What Is Called Rain?


Rain is liquid water in the form of droplets that have condensed from atmospheric water vapor and then become heavy enough to fall under gravity. Rain is a major component of the water cycle and is responsible for depositing most of the fresh water on the Earth.

What is rain called in weather?

Precipitation – General name for water in any form falling from clouds. This includes rain, drizzle, hail, snow and sleet.

How do you describe rain?

Words used to describe wet weather – thesaurus

  • rainy. adjective. a rainy day is one on which it rains a lot.
  • showery. adjective. with frequent short periods of rain.
  • drizzly. adjective. with very light rain falling.
  • wet. adjective. …
  • unsettled. adjective. …
  • hard. adverb. …
  • dreich. adjective. …
  • in all weather(s) phrase.

What is a metaphor for rain?

Metaphors for Rain

  • God’s Tears. I can imagine people 500 years ago wondered where on earth the rain came from. …
  • Nature’s Bath. Fresh rainfall can wash and cleanse nature. …
  • A Wall of Rain. …
  • The Farmer’s Gift. …
  • Daggers from the Sky. …
  • A Shroud of Misery. …
  • Giving the Trees a Drink. …
  • Popcorn on the Roof.

What is a wet day?

wet” day are totals of at least 0.01, 0.10, 0.20 and 0.50 inches of rain in 24 hours. … Rainfall probability can be applied to any day during the period.

What is bad weather called?

inclement. adjective. formal inclement weather is bad, usually because it is wet, cold, or windy.

What’s a derecho storm?

Short answer: A derecho is a violent windstorm that accompanies a line of thunderstorms and crosses a great distance. … To earn the coveted title of “derecho,” these storms must travel more than 250 miles, produce sustained winds of at least 58 mph along the line of storms, and create gusts up to 75 mph.

What is the scientific definition of rain?

Rain, precipitation of liquid water drops with diameters greater than 0.5 mm (0.02 inch). When the drops are smaller, the precipitation is usually called drizzle. See also precipitation. Fast Facts.

Is snow a rain?

Snow is precipitation that falls in the form of ice crystals. Hail is also ice, but hailstones are just collections of frozen water droplets. Snow has a complex structure. The ice crystals are formed individually in clouds, but when they fall, they stick together in clusters of snowflakes.

Why is rain so important?

Rainfall is very important for the survival of plants and animals. It brings fresh water to the earth’s surface. If rainfall is less, there is water scarcity which sometime causes drought like situation. If there is excess rain, floods take place which make the life of the affected people miserable.


Why is it called a derecho?

“Derecho” is a Spanish word meaning “direct” or “straight ahead;” Hinrichs coined it to distinguish straight-line wind damage from that produced by tornadoes.

What causes a derecho storm?

Derechos happen when the right conditions for downbursts occur over a wide area. … These bow echoes form because the downbursts are stronger in the center of the storm. Stronger downbursts mean faster winds. The faster winds race ahead of the storm, creating a bow.

What are 4 types of severe storms?

NSSL The National Severe Storms Laboratory

  • Thunderstorms. There can be as many as 40,000 thunderstorms each day around the world. …
  • Tornadoes. Much about tornadoes remains a mystery. …
  • Floods. …
  • Lightning. …
  • Hail. …
  • Damaging Winds. …
  • Winter Weather.

What is the rarest weather?

Fire Rainbow

The real name for this rare weather phenomenon is a circumhorizontal arc. These are caused by light passing through wispy, high-altitude cirrus clouds. They can occur only when the sun is very high – more than 58° above the horizon – in the sky and along the mid-latitudes in the summertime.

What are heavy rains called?

Definitions of downpour. a heavy rain. synonyms: cloudburst, deluge, pelter, soaker, torrent, waterspout.

What does saving for a rainy day mean?

informal. : for a time in the future when something will be needed saving money for a rainy day.

How do you spell rainy days?

a time of need or emergency: saving money for a rainy day.

What is a metaphor for cold?

Some great cold metaphors include: It’s a freezer out here. It’s an igloo in here. I was left out in the cold.

What is water a metaphor for?

The history of philosophy and the rites of ancient cultures and religions confirm it: in all of them, water is a symbol of life, of purification and hope, values that are a common denominator that unites us and that we should take into account much more.

What is a metaphor for lightning?

Likewise, thunder comes a few seconds after lightning, so this metaphor could mean that the lightning is making the sky really loud. Fireworks also light up the sky when they go off, so the metaphor could mean that the lightning was lighting up the sky as it flashed.
