What Is A Meaning Of Protrude?


What is a meaning of protrude?

: to jut out from the surrounding surface or context a handkerchief protruding from his breast pocket. transitive verb. 1 : to cause to project. 2 archaic : to thrust forward.

How do you use the word protruding?

1. He glimpsed a gun protruding from the man’s pocket. 2. The envelope was protruding from her bag.

What is an example of protruding?

The definition of protruding is sticking out, or extending beyond or above a surface. When your umbrella sticks out above the top of your bag, this is an example of a time when the umbrella is protruding. Present participle of protrude. The pug’s tongue is protruding from his mouth.

Is the word protrude a verb?

verb (used without object), pro·trud·ed, pro·trud·ing. verb (used with object), pro·trud·ed, pro·trud·ing. … to thrust forward; cause to project.

Does protrude mean stick out?

Protrude means to stick out. A gravestone protrudes from the ground, a shelf protrudes from a wall, a lollipop stick protrudes from your mouth. From the Latin prō- “forward, out” + trūdere “to thrust,” protrude often describes coastlines where rocks stick out into the water.

What is protrude in medical term?

Medical Definition of protrusion

1 : the quality or state of protruding the protrusion of a jaw. 2 : something (as an anatomical part) that protrudes.

What is the opposite to protrude?

▲ Opposite of to protrude or extend outwardly. fall. sag. shrink.

What is a protuberant mean?

: thrusting out from a surrounding or adjacent surface often as a rounded mass : prominent protuberant eyes.

What are protruding teeth?

Protrusion is the excessive horizontal overlap between top and bottom front teeth, and is typically caused by the upper front teeth or upper jaw being too far forward or the lower front teeth or lower jaw being too far back, or both.

How do you fix a protruding mouth?

Adults with protruding teeth usually need extractions of teeth and fixed appliance treatment. In severe cases, jaw surgery may be necessary to change the placement of the jaw. Otherwise treatment should be given to alignment (straightening) only or partial correction of protruding teeth.

What is the synonym of protrude?

In this page you can discover 40 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for protrude, like: stick out, bulge, jut out, protrusion, project, stick up, bulge out, extrude, beetle, come out and sticking-out.


What is protrude in biology?

protrusion. The state of being trust forward or laterally, as in masticatory movements of the mandible. Origin: L. Protrudere = to push forward.

What causes a protuberant abdomen?

Protuberant abdomen is unusual convexity of the abdomen usually caused by poor muscle tone or excessive subcutaneous fat.

What is the meaning of Dottiness?

the fact of being silly or unreasonable: … the fact of liking someone or something very much, or of being extremely interested in them: I can’t really understand people’s utter dottiness about their dogs.

What is the meaning of ostentatious living?

: attracting or fond of attracting attention by showing off wealth or cleverness They lived in a huge, ostentatious house.

What is the verb form of provisions?

provisioned; provisioning prə-​ˈvi-​zhə-​niŋ , -​ˈvizh-​niŋ Definition of provision (Entry 2 of 2) transitive verb. : to supply with needed materials (such as food) : to supply with provisions.

What is mean by receding?

1a : to move back or away : withdraw a receding hairline. b : to slant backward. 2 : to grow less or smaller : diminish, decrease a receding deficit. recede. verb (2)

What is the meaning of herniation?

Herniation: Abnormal protrusion of tissue through an opening.

What do you call something that is sticking out?

projection. noun. something that sticks out from a surface.

What is the synonym and antonym of protrude?

protrude. Synonyms: extend, project, abut, jut, demonstrate, expose, bulge, thrust forward. Antonyms: recede, retract, adduce, repress, suppress, conceal.

Can you fix protruding mouth without surgery?

Protruding teeth, or ‘buck teeth’, is a common dental problem. Whether for aesthetic or health reasons, most people with protruding teeth want to correct them. The good news is that in many cases, thanks to clear aligner technology, the problem can be fixed without the need for metal braces.

Why do I have protruding lips?

Lip incompetence, also known as mentalis strain, refers to a condition characterized by an inability to easily hold the lips together while at rest. Other common features of lip incompetence include protruding lips, and strain in the lower facial region when you try to seal your lips.
