What Is Crikey Slang For?


CRIKEY: An expression for Christ, this time from the mid-19th century when blasphemy could incur a fine. STREWTH: Believed to have its origins in 19th-century Australia, where it was originally uttered as a way of expressing surprise or dismay. Strewth is a shorter form of the words “God’s truth”.

Who used to say crikey?

CRIKEY! It is a word made famous by one man, the Crocodile Hunter, Steve Irwin. A man who lived in his khakis and spent most of his time darting the bite of a venomous snake, wrangling a crocodile, or rescuing an animal in need of help.

Why do English people say crikey?

“Crikey” is a “very British expression of surprise,” according to the online English-to-American Dictionary at www.english2american.com. The Web author says, “A contributor tells me that he reckons it’s derived from ‘Christ kill me.

Do British say crikey?

The definition of crikey is a British exclamation of surprise. When something surprises you, this is an example of a time when you might say “crikey!”

Why do the British say Cor?

You can say cor when you are surprised or impressed.

Is strewth a swear word?

It was considered acceptable, and so was not “bad” language per se – at least to those who used it. It is at this critical juncture of the late 18th century that Australia was chosen as the site for a convict colony.

Is Gee swear word?

Gosh, golly, and gee specifically avoid blasphemy. … Many faiths and cultures consider blasphemy a taboo.

Is Crikey rude?

16. Crikey. Some may argue that this isn’t a swear word, but it’s an important English word to recognized nevertheless. Crikey is often used to show astonishment and surprise, similar to the way the word ‘Christ!

What is Australian slang for girl?

Aussie Slang Words For Women:

Sheila. Chick. Woman. Lady.

What is the most Australian word?

The 25 most common Australian slang words

  • See ya this arvo – See you this afternoon.
  • Being dacked – When someone pulls your pants down.
  • Give a wedgie – When someone pulls your pants up your bum.
  • Dunny – toilet, bathroom – D’ya know where the dunny is, mate?

Is Gee short for Jesus?

Religious roots

For example, the word gee — used in phrases such as gee whiz and gee willikers — became a stand-in for saying Jesus. Its first known use as a curse word (as opposed to a direction to steer a mule) was around 1884.


What is gee a nickname for?

1 : the letter g. 2 slang : a thousand dollars. gee.

What does Ma G mean?

My g” is just a term that a close friend would call another close friend.

Why do Aussies swear?

We also swear. A lot. Australians employ expletives like we’re paid to use them. … We swear to add emphasis, to diffuse tension, when we’re angry, upset, excited or surprised and (speaking for myself) — most of the time it happens involuntarily.

What is the C word in Australia?

‘C*nt, the “C” word’ meaning

Used when exchanging pleasantries between close friends or family member. If someone calls you the “C” word in Australia (and you haven’t done anything to make them angry), then breathe a sigh of relief… it means you have entered the mate zone.

Which country swears the most?

Who has the foulest mouth of all? Study reveals which countries swear the most in consumer reviews (Sorry, America)

  • Warning — this product contains foul language.
  • A new survey shows that shoppers from New Zealand, Romania and Switzerland have the foulest mouths when it comes to rating products online.

What does Cor mean in Bible?

(Entry 1 of 3) : an ancient Hebrew and Phoenician unit of measure of capacity.

What does bloody mean in England?

In British slang, bloody means something like “very.” That’s bloody brilliant! Things that are literally bloody have blood on them or are made of blood. … To bloody something is to cover it in blood: “I will bloody your nose if you say that again!” It comes from the Old English blodig, from blod, or “blood.”

What does Crikey O’Reilly mean?

Filters. (UK) Expression of surprise, contempt, outrage, disgust, boredom, frustration.

What does zoinks Scoob mean?

zoinksinterjection. Expressing surprise, fear, etc. Etymology: The earliest and most commonly known usage of this term is from the American cartoon Scooby Doo (), in which it was used regularly by one of the main characters, Norville “Shaggy” Rogers ().
