What Is Another Word For Rarefy?


verb (used with object), rar·e·fied, rar·e·fy·ing. to make rare or rarer; make less dense: to rarefy a gas. to make more refined, spiritual, or exalted.

What does rarefied air mean?

Rarefied air is air that does not contain much oxygen, for example in mountain areas. … living at very high altitudes where the atmosphere is rarefied. More Synonyms of rarefied.

What is the word recondite mean?

1 : difficult or impossible for one of ordinary understanding or knowledge to comprehend : deep a recondite subject.

What does highly rarefied mean?

adjective. extremely high or elevated; lofty; exalted: the rarefied atmosphere of a scholarly symposium. of, belonging to, or appealing to an exclusive group; select; esoteric: rarefied tastes.

How do you use Rarefy in a sentence?

(1) Everyone ought to rarefy his spiritual life. (2) The air rarefies at the top of the mountain. (3) Climbers may experience difficulty breathing in the rarefied air at high altitudes. (4) It is important for the state’s future administrators to get out of the rarefied air of the capital.

What does do not obviate mean?

: to make (something) no longer necessary : to prevent or avoid (something) See the full definition for obviate in the English Language Learners Dictionary.

Which is the best antonym for ubiquitous?

antonyms for ubiquitous

What is an innocuous statement?

not likely to irritate or offend; inoffensive; an innocuous remark. not interesting, stimulating, or significant; pallid; insipid: an innocuous novel.

Which would be the closest antonym for the word rarely?

Antonyms for rarely ˈrɛər lirare·ly

  • Antonyms: often, frequently, usually. Synonyms: …
  • Not occurring at a regular interval; seldom; not often. Antonyms: often, usually, frequently. …
  • Unusually well; excellently. Antonyms: usually, frequently, often. …
  • To a rare degree; very. Synonyms:

Which is the closest antonym for the word slur?

antonyms for slur

  • praise.
  • approval.
  • blank.
  • compliment.
  • flattery.
  • honor.
  • respect.

What does Banel mean?

: lacking originality, freshness, or novelty : trite.

Does occlude mean?

1 : to close up or block off : obstruct a thrombus occluding a coronary artery also : conceal cosmetics that occlude pores. 2 : sorb Palladium occludes large volumes of hydrogen. intransitive verb. 1 : to come into contact with cusps of the opposing teeth fitting together His teeth do not occlude properly.


What is the word Amalgamated mean?

transitive verb. : to unite in or as if in an amalgam especially : to merge into a single body They amalgamated the hospital with the university.

What is rarefaction in science definition?

Rarefaction, in the physics of sound, segment of one cycle of a longitudinal wave during its travel or motion, the other segment being compression. … This is rarefaction. A succession of rarefactions and compressions makes up the longitudinal wave motion that emanates from an acoustic source.

How do you use recondite in a sentence?

Recondite in a Sentence ?

  1. Since I do not have a law degree, I find it hard to understand the recondite terms of the contract.
  2. The difficult concept of the physics theory was recondite to everyone but the scientists.
  3. To me, my daughter’s foolish actions are recondite and not understandable at all.

What is inert force?

having no inherent power of action, motion, or resistance (opposed to active): inert matter.

What is rarefied condition?

adjective. Rarefied air is air that does not contain much oxygen, for example in mountain areas. Both animals and people were gasping for breath in the rarefied air. … living at very high altitudes where the atmosphere is rarefied.

What is cabalistic mean?

1 sometimes capitalized : belonging, according, or relating to the Jewish cabala a cabalistic explanation of an Old Testament text cabalistic asceticism.

What does it mean to be called obtuse?

Obtuse, which comes to us from the Latin word obtusus, meaning “dull” or “blunt,” can describe an angle that is not acute or a person who is mentally “dull” or slow of mind.

What does acerbic mean in literature?

: sharply or bitingly critical, sarcastic, or ironic in temper, mood, or tone acerbic commentary an acerbic reviewer.

What enunciation means?

1a : to make a definite or systematic statement of. b : announce, proclaim enunciated the new policy. 2 : articulate, pronounce enunciate all the syllables. intransitive verb. : to utter articulate sounds.

Can pejorative people?

A pejorative or slur is a word or grammatical form expressing a negative or a disrespectful connotation, a low opinion, or a lack of respect toward someone or something. It is also used to express criticism, hostility, or disregard.
