunt; a quip.

Is Qualled a word?

Simple past tense and past participle of æquall. Simple past tense and past participle of æqual.

What does quiff mean?

noun, plural quiff, quiffs. Slang. a woman, especially one who is promiscuous.

Is Gib a scrabble word?

Yes, gib is in the scrabble dictionary.

Is QUEY a scrabble word?

Yes, quey is in the scrabble dictionary.

What does Vim mean in text?

Vim is energy and enthusiasm. If you’ve got vim, then you probably pack a little extra oomph in your life! Vim is an odd-looking word, but it stands for a simple concept: being ready for activity, especially vigorous activity. Someone who is always playing sports or going on trips is full of vim.

What is the synonyms of zest?

In this page you can discover 54 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for zest, like: happiness, enthusiasm, pleasure, punch, tang, delight, passion, taste, cheer, delectation and satisfaction.

What is the full meaning of vitality?

1a : lively and animated character. b : power of enduring. 2a : the peculiarity distinguishing the living from the nonliving. b : capacity to live and develop also : physical or mental vigor especially when highly developed.

What are synonyms for wellness?

synonyms for wellness

  • wellbeing.
  • eudemonia.
  • fitness.
  • wholeness.
  • robustness.
  • shape.
  • strength.
  • vigor.

Is Dib a scrabble word?

Yes, dib is in the scrabble dictionary.

What does dibs mean in slang?

1 slang : money especially in small amounts. 2 : claim, rights I have dibs on that piece of cake.

What is wellness in one word?

: the quality or state of being in good health especially as an actively sought goal lifestyles that promote wellness.

What are 5 words that describe total wellness?


  • fitness,
  • health,
  • healthiness,
  • heartiness,
  • robustness,
  • sap,
  • soundness,
  • verdure,

What is a word for good health?

Some common synonyms of healthy are hale, robust, sound, well, and wholesome. While all these words mean “enjoying or indicative of good health,” healthy implies full strength and vigor as well as freedom from signs of disease.

What is vitality in writing?

1. vitality – an energetic style. verve. vim, muscularity, vigor, vigour, energy – an imaginative lively style (especially style of writing); “his writing conveys great energy”; “a remarkable muscularity of style”

What is male vitality?

Vitality is synonymous with energy. It can be felt when the body and mind are healthy and balanced. It enables us to stay sharp, perform well, and especially, to live life to the fullest. This feeling is the result of a set of complex factors, including lifestyle and health.
