What Is Meant By Super Chlorination?


When should I superchlorinate my pool? Chlorine pools should superchlorinate weekly to ensure proper sanitation of the water and prevent bacteria and algae growth. Superchlorination is recommended after heavy bather loads and/or heavy rain fall. Nature II Chlorine Pools can superchlorinate every 2 weeks or as needed.

Is Super chlorinate same as shock?

When you super-chlorinate your hot tub or pool (used interchangeably with ‘super shock‘), it needs to be done with chlorine or bromine. It, too, raises the chlorine levels. The difference is that when you super shock a pool, the amount of chlorine you add is nine times that of a shock treatment.

What is super chlorination and break chlorination?

Breakpoint chlorination refers to a method used specifically for the purpose of breaking apart and removing combined chlorine or chloramines. In the pool industry the ratio of chlorine to chloramine is 10 to 1. … Inorganic chloramines — these are molecules made of chlorine combined with: Ammonia.

How do you calculate super chlorination?

To find the amount of 12.5% Sodium Hypochlorite to use to reach a breakpoint, use the following formula.

  1. Amount of Chemical x Pool Volume ÷ by 10,000 Gallons x Adjustment Level = Total to Reach Breakpoint.
  2. 10.7 x 3 x 19 = 609.9 Ounces/4.76 Gallons of 12.5% Sodium Hypochlorite.

What are the advantages of breakpoint chlorination?

(1) It oxidizes complete organic matters, dissolved ammonia and other reducing particles. (2) It removes color (which is due to the presence of organic compounds). (3) It destroys (~ 100%) all the bacterias. (4) It removes bad odour and bad taste.

Does Super Shock have chlorine in it?

Pools with growing cyanuric acid levels may want to avoid Dichlor shock; each pound adds a small amount of cyanuric acid. In The Swim Cal Hypo pool shock is packaged in easy-opening 1 lb. bags, in a 65% Pool Shock or 73% Super Shock. … Chlorine-Free, Cal Hypo and Dichlor pool shocks are all available in 1 lb.

Can I add salt and shock at the same time?

As shocking has a tendency to push metals out of solution and salt (even when labeled as pure) can contain trace amounts of metals, it is recommended that you add salt at a different time from shocking.

Can you over shock a pool?

Can you put too much shock in a pool? SKIMMER NOTES: It’s unlikely but it could happen. It would take a lot of shock to really make the water unsafe for swimming. The best way to make sure you’re safe to swim is to test your pool water and make sure free chlorine levels are between 1-4ppm for healthy swimming.

What should my salt chlorinator be set at?

We suggest you start your salt chlorine generator at 50 percent output and run it for a couple of days, then check the chlorine level. In a balanced pool, a good chlorine level is 1-3 parts per million. If your chlorine levels are low, you can raise the percentage, and if it’s high you can lower the percentage.

Should you shock a saltwater pool?

Should you add shock to a salt water pool? It’s absolutely okay to shock your salt water pool, and is actually pretty important! Running your pool’s super-chlorinate feature too often is hard on the motor and will cause it to wear out faster.

When should I shock my pool?

The ideal time to shock your pool is in the evening after all swimming is complete. In the evening because the sun will not be boiling the chlorine out of your pool, and after everyone is done swimming because shocking is going to bring the chlorine level up to a level that may be irritating to skin and eyes.


What is double chlorination of water?

Double or Multiple Chlorination: Double or multiple chlorination refers to the application of chlorine to water at two or more points in the purification process. When raw water is highly contaminated and contains large amount of bacterial life, it becomes necessary to adopt double chlorination.

How much chlorine do you add to drinking water?

To disinfect water, add one part of the chlorine solution to each 100 parts of water you are treating. This is about the same as adding 1 pint (16 ounces) of the chlorine solution to 12.5 gallons of water.

What are the different forms of chlorination?

The different types of chlorine disinfection are batch disinfection, simple chlorination, super-chlorination followed by dechlorination, and shock chlorination. They vary in the amount of chlorine used.

How long after shock can you add salt?

The only time that it is important not to add salt is in the first 30 days after plaster is applied. Otherwise it is fine to go ahead and add salt. Run the pump for 24 hours after adding salt and turn off the SWG for those 24 hours.

Why did my pool turn green after I shocked it?

When shock chlorine oxidizes the copper, it turns green and that’s what you’re seeing in the pool. To get rid of it you’ll need to raise the pool’s calcium hardness by adding calcium chloride. The other culprit can be high levels of pollen.

What happens if you swim in a shocked pool?

If you enter the pool immediately following a chlorine pool shock treatment, you are risking as little as skin and eye irritation and as much as fatality. Shocking your swimming pool is necessary, but take caution when doing so.

Should I backwash after shocking pool?

Backwash only as needed. Brush the pool vigorously, several times after shocking the pool. Do not use a solar blanket until chlorine and pH level are normal. … Improve filtration with a pool filter cleaner or filter aid like Jack’s Filter Fiber.

Can I add shock and chlorine at the same time?

Adding chlorine besides the shock can increase the chlorine content in the water which can make the entire shocking process useless. Hence, it is better if you don’t use the shock and chlorine at the same time. The best time to add chlorine to the pool water is after you have shocked the pool.

Will chlorination be effective below breakpoint?

Chloramines are not as effective at disinfecting water as free chlorine due to a lower oxidation potential. … After the breakpoint, any additional chlorine added will result in a free chlorine residual proportional to the amount of chlorine added.

What are the disadvantages of chlorination?

The drawbacks of chlorination are:

  • Relatively low protection against protozoa.
  • Lower disinfection effectiveness in turbid waters.
  • Potential taste and odor objections.
  • Must ensure quality control of solution.
  • Potential long-term effects of chlorination by-products.

Does ammonia neutralize chlorine?

For each milligram of ammonia in the water it takes 10-15 mg of chlorine to react with it and get rid of it. The reaction between ammonia and chlorine is much faster than the rate that chlorine kills bacteria so you cannot use chlorine to disinfect water that contains ammonia.
