What Is An Apathetic Person Called?


Some common synonyms of apathetic are impassive, phlegmatic, stoic, and stolid. While all these words mean “unresponsive to something that might normally excite interest or emotion,” apathetic may imply a puzzling or deplorable indifference or inertness.

What is the best definition of apathetic?

1 : lack of feeling or emotion : impassiveness 2 : lack of interest or concern : indifference.

Can you say someone is apathetic?

Describing someone as apathetic doesn’t necessarily mean they feel nothing. But it’s most commonly used to describe someone who doesn’t care enough to do something, especially in a situation that calls for action.

What is an example of apathetic?

Apathetic meaning

Feeling or showing a lack of interest or concern; indifferent. … The definition of apathetic is someone who is not interested or doesn’t show any feeling or emotion. A citizen who does not vote in a public election is an example of an apathetic citizen.

What are signs of apathy?

Apathy Signs and Symptoms

  • Lack the effort or energy to do everyday things.
  • Depend on other people to plan your activities.
  • Have no desire to learn new things, meet new people, or have new experiences.
  • Don’t care about your own problems.
  • Feel no emotions when good or bad things happen.

Is apathy a bad thing?

And while it can be harmless and normal to experience, it can also be harmful. The indifference, unresponsiveness, detachment, and passivity can leave apathetic individuals feeling exhausted and also lead to their making of bad decisions—because they just don’t care.

What disorder causes lack of emotions?

Schizoid personality disorder is one of many personality disorders. It can cause individuals to seem distant and emotionless, rarely engaging in social situations or pursuing relationships with other people.

What is the difference between apathetic and pathetic?

As adjectives the difference between apathetic and pathetic

is that apathetic is void of feeling; not susceptible of deep emotion; passionless; indifferent while pathetic is arousing pity, sympathy, or compassion.

What do you call someone who keeps their feelings inside?

introvert‘ may be word for the person who keeps his emotions to himself. The opposite being ‘extrovert’.

What’s the word for lack of empathy?

uncompassionate Add to list Share. Uncompassionate means indifferent or uncaring about the way other people feel. … This adjective is formed by adding un-, “not,” to compassionate, “feeling sympathy or concern for others.”

What does uninterested mean?

: not interested : not having the mind or feelings engaged. Synonyms & Antonyms Disinterested vs.

How do you act apathetic?

How to Be Apathetic

  1. Step 1: Recall and record situations that usually tick you off.
  2. Step 2: Know why those things tick you off.
  3. Step 3: Substitute.
  4. See Also: 5 Simple Steps to Manage Your Anger.

What do you call a person who hides their pain behind a smile?

People with smiling depression often hide their concerns and pain behind a happy face, while leading seemingly normal lives. … This is known as “smiling depression”.

What is it called when you have no emotions?

Alexithymia is a broad term to describe problems with feeling emotions. In fact, this Greek term used in Freudian psychodynamic theories loosely translates to “no words for emotion.” While the condition is not well-known, it’s estimated that 1 in 10 people has it.


Is apathy a form of depression?

Apathy is not the same as depression, although apathy can be a symptom of depression. Depression may also cause feelings of hopelessness and guilt. Serious risks associated with depression include substance use and suicide.

Is apathetic the opposite of pathetic?

As you can see, apathetic isn’t the opposite of pathetic, even though the a- that it begins with means “not” or “without”.

What are signs of emotional detachment?

Symptoms of emotional detachment

  • difficulty creating or maintaining personal relationships.
  • a lack of attention, or appearing preoccupied when around others.
  • difficulty being loving or affectionate with a family member.
  • avoiding people, activities, or places because they’re associated with a past trauma or event.

What are the causes of emotional detachment?

What can cause emotional detachment?

  • experiencing significant loss, such as the death of a parent or separation from a caregiver.
  • having traumatic experiences.
  • growing up in an orphanage.
  • experiencing emotional abuse.
  • experiencing physical abuse.
  • experiencing neglect.

How do you become cold hearted and emotionless?

Use cool body language.

  1. Have excellent posture; stand up straighter than those around you.
  2. Don’t be fidgety with your hands and feet. …
  3. When someone says something that annoys you, be expressionless and turn slightly away. …
  4. Shake hands lightly instead of hugging.
  5. Stiffen slightly when someone touches you.

Is being apathetic good?

Apathy is a normal way for humans to cope with stress. Being able to “shrug off” disappointments is considered an important step in moving people forward and driving them to try other activities and achieve new goals.

How do you fix apathy in a relationship?

Here’s how you can deal with apathy in your relationship:

  1. Determine The Problem. What are the bad habits that allowed apathy to seep into your relationship? …
  2. Discuss. Make sure to speak openly with your partner about your feelings of apathy. …
  3. Engage In New Experiences. …
  4. Dream Together. …
  5. Attend A Relationship Workshop.

Is apathy a defense mechanism?

Apathy is a defense mechanism that some people develop after facing repeated disappointments. At best it mutes happiness, at worst it can pave the way to depression.

How common is apathy?

Apathy is more common in people with dementia than in healthy older people. Around 50-70% of people with dementia have apathy, whereas only 2-5% of older healthy people are apathetic. Of the dementias, it is more common in frontotemporal dementia.

What is a flat affect?

You may be elated or depressed, but others can’t tell. This is called a flat affect. People who have it don’t show the usual signs of emotion like smiling, frowning, or raising their voice. They seem uncaring and unresponsive. Flat affect can be brought on by different conditions.
