What Happens When You Counter Sue?


The definition of a counterclaim is a claim made to rebut accusations against you. If you are sued for breaching a contract and you, in turn, also file suit against the plaintiff and claim that he was really the one who breached the contract, your claim against the original plaintiff is an example of a counterclaim.

What is a counter lawsuit?

: an opposing lawsuit especially : a claim asserted by an opposing party in a lawsuit (such as a defendant) against the party bringing the original lawsuit (such as a plaintiff) : counterclaim decided to file a countersuit against her accuser The current appeal results from a patent infringement suit and countersuit …

How much is it to counter sue?

If your claim is for $5,000 or less ($4,000 if you are suing a guarantor or $2,500 if the guarantor does not charge a fee for the service) file the Defendant’s Claim at the small claims court where the Plaintiff filed and pay the filing fee of $22.00.

Is suing someone worth it?

Is Going to Court Worth It? Again, it just depends on the specifics of your case. If you have a strong case and a good attorney, suing a person might be worth the costs. But if your case isn’t as clear and you don’t have a large budget, you may want to think twice before going to court.

Is it worth it to sue someone with no money?

Unfortunately, there is no good answer—if someone has little income and few assets, they are effectively “judgment proof” and even if you win against them in court, you effectively lose: you spent the time and money to sue and receive nothing in return. … Someone who has no assets now may have assets later.

What can I counterclaim for?

Counterclaims can be raised if the defendant has incurred losses or damages that they wish to claim for. This scenario is most commonly a result of the transaction in question causing problems leading to losses for the defendant, such as receiving faulty goods or suffering from delays.

Can I sue someone for wasting my time?

The answer is generally no – you can’t sue for wasted time in most instances.

Can you sue for emotional distress?

The courts recognize emotional distress as a type of damage that can be recovered through a civil lawsuit. This means you can sue someone for emotional trauma or distress if you can provide evidence to support your claims.

What Happens After a counterclaim is filed?

After you file your counterclaim, a copy of the counterclaim must be delivered to each counterdefendant. This is called “service of process.” The court applies the same rules to serving a counterclaim as it applies to serving the initial Small Claims Complaint.

What are the two types of counterclaim?

A counterclaim may either be permissive or compulsory. It is permissive “if it does not arise out of or is not necessarily connected with the subject matter of the opposing party’s claim.”11 A permissive counterclaim is essentially an independent claim that may be filed separately in another case.

How do you write a counterclaim for a lawsuit?

In order to make a counterclaim, you first draft your response to the lawsuit. Then you need to describe the factual circumstances surrounding your claim and make a demand for compensation or other relief. Be sure you do not confuse counterclaims with cross-complaints.

Can I sue someone for frivolous lawsuit?

Fortunately, judges have the authority to sanction lawyers and fine plaintiffs who file frivolous lawsuits. What’s more, a defendant in a frivolous lawsuits can turn around and sue the plaintiff for malicious prosecution.


Can I counter sue for false allegations?

It is also extremely important to remember that false accusations are illegal. … If the false accusation made against you is particularly egregious, you may want to consider counter suing for libel or defamation.

What are good reasons to sue?

Here are 11 top reasons to sue someone.

  • Compensation for Damages. A common form of this is monetary compensation for personal injury. …
  • Enforcing a Contract. Contracts can be written, oral or implied. …
  • Breach of Warranty. …
  • Product Liability. …
  • Property Disputes. …
  • Divorce. …
  • Custody Disputes. …
  • Replacing a Trustee.

What kind of damages are emotional distress?

Emotional distress damages are monetary damages that are designed to compensate you for emotional harm that you suffered. Let’s say for example that you had sleepless nights, or strains in your family relations, or reputational harm.

What does it mean to sue for pain and suffering?

The phrase “pain and suffering” refers to a legal term that describes both the physical and emotional injuries suffered by a victim following an accident. Any substantial physical pain or mental anguish you suffer following an accident may qualify as pain and suffering for settlement purposes.

How much money can you sue for emotional distress?

You can recover up to $250,000 in pain and suffering, or any non-economic damages.

Does a counterclaim need to be served?

A counterclaim may be filed and served on the plaintiff no later than 21 days after a notice of defence is filed. … If you want to add a party – that is the not the plaintiff – by counterclaim, you should seek legal advice.

Do you have to pay for a counterclaim?

The first is the issue fee the court charges to start the claim. The second is the trial fee. If a defendant wishes to pursue a counterclaim, a fee will need to be paid by the defendant. … Sometimes, it is necessary to make an application to the court for an issue to be dealt with before trial.

How do you respond to a counterclaim?

You should respond to the counterclaim as though it were a Statement of Claim and you were drafting a Defence:

  1. respond to every paragraph – you can do this paragraph by paragraph if necessary;
  2. deny any allegations of fact that you do not admit – you will be deemed to admit facts that you forget to plead to; and.

What if someone sues me and I have no money?

A creditor or debt collector can win a lawsuit against you even if you are penniless. The lawsuit is not based on whether you can pay—it is based on whether you owe the specific debt amount to that particular plaintiff. … the creditor has won the lawsuit, and, you still owe that sum of money to that person or company.

Can you go to jail for owing someone money?

You typically can’t be arrested for debts, only sued, but in some states you can be arrested for failure to comply with a court-ordered judgment. You can’t be arrested just because you owe money on what you might think of as consumer debt: a credit card, loan or medical bill.

How long does it take for creditors to sue you?

“Typically, a creditor or collector is going to sue when a debt is very delinquent. Usually it’s when you’re falling at least 120 days, 180 days, or even as long as 190 days behind,” says Gerri Detweiler, personal finance expert for Credit.com, and author of the book Debt Collection Answers.
