What Is Meant By Over Optimistic Expansion In Business?


Overoptimistic. Excessively optimistic. Excessively confident. (of a hope or belief) Foolishly optimistic.

What is a word for too optimistic?

Synonyms:aggrandise, aggrandize, exaggerate, overstate, play up, glorify, idealize, dignify, overplay, magnify.

Why does naive mean?

: having or showing a lack of experience or knowledge : innocent or simple. See the full definition for naive in the English Language Learners Dictionary. naive. adjective. na·​ive.

Is being naive good or bad?

Naivety is often seen as a bad thing. … Of course, you shouldn’t become so overly naive that you come across as ignorant. That might do more harm than good as ignoring your problems is never a good thing and you could also find yourself being taken advantage of.

When a person is very naive?

having or showing unaffected simplicity of nature or absence of artificiality; unsophisticated; ingenuous. having or showing a lack of experience, judgment, or information; credulous: She’s so naive she believes everything she reads.

What does Propitiously mean?

1 : favorably disposed : benevolent. 2 : being a good omen : auspicious propitious sign. 3 : tending to favor : advantageous.

What does pollyannaish mean?

Pollyannaish, often written in lowercase as pollyannaish, means “unrealistically optimistic.” If someone is acting Pollyannaish, then they are judged as showing an optimism that is extremely naive and unthinking. Pollyannaish is based on Pollyanna, a term for an excessively optimistic person.

Is optimistic positive or negative?

Optimism is generally a positive characteristic that confers a number of physical and mental health benefits. But this does not mean that is doesn’t have a few potential pitfalls. … Toxic positivity: Sometimes people tend to overvalue positive feelings while ignoring or even repressing negative ones.

What does panglossian mean in English?

Panglossian • pan-GLAH-see-un • adjective. : marked by the view that all is for the best in this best of possible worlds : excessively optimistic.

How do you describe a hopeful person?

If you’re hopeful about something, you’re optimistic. You think it’s going to turn out OK. … Hopeful comes from the word hope, meaning “optimism about a future event,” and the suffix -ful, meaning “full.” So if you’re hopeful, you’re full of hope: you think something good is going to happen.

How do you describe an egotistical person?

egotistical Add to list Share. Someone who is egotistical is full of himself, completely self-absorbed. … The prefix ego refers to a person’s sense of self, or self-importance. To be egotistical is to have an inflated view of your self-importance — basically to think you’re better than everyone else.

How do you deal with an optimistic person?

Practice tolerance.

You can’t force anyone to be less optimistic, so take an accepting and tolerant attitude when dealing with people that are. When they are still convinced that a plan will work even though everything indicates it won’t, just accept that their optimism is impervious and don’t let it upset you.


What causes optimism bias?

Many explanations for the optimistic bias come from the goals that people want and outcomes they wish to see. People tend to view their risks as less than others because they believe that this is what other people want to see. These explanations include self-enhancement, self-presentation, and perceived control.

What is the meaning of Hastile?

1a : of or relating to an enemy hostile fire. b : marked by malevolence : having or showing unfriendly feelings a hostile act.

What does luridly mean?

English Language Learners Definition of lurid

: causing shock or disgust : involving sex or violence in a way that is meant to be shocking. : shining or glowing with a bright and unpleasant color.

Is Pollyanna an insult?

The word Pollyanna has some highly negative connotations for positive people! The synonyms are less harsh: dreamer, hoper, idealist, positive thinker. Still, people use the name Pollyanna as an insult! True, overly positive people can be annoying.

Is being a Pollyanna a bad thing?

Although the tendency to be optimistic and find the silver lining is no doubt a desirable trait—and one that imparts benefits to our health and well-being to boot—to be a “Pollyanna” is generally not considered to be a good thing. … “An excessively cheerful or optimistic person” (emphasis added).

What does Felicitousness mean?

1 : very well suited or expressed : apt a felicitous remark handled the delicate matter in a most felicitous manner.

What is a propitiatory?

Definitions of propitiatory. adjective. intended to reconcile or appease. “sent flowers as a propitiatory gesture” synonyms: propitiative conciliative, conciliatory.

What is a good sentence for propitious?

1. They should wait for the most propitious moment between now and the next election. 2. It was not a propitious time to start a new business.

How do you deal with naive people?

Here are a few tips to help you say goodbye to being gullible and get a bit more clued up, without becoming disillusioned.

  1. Think before you speak or act. …
  2. Don’t be afraid of sitting on the fence. …
  3. Be over-cautious. …
  4. Be more present. …
  5. Listen attentively. …
  6. Do the research. …
  7. Continue to be trusting of other people.

What is the difference between naive and innocent?

Summary: 1. “Innocent” is the trait of a person who is uncorrupted by evil, malice, or wrongdoing while “naïve” is the trait of a person who is lacking in experience and is free from any cunning or treacherous thoughts. … Both “innocent” and “naïve” are characteristics that show a lack of the capacity to injure.

What is a naive person called?

One who is naïve may be called a naïf.
