What Is Errant Behavior?


Failing to adhere to guidelines or moral standards. The definition of errant is straying from the normal course or not following guidelines or standards. …

Which is the most fitting definition for the word errant?

adjective. deviating from the regular or proper course; erring; straying. journeying or traveling, as a medieval knight in quest of adventure; roving adventurously. moving in an aimless or lightly changing manner: an errant breeze.

What is an errant shift?

a. erring or straying from what is right or the right course. b. shifting about. an errant wind.

What are errant thoughts?

It means a random thought that just wandered (= popped) into his mind from nowhere. The errant billiard ball would be one that is hit by accident and seems to have nothing to do with the game.

What does a ebullience mean?

: the quality of lively or enthusiastic expression of thoughts or feelings : exuberance.

What does the word martyred mean?

1 : a person who voluntarily suffers death as the penalty of witnessing to and refusing to renounce a religion. 2 : a person who sacrifices something of great value and especially life itself for the sake of principle a martyr to the cause of freedom.

What is another word for heedlessness?


oblivious, indifferent; negligent, uncaring, unconcerned.

What does errantry mean?

: the quality, condition, or fact of wandering especially : a roving in search of chivalrous adventure.

What does floundering mean?

foun·dered, foun·der·ing, foun·ders. 1. To sink below the surface of the water: The ship struck a reef and foundered. 2. To cave in; sink: The platform swayed and then foundered.

What is a knight without a lord?

A “freelance” was a knight without a lord in the Middle Ages. The word comes from the 19th century and refers to a particular kind of Medieval soldier. Most knights served one lord, whose castle and people they swore to defend with their main weapons, their sword and lance.

What does errant mean in Shakespeare?

Errant. (adj) – Wandering, straying, erring.

What does errant shot mean?

b. Aimless or irregular in motion: an errant afternoon breeze. c. Missing an intended target or recipient: an errant shot.

What does a knight errant do?

knight-errant in American English

a wandering knight; a knight who traveled widely in search of adventures, to exhibit military skill, to engage in chivalric deeds, etc.

What are the synonyms for innumerable?

synonyms for innumerable

  • countless.
  • myriad.
  • numerous.
  • untold.
  • frequent.
  • incalculable.
  • multitudinous.
  • numberless.

What does transience mean?

: the quality or state of being transient.


What is the meaning of heedlessly?

: not taking heed : inconsiderate, thoughtless heedless follies of unbridled youth— John DeBruyn.

What makes a person a martyr?

Historically, a martyr is someone who chooses to sacrifice their life or face pain and suffering instead of giving up something they hold sacred. … Today, the term is sometimes used to describe someone who seems to always be suffering in one way or another.

Who is considered a martyr?

martyr, one who voluntarily suffers death rather than deny his religion by words or deeds; such action is afforded special, institutionalized recognition in most major religions of the world. The term may also refer to anyone who sacrifices his life or something of great value for the sake of principle.

Was Martin Luther King a martyr?

King is a martyr. … “I can’t imagine many people who were threatened and warned of impending martyrdom more regularly than King, over a long period of time,” he said. “There were many days that he got more than one death threat. “He was heavily warned and persisted in his beliefs anyway,” Branch said.

What does Disconsolation mean?

: very unhappy or sad. See the full definition for disconsolate in the English Language Learners Dictionary. disconsolate. adjective. dis·​con·​so·​late | dis-ˈkän-sə-lət

What does ignominiously mean?

1 : humiliating, degrading an ignominious defeat. 2 : deserving of shame or infamy : despicable. 3 : marked with or characterized by disgrace or shame : dishonorable.

What cheerfulness mean?

full of cheer; in good spirits: a cheerful person. promoting or inducing cheer; pleasant; bright: cheerful surroundings. characterized by or expressive of good spirits or cheerfulness: cheerful songs. hearty or ungrudging: cheerful giving.

How do I deal with OCD intrusive thoughts?

7 Tips on How to Stop Intrusive Thoughts

  1. Understand Why Intrusive Thoughts Disturb You. …
  2. Attend the Intrusive Thoughts. …
  3. Don’t Fear the Thoughts. …
  4. Take Intrusive Thoughts Less Personally. …
  5. Stop Changing Your Behaviors. …
  6. Cognitive Therapy for Treatment of OCD Intrusive Thoughts. …
  7. Medications that Help with Intrusive Thoughts.
