What Is Homonyms Define With Examples Any Two?


Homonyms are words that have different meanings but are pronounced the same or spelled the same. The word homonym can be used as a synonym for both homophone and homograph. … There, their, and they’re are homophones. But so are bark (the sound a dog makes) and bark (the covering of a tree).

What are the 20 examples of Homographs?

20 example of homograph

  • Bear – To endure ; Bear – Animal.
  • Close – Connected ; Close – Lock.
  • Lean – Thin ; Lean – Rest against.
  • Bow – Bend forward ; Bow – Front of a ship.
  • Lead – Metal ; Lead – Start off in front.
  • Skip – Jump ; Skip – Miss out.
  • Fair – Appearance ; Fair – Reasonable.

What are Homographs examples?

The -graph in homograph means “written.” Homographs are words that are written the same—meaning they always have the same spelling—but have different meanings. … For example, tear (rhymes with ear) and tear (rhymes with air) are homographs. So are bear (the animal) and bear (the verb meaning “to carry”).

What is the homonyms of pair?

The words pair, pare, and pear are homophones: they sound the same but have different meanings. (In linguistic terms, these homophones are semantically unrelated.)

What are Hyponyms examples?

In simpler terms, a hyponym is in a type-of relationship with its hypernym. For example: pigeon, crow, eagle, and seagull are all hyponyms of bird, their hypernym; which itself is a hyponym of animal, its hypernym.

Can you give me some examples of homophones?

Some common examples of homophones, including the words used in a sentence, are: brake/break: When teaching my daughter how to drive, I told her if she didn’t hit the brake in time she would break the car’s side mirror. cell/sell: If you sell drugs, you will get arrested and end up in a prison cell.

Can you give me a list of Homographs?

Homograph Examples

  • agape – with mouth open OR love.
  • bass – type of fish OR low, deep voice.
  • bat – piece of sports equipment OR an animal.
  • bow – type of knot OR to incline.
  • down – a lower place OR soft fluff on a bird.
  • entrance – the way in OR to delight.
  • evening – smoothing out OR after sunset.
  • fine – of good quality OR a levy.

What is homonyms sentence?

homonym Add to list Share. Can you spot the homonyms in the sentence “The baseball pitcher drank a pitcher of water“? A homonym is a word that is said or spelled the same way as another word but has a different meaning. “Write” and “right” is a good example of a pair of homonyms.


What are homonyms words?

Homonyms may be words with identical pronunciations but different spellings and meanings, such as to, too, and two. Or they may be words with both identical pronunciations and identical spellings but different meanings, such as quail (the bird) and quail (to cringe).

What are the types of homonyms?

There are two types of homonyms: homophones and homographs.

  • Homophones sound the same but are often spelled differently.
  • Homographs have the same spelling but do not necessarily sound the same.

What are the 100 examples of homophones?

100 Examples of Homophones

  • abel — able.
  • accede — exceed.
  • accept — except.
  • addition — edition.
  • all ready — already.
  • 6.ax — acts.
  • axel — axle.
  • axes — axis.

What is homophones and examples?

A homophone is a word that sounds the same as another word but has a different meaning and/or spelling. “Flower” and “flour” are homophones because they are pronounced the same but you certainly can’t bake a cake using daffodils.

How can I learn homonyms?

How to learn homophones

  1. Link the words with others that you know:
  2. Look at the letter that is different. Think of a link that helps you remember the meaning. Draw pictures and write the words in a cross, like this:
  3. Look for small words within the main word:

What are two Homographs?

Homographs are words that have same spelling but can be used in different meanings and/or pronunciations. For examples – wind, bear, founded, wound, row, evening, bat etc… The usual pronunciation is similar to ‘I’ in the words ‘is’ or ‘in’. Wind means blowing air.

Is wind a homonym?

Wend and wind are two words that are pronounced the same way but are spelled differently and have different meanings, which makes them homophones.

What are homographs and homonyms?

Homophones are words that sound the same but are different in meaning or spelling. Homographs are spelled the same, but differ in meaning or pronunciation. Homonyms can be either or even both. … Among these are the large number of words that are spelled differently but which sound the same.
