What Is A Rainbow Without Rain Called?


While we didn’t have rain as we all know it Tuesday, it’s possible that it was actually raining without reaching the ground. All we need for a rainbow is sun going through some form of water, even if that doesn’t always reach the ground. … So, it was raining in the atmosphere and not making it to the ground.

Can rainbow be formed without rain?

6: Rainbows Only Appear With Rain

For a rainbow to be formed, there need to be water droplets in the air. Then, light has to shine through those droplets at just the right angle. If this happens – voilà! A rainbow!


Can we see rainbow on a sunny day without rainfall?

Three conditions must be met in order for you to see a rainbow. First, it must be raining. Second, the sun must be shining. Third, the observer must be between the sun and the rain.
