What Is An Old Fogey?


: a person with old-fashioned ideas —usually used with old.

How old is an old Fogey?

When you’re 16, anyone over 25 is an old fogey.

What is another name for an old Fogey?

fossil. stick-in-the-mud.

Is Fogey a slang?

fogy Add to list Share. A fogy is an old fashioned, boring, unstylish person. … The word comes from the Scottish foggie, and it originally meant “an army veteran.” Fogy may be related to the antiquated slang word fogram, “old fashioned person,” or from an early, now obscure meaning of fog, “bloated fat.”

What is a fogie?

noun, plural fo·gies. an excessively conservative or old-fashioned person, especially one who is intellectually dull (usually preceded by old): The board of directors were old fogies still living in the 19th century.

What is the opposite of an old Fogey?

We have listed all the opposite words for old fogey alphabetically. junior. inferior. lesser. lower.

Is fogy a Scrabble word?

Yes, fogy is in the scrabble dictionary.

What’s an old codger?

: an often mildly eccentric and usually elderly fellow old codger.

How do you spell old geezer?

Old geezer is a somewhat insulting term for an older person, especially one who is no longer cool, hip or with the times. An example of an old geezer is a grumpy old man who sits on his porch all day yelling at neighborhood kids.

What is meaning of jot down?

: to write briefly or hurriedly : set down in the form of a note jot this down.

What is a antonym for rambled?

rambleverb. Antonyms: course, speed, hasten, drive, run. Synonyms: rove, roam, wander, range, stroll, saunter, stray.

What is the meaning of ramble on?

Speak or write at length and with many digressions, as in As the speaker rambled on for at least two hours, the audience became restless. This idiom was first recorded in 1710.

What is the synonym of aberrant?

deviating, wandering, rambling, diverging, divergent, devious, erratic, out of the way. aberrantadjective. Synonyms: irregular, abnormal, unnatural, unusual, singular, peculiar, anomalous, unconformable, exceptional, strange, anomalistic, eccentric, monstrous, preternatural.

What is the meaning of Moog?

/ (muːɡ, məʊɡ) / noun. trademark music a type of synthesizer.


What is a geyser in British slang?

In the US, “geyser” is pronounced GUY-zer and has one meaning, a bubbling hot spring that erupts periodically. But in British English, it has two meanings; a “geyser” can be a hot spring or a water heater. And for both senses of the word, most British speakers rhyme it with “geezer.”

What is a foggy person?

Clouding of consciousness (also known as brain fog or mental fog) is when a person is slightly less wakeful or aware than normal. They are not as aware of time or their surroundings and find it difficult to pay attention. People describe this subjective sensation as their mind being “foggy”.

What is the difference between jot down and write down?

While I agree that “jot down” is less formal and that “write down” is more formal, I disagree that one is more “correct” than the other. Either one can be correct, depending on the context. I agree, jot down is only somewhat informal. It would only be “incorrect” at a very serious occasion, such as a trial.

What is a jot in the Bible?

Jot or tittle is a phrase that means a very small amount. … The passage is in Matthew 5:18, quoting the King James Version: “For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.”

Is jotted down a word?

jot down. To write down something briefly or hastily: The secretary jotted the message down. I jotted down the homework assignment.

What is a female geezer?

geezer girl in British English

noun. British slang. a young woman who behaves in an aggressive manner.

Does geezer mean old?

In American slang, geezer almost always refers to an older man and is especially used in the phrase old geezer. In British slang, geezer just refers to any man. In both cases, though, the term is used in a mildly insulting, dismissive way.

What does bodach mean in English?

1 Scottish & Irish : a boorish old man. 2 Scottish & Irish : goblin, bugaboo.
