What Is Meant By Unblemished?

What Is Meant By Unblemished?


1 : resembling a rose especially in color. 2 : overly optimistic : viewed favorably.

How do you spell Groady?

adjective, gro·di·er, gro·di·est. Slang. repulsive; disgusting; nauseating.

What part of speech is unfurl?

UNFURL (verb) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

Is it bad to unfurl a leaf?

If you help it unfurl, the leaf will expand but never normalize: it is wrinkled forever (which is my personal experience). This does not hurt the plant and often the plant continues growing as normal.

What’s the opposite of unfurl?

Unfurl is a more common word than its opposite, furl, which means “roll or fold.” The French origin is ferler, “to furl,” from the Old French roots fer, “firm” and lier, “bind.”

Is Grody a bad word?

adjective. Very unpleasant; disgusting.

Is Grody a name?

Irish: reduced form of MacGrody, an Anglicized form of Gaelic Mag Rodaigh ‘son of Rodach’, a personal name from rod ‘strong’. Polish: habitational name from any of various places called Grody, named with grody ‘castles’.

What does Grody mean in slang?

US slang. : disgusting, revolting

What is a Aeolian mean?

(Entry 1 of 4) 1 often capitalized : of or relating to Aeolus. 2 : giving forth or marked by a moaning or sighing sound or musical tone produced by or as if by the wind.

What is the word florid mean?

1a : very flowery in style : ornate florid prose florid declamations also : having a florid style a florid writer. b : elaborately decorated a florid interior. c obsolete : covered with flowers. 2a : tinged with red : ruddy a florid complexion.

What is carmine in English?

1 : a rich red to crimson pigment made from cochineal. 2 : a vivid red.

What does Unstain mean?

: not stained: such as. a : not discolored by a stain unstained clothing. b : not morally blemished or tainted an unstained reputation … a life unstained except by such spots as are inseparable from human nature …—

What is an unblemished record?

If you describe something such as someone’s record, reputation, or character as unblemished, you mean it has not been harmed or spoiled.

What do appeased mean?

transitive verb. 1 : pacify, conciliate especially : to make concessions to (someone, such as an aggressor or a critic) often at the sacrifice of principles appeased the dictator by accepting his demands Placaters, who try hard to appease others so as to keep the peace, fear getting hurt in some way. —


When did Grody become a word?

Popularized by Moon Unit Zappa in song “Valley Girl” (1982) in phrase “grody to the max”, as archetypal Southern California Valleyspeak; song also popularized “gag me with a spoon”.

How do you spell gross like disgusting?

When something is gross, it’s disgusting. The noun, a gross, is the complete amount (before expenses), and the verb “to gross” is to bring in money.

What does Gordy mean?

Americanized form of French Gourdeau, a topographic name from Old French gort ‘stretch of water rich in fish’.

What is Grody a combination of?

A zaddy seems to have that certain je ne sais quoi combining looks, confidence, and charm. The word seemed to find traction after the release of the single ‘Zaddy’ by the rapper Ty Dolla $ign in August 2016, a month before the September release of his mixtape, Campaign.

What does grody to the max mean?

Grody to the max

This phrase means that something (or someone) is absolutely disgusting, gross, volatile, unwanted, etc.

What is the meaning for gnarly?

1 : gnarled gnarly branches. 2 slang : very bad: such as. a : very difficult or challenging to deal with a gnarly problem gnarly conditions Having …

How do you speak unfurled?

Break ‘unfurled’ down into sounds: + – say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them. Record yourself saying ‘unfurled’ in full sentences, then watch yourself and listen. You’ll be able to mark your mistakes quite easily.

What is URL unfurling?

Unfurl takes a URL and expands (“unfurls”) it into a directed graph, extracting every bit of information from the URL and exposing the obscured. It does this by breaking up a URL up into components, extracting as much information as it can from each piece, and presenting it all visually.

What is the difference between hoist and unfurl?

Well, on Independence Day, the national flag is tied at the bottom and then pulled up. The Prime Minister hoists the tricolor. … However, on Republic Day, the flag is tied up on the top and is unfurled without pulling it up. This depicts that the country is already independent.


¡Ándale, ándale! = Go, go! Come on, come on!

Is Unfurrow a word?

Unfurrow meaning

(intransitive) To clear itself of furrows. To remove the furrows from.

What does Andelay mean in Spanish?

When showing agreement to a situation or proposal, it’s common to hear ‘ándale, pues’ or simply ‘andale’. Both expressions are translated as ‘okay‘, ‘fine’ or ‘alright’.

What’s vamanos mean?

and vámonos. . Both of these words are used to mean let’s go and they are both nosotros command forms of the verb ir.

Is Arriba a Mexican word?

Arriba is a Spanish word meaning “up” or “above” and may refer to: “Ala-arriba”, the motto of Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal.

What are whimpers?

1 : to make a low whining plaintive or broken sound. 2 : to complain or protest with or as if with a whimper. whimper.

How do you use whimper in a sentence?

Whimper sentence example

The puppy let out a plaintive whimper when the girl stepped on its foot. She started to groan with pleasure, but it came out more an eager whimper that sent a rush of heat to her face. The growl of a demoness was almost a whimper .

How do you use kitsch in a sentence?

Kitsch sentence example

  1. The furniture is somewhat a little kitsch but everything is clean and you feel like you’re in a little palace. …
  2. Second, they can provide a little whimsy and kitsch when life gets too serious. …
  3. Later artists parodied the excesses, producing religious kitsch loathsome to the austere Protestant ethic.

What does EI mean?

DEFINITIONS1. emotional intelligence: the ability to understand your own feelings and those of other people, and to consider other people’s feelings when making decisions. ‘Applying Emotional Intelligence’ is a must-read for anyone interested in EI and its application.

What does Orale mean in Spanish?

Órale is a common interjection in Mexican Spanish slang. It is also commonly used in the United States as an exclamation expressing approval or encouragement. The term has varying connotations, including an affirmation that something is impressive, an agreement with a statement (akin to “okay”) or distress.

What do appeased mean?

transitive verb. 1 : pacify, conciliate especially : to make concessions to (someone, such as an aggressor or a critic) often at the sacrifice of principles appeased the dictator by accepting his demands Placaters, who try hard to appease others so as to keep the peace, fear getting hurt in some way. —

What disassembled means?

1 : to come apart the frame disassembles into sections. 2 : disperse, scatter the crowd began to disassemble.


What is the meaning of unscarred?

Not marked with scars; hence, unwounded; unhurt: as, an unscarred veteran.

Why does a dog whimper?

Whimpering is a natural way for dogs to communicate, and is learned by puppies as they interact with their mothers. Most often, whimpering begins as a call for something that is needed, such as food. You may hear your dog whimper and whine in certain situations, or as a call to get a toy or attention.

What is a whimpering noise?

To whimper is to make a low, pitiful whining sound. If you’ve ever heard a sick puppy cry, you know what it means to whimper.

What is an example of whimpering?

A low volume crying sound is an example of a whimper. … To whimper is to make a low, soft feeble cry or sound usually because you are sad, in pain or otherwise unhappy. When you feel very sick and let out a very small cry of pain, this is an example of a time when you whimper.

What does it mean when a girl whimpers?

If someone whimpers, they make quiet unhappy or frightened sounds, as if they are about to start crying. She lay at the bottom of the stairs, whimpering in pain.

What is a snivel mean?

intransitive verb. 1 : to run at the nose. 2 : to snuff mucus up the nose audibly : snuffle. 3 : to cry or whine with snuffling. 4 : to speak or act in a whining, sniffling, tearful, or weakly emotional manner.

What language is vamanos?

Vámonos | Spanish to English Translation – SpanishDict.

Is vamanos a Spanish word?

When & How to Use ‘Vámonos’ in Spanish

In Spanish, you use ‘vámonos’ to tell your friends or companions that it is time for you all to leave the place where you are right now. Therefore, ‘vámonos’ could be either translated as ‘let’s leave’ or ‘let’s go’.

Which is correct Vamos or vamanos?

Usually “vámonos” would be used in a context in which you are leaving FROM a place, something like “Vámonos de este lugar” – “Let’s go from this place”. Regarding “vamos” would be used in a context in which you are going TO a place, something like “Vamos al cine” – “Let’s go to the movies”.

What happens when you appease someone?

To appease is to make anxious overtures and often undue concessions to satisfy the demands of someone with a greed for power, territory, etc.: Chamberlain tried to appease Hitler at Munich.
