What Is Close Miking Used For?


Basic techniques

In close miking, a microphone is placed relatively close to an instrument or sound source, within three to twelve inches, producing a dry or non-reverberant sound.

What is stereo miking?

Stereo miking techniques use two microphones at the same time to record one sound source. Each microphone is then panned to the left and to the right to mimic the way our ears perceive sound in the “real world.” This adds width, space, and location to a recording.

How do you close a mic?

Your mic should be as close to your mouth as possible in order to only pick up the sound of you voice, and not the other sounds of the room. A good rule of thumb is to have the mic positioned about 6-12 inches away from your mouth.

What is the 3 1 rule?

You are allowed to bring a quart-sized bag of liquids, aerosols, gels, creams and pastes through the checkpoint. These are limited to 3.4 ounces (100 milliliters) or less per item. This is also known as the 3-1-1 liquids rule.

How close to the mic should you be when recording?

Your best position will be somewhere between 2 and 12 inches from the face of your microphone. You should also place a pop screen filter about 1 to 2 inches from the mic and apply additional measures in your recording space and mix, as needed, based on your choice of distance.

What are the four basic miking techniques?

4 Stereo Miking Techniques

  • Spaced Pairs. The most basic technique is the spaced pair. …
  • X-Y Pair: Coincident Pair. In X-Y Pairs, two identical microphones are mounted together in one location one above the other. …
  • X-Y Pair: Near-coincident Pair. A near-coincident pair will provide more spaciousness. …
  • Mid-side (MS)

Which is the simplest method of stereo recording?

Let’s start off with the simplest and most common of the five techniques:

  1. A/B Stereo Recording. Mics used: Two omnidirectional mics, usually small diaphragm condensers. …
  2. X/Y Stereo Recording. Mics used: Two directional mics, usually small diaphragm condensers. …
  3. ORTF Stereo Recording. …
  4. Blumlein Pair. …
  5. Mid/Side Stereo Recording.

What are the four fundamental stereo miking techniques?

4 Common Stereo Microphone Techniques

  • Spaced Pair. By placing two microphones several feet apart, a wide stereo image can be achieved. …
  • X/Y, Coincident. One issue that occurs when there are timing difference between signals is phase cancellation. …
  • ORTF, Near-Coincident. …
  • Mid-side. …
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What is X Y recording?

XY stereo recording uses a coincident pair of directional- or bidirectional, angled microphones. Hence, the directional information is obtained solely from the level difference between signals. In practice, “coincident” means that the microphone capsules must be placed close and normally slightly above each other (fig.

What happens to the voice if the microphone is set too close to a person when recording?

Another side effect of tracking too close to a microphone is the proximity effect. The results make voice recordings sound muddy and boomy in the low end. In other applications such as guitar amp recording, proximity effect can be useful for adding a sense of weight.

What is meant by miking?

Miking is defined as to use a microphone to record or amplify sound. An example of miking is a singer using a microphone during a concert. verb.

How do you set up XY overheads?

XY. Setup is pretty well as it sounds, put the mics right next to each over the kit, with one mic pointing towards one side of the kit, one pointing the other. The almost form a “V” when done right. The big advantage to this method is that the phase correlation between the two mics is great.


What is mid side mixing?

Mid/side processing is a versatile mixing and mastering technique that allows you to process the center and side signals of a stereo track separately. When used correctly, mid/side processing has the power to make your tracks sound wider, deeper, and more focused.

What is a cardioid mic?

Cardioid (kar-dee-oid) is the most common directional polar pattern, with the highest sensitivity to sound coming in from directly in front of the microphone capsule (0º), practically no sensitivity to sound coming directly from behind (180º), and a reduced sensitivity to sound coming in from the sides (90º/270º).

Which is known as recording techniques?

For recording the movements, the chief techniques used are: Memo-motion analysis, Micro-motion analysis and Flow diagrams. However, the most commonly used technique used for recording is by using flow charts. … Outline Process Charts, Flow Process Charts and Two Handed Process Chart.

Which is a recording technique?

Sound recording and reproduction is an electrical, mechanical, electronic, or digital inscription and re-creation of sound waves, such as spoken voice, singing, instrumental music, or sound effects. The two main classes of sound recording technology are analog recording and digital recording.

Are condenser mic stereo or mono?

Do microphones output mono or stereo signals? Microphones convert sound waves to audio signals via mic capsules. Most mics have one capsule that outputs one signal, making them mono devices. Some mics have multiple capsules and output multiple mono signals (which could be mixed in stereo).

What is XY mic technique?

X-Y (coincident) stereo miking consists of using two microphones that are placed right next to each other so that the diaphragms are as close together as possible without touching one another. … This bracket makes positioning the mics easy. The X-Y stereo mic approach uses two matched microphones placed close together.

What is the Blumlein technique?

The Blumlein Pair technique utilizes two microphones with a bidirectional (figure-of-eight) pickup pattern and positions them on top of – and 90 degrees off axis from – one another. Positioning the microphone elements as close together as possible will help phase coherence.

What is an XY mic?

X-Y. The X-Y technique consists of two identical cardioid microphones, placed on top of each other while facing away from each other at a 90 degree angle.

How close do you have to be to a cardioid mic?

The minimum distance you can have for these mics is 4 inches, which gives a warm and intimate sound. If you leave 12 inches between the mic and your mouth, you will get an airy and open recording. Six inches provides the best results for these Cardioid microphones.

Is it better to record vocals sitting or standing?

Standing is the best position to record vocals in, allowing full opening of the throat and full movement of the diaphragm. However, the singer should sit or stand according to which position they feel most comfortable in. The position that gives the best performance is best.

When you sing closer to the microphone you get?

The proximity effect is a phenomenon where the closer you get to the microphone, the boomier your vocals become: If I was a 12 inches away, the vocal would sound open and airy. If I was 5 inches away, the vocal would sound warm and intimate.
