What Is Contained In A Prompt Book?


The prompt book contains blocking notes, any changes that have been made, and all technical cues, in a neat and easy-to-read style. … The prompt book must be prepared in advance of the first rehearsal, so the stage manager is ready to go right away.

Why is a prompt book important?

A promptbook is an essential tool used in building a theatre production. A promptbook contains copies of the script and records the thinking, interpreting, staging, costumes, props etc. of the play. A critical aspect of the prompt book is CHOICE– supported by the text and your vision.

What is a prompt in theatre?

The prompter (sometimes prompt) in a theatre is a person who prompts or cues actors when they forget their lines or neglect to move on the stage to where they are supposed to be situated.

Which side of the stage is prompt?

In a theatre, the prompt corner or prompt box is the place where the prompter—usually the stage manager in the US or deputy stage manager in the UK—stands in order to coordinate the performance and to remind performers of their lines when required. It is traditionally located at stage left.

What are the 5 types of Theatre spaces?

The most common types of stage arrangements are listed below.

  • Proscenium stages. Proscenium stages have an architectural frame, known as the proscenium arch, although not always arched in shape. …
  • Thrust stages. …
  • Theatres in-the-round. …
  • Arena theatres. …
  • Black-box or studio theatres. …
  • Platform stages. …
  • Hippodromes. …
  • Open air theatres.

Who is responsible for the prompt book?

In modern theatrical productions, the prompt book is generally maintained and kept by the stage manager, with differences in the specific construction and organization to suit the style of the stage manager keeping the book, and the type of production (legitimate theatre, musical theatre, dance, opera, etc.).

What is the definition of prompt book?

: a copy of a play with directions for performance used by a theater prompter.

What are the five types of rehearsals in theatre?

Rehearsals for most shows break down into five different types.

  • Readthroughs. Readthroughs, usually one or two, take place at the very beginning of the rehearsal process. …
  • Blocking Rehearsals. Blocking rehearsals follow the readthroughs. …
  • Polishing Rehearsals. …
  • Technical Rehearsals. …
  • Dress Rehearsals.

What is the correct order of the rehearsal process?

In the broadest sense, the rehearsal process can be divided into three parts: the beginning, middle, and end. Before rehearsal begins, you read and reread the text.

What are the different types of props?

Types of Props

  • Hand props are anything handled or carried by an actor. …
  • Personal props are props worn or carried by a particular actor and issued to him rather than stored on the prop table.
  • Set props include most obviously furniture. …
  • Set dressing consists of similar items, but which the actor doesn’t usually handle.

What is Preblocking?

“Pre-blocking” means to plan all basic character movements in advance of the rehearsal. This can save a lot of time during rehearsals, as directors will be organized and ready to go with their staging already in mind. … The scene should have three or more characters.


How do you make a director’s prompt book?

A copy of the script. All blocking written into the script. Any research materials. Reactions to each rehearsal, including what the director has learned, how the show is progressing and frustrations/concerns.

  1. fine-tune the blocking (stage pictures)
  2. complete character development.
  3. work on tempo/pace.

Why is prompt side of the stage called prompt?

The Prompt Side of the stage in most British Theatres is to the left of the actor, or to the right of the audience. … The Stage Manager is also normally responsible for Prompting the cast if they should forget a line, hence the name.

What does it mean to call cues?

noun The signal or call furnished by the ‘cue’ to speak or act one’s part.

What is a reading rehearsal?

A rehearsed reading is a group of actors enacting a piece reading rather than having learnt the words.

What means Green Room?

: a room (as in a theater or studio) where performers can relax before or after appearances.

What does it mean to strike a set?

Set deconstruction is also known as the strike. Sets are deconstructed in order to build up the next scene, but complete deconstruction and removal from the stage of sets, props, costumes, lights, and sound equipment occurs when the show ends its run at the venue.

What does cheating out mean in Theatre?

Call Time- For on-camera and theater. … Cheat/Cheat in/Cheat out- To ‘cheat’ is to turn your face or entire body either out to the audience (or camera) to be seen better without completely turning (so it still looks natural, but you are not completely in profile) or to face in to conceal something.

What is anything in the house rather than onstage?

1. FRONT-OF-HOUSE—Anything in the. house, rather than onstage. 2. WOOFER—A speaker element that reproduces.

What are the 4 types of stage?

The four main types of stages are:

  • Found stages.
  • Proscenium stages.
  • Thrust stages.
  • Arena stages.

What are the 9 parts of a stage?

A stage is divided up into nine parts: upstage left, upstage right, upstage center, center, center left, center right, dowstage left, downstage right, and downstage center.

What are the four types of theatre?

Every theatre is unique, but, with few exceptions, theatres, both Western and Asian, can be categorized into four basic forms: arena stage theatres (also referred to as theatre-in-the-round); thrust stage (or open stage) theatres; end stage theatres (of which proscenium theatres are a subset); and flexible stage …
