What Is An Acceleration In Medical Terms?


subplexal – sub/plex/al: beneath a plexus or network of vessels or nerves.

What is Auriculocranial?

(aw-rik’yū-lō-krā’nē-ăl), Relating to the auricle or pinna of the ear and the cranium.

What is Rugous?

ru·gose. (ro͞o′gōs′) also ru·gous (-gəs) adj. Biology. Having a rough, ridged, or wrinkled surface: rugose spores.

What is Stomatalgia?

n. Pain in the mouth.

What is the meaning of Rugosity?

the state or quality of being wrinkled, as the skin. — rugose, adj. See also: Skin. -Ologies & -Isms.

What does Thalam mean in medical terms?

, thalam- Prefixes meaning thalamus.

What does suprarenal mean in medical terms?

Medical Definition of suprarenal

(Entry 1 of 2) : situated above or anterior to the kidneys specifically : adrenal. suprarenal. noun.

What does the suffix OID mean in medical terms?

Suffix: -oid. Suffix Definition: resembling; derived from. Definition: relating to resembling fat.

What is a Lacrimotomy in medical terms?

n. Incision of the lacrimal duct or sac.

What does Plasia mean?

a combining form with the meaning “growth, cellular multiplication,” of the kind specified by the initial element: hypoplasia. Also -plasy.

What is acceleration in sentence?

Definition of Acceleration. an escalation in pace or speed. Examples of Acceleration in a sentence. 1. With a little acceleration on my part, I should be able to catch up with the mailman’s truck.

How is acceleration calculated?

Acceleration (a) is the change in velocity (Δv) over the change in time (Δt), represented by the equation a = Δv/Δt. This allows you to measure how fast velocity changes in meters per second squared (m/s^2).

What is acceleration ability?

Acceleration ability shows the rate of change of velocity of an athlete in a time interval or in a definite distance, thus starting from rest how fast they reach their maximal or submaximal speed. It is a very important ability for sprinters and in all ball games.

Why adrenal gland is called emergency gland?

Glands of emergency:Adrenal glands are called glands of emergency. These glands are located on the top of each kidney. They are called emergency glands because they release a hormone named as Adrenaline. … Adrenaline increases the heart beat rate, blood pressure, etc as to fight against that emergency situation.


Which gland is known as suprarenal gland?

Adrenal glands, also known as suprarenal glands, are small, triangular-shaped glands located on top of both kidneys. Adrenal glands produce hormones that help regulate your metabolism, immune system, blood pressure, response to stress and other essential functions.

Where is adrenal pain?

The most common symptom reported by patients with adrenocortical cancer is pain in the back or side (called the flank). Unfortunately, this type of pain is common and does not directly suggest a disease of the adrenal cortex.

What does an mean in medical terms?

An-: Prefix very much employed in medicine and all of the health sciences, indicating “not, without, or -less.” For example, the prefix “an” figures into these words: anemia (without blood), anophthalmia (no eye), anotia (no ear), anoxia (no oxygen).

What does NEUR mean?

, neuri- , neuro- Combining forms meaning nerve, nerve tissue, the nervous system. [G.

What is rugosity coefficient?

A value used in Manning’s formula to determine energy losses of flowing water due to pipe or channel wall roughness.

What is high rugosity?

Abstract. Rugosity is a simple measurement of the surface roughness that has been used routinely by coral reef biologists. Areas of high rugosity allow corals to attach and grow on higher substrata not influenced by sand and sediment movement along the bottom.

What does rugosity mean in anatomy?

Medical Definition of rugosity

: the quality or state of being rugose also : wrinkle.

What does Mastoplasia mean?

n. Enlargement of the breast.

How do I use acceleration in a sentence?

Examples of acceleration in a Sentence

The car delivers quick acceleration. There has been some acceleration in economic growth. There has been an acceleration in economic growth.
