What Happens If Kara Gets Caught?


Crossroads. Play through the Crossroads chapter as normal, but when Kara and Alice get outside Jericho, don’t play dead. Instead, surrender and obey to the soldiers, and you’ll be captured.

How do you kill Kara on the highway?

When crossing the street with Alice, you’ll be given the option to get out of the way of oncoming cars. Simply let each timer run out and eventually Kara will be killed, followed shortly by Alice who runs into the road to save her.

What happens if Kara sleeps in the car?

Here’s what happens with all three in Detroit Become Human. If you choose the parking lot, Kara and Alice will spend the night in a rusted up car. … All of the situations will lead to Kara changing up her clothing and hairstyle in Detroit Become Human, and it will always end with them once again having to be elusive.

Should Kara steal the clothes?

Luckily, there is one sleepy guy in the building and Kara will need to steal his clothes to get it. Alice may not like your methods, but stealing is the easiest way to feel warm. … If you steal his clothes successfully, then a cutscene will ensue with Kara and Alice back on the street but with new clothes.

Where can Alice and Kara stay?

There are three options: an abandoned car, a motel, and an old house. If within 15 minutes of the meeting of the scavenger-android, you will not find a place to sleep, Kara and Alice will automatically go to sleep in the car.

What happens if Alice hate Kara?

If Kara abandons Alice and Markus does not save her, she will die in the recycling machine. If Kara fails to escape the center, they will be shot by the soldiers or die in the recycling machine.

Who is rA9?

Elijah Kamski is rA9. He invented and coded androids, meaning he had ample opportunity (and the knowledge to) engineer the entire revolution by hiding a backdoor for Markus in every android; he begun the whole process by gifting Markus to Carl, who he knew would try to deviate Markus.

What happens if Connor saves Hank?

If you choose to Save Hank, then Hank Rushes Connor, and you can Dodge Attack which then leads to Hank Falls to His Death (also includes Missed Opportunity further down). If you fail to dodge his attack then Connor will fall to his death instead, and CyberLife will send a new Connor.

Can you save Kara and Alice?

You can choose to sacrifice them, but if you play as a pacifist with Markus, you can actually go straight up to the kiosk and plead your case with the government officer. He’ll look at the television and see Markus’ peaceful protest, allowing Kara, Alice, and Luther to pass safely and earn their freedom.

How do you escape Kara and Alice?

Once together, stare at the fence on the right side of the blue chamber where the androids get destroyed, this fence will be the escape route. Now Kara can use one of her friends to create a diversion to leave with Alice. Markus can also free Kara and her friends if he chose a REVOLUTION in Night of the Soul.


Can you save Kara and Alice from the camp?

If Markus is doing a revolution and is successful, you will be done once you’ve reached Alice. After a few cutscenes, Kara and Alice will be saved right after entering the recycling machine since the soldiers are getting killed by the attacking androids.

Should I steal clothes for Alice?

As you enter you will see a guy sleeping on the chair. Kara will have to steal his clothes. Alice will not like your methods, but stealing them is the easiest way to get warm. … Be 100 accurate or the man will wake up and you won’t end up getting his clothes.

What happens if you dont trust Connor?

Connor – if he became a deviant and survived. You can lead to his death by not showing your trust (this doesn’t end Connor’s storyline).

Is Jericho a RA9?

RA9 written in Jericho. rA9 is a word repeatedly used by deviant androids. “rA9” (or its all-caps spelling “RA9”) consistently appears around deviant androids.

Why does Anderson hate androids?

He hates androids because they allow people to skip out on their jobs. Because a skilled doctor was high on Red Ice at the time Cole needed surgery to survive their car accident, an android had to perform the task; it failed. … Hank is disgusted by Connor’s repeated tasting of android and human blood for forensics.

Who is RK900?

RK900 is a character who appears briefly in the video game Detroit: Become Human. It is a later model of the android “Connor” RK800, a main character of the game. RK900 never speaks in the game. It has an appearance almost identical to the RK800, but with grey eyes instead of brown.

What happens if Kara gets reset?

Resetting memory – Kara loses memories. If the memory of Kary has been reset, you must collect memories by interacting with various objects to restore Kara’s memory.

How old is Alice DBH?

Alice appears nine years old. Early on, she is thought to be the human daughter of Todd Williams, who is the owner of Kara. Kara is assigned to look after her. She suffers from her father’s abuse since her mother left home.

What happens if Kara dies on the highway?

On the highway, if you fail as Kara in QTE, she will die and her storyline will end.

Is there going to be another Detroit become human?

Detroit: Become Human was released five years after Beyond: Two Souls, which was only three years after Heavy Rain. Based on those timeframes, the game could release anywhere between next year and 2023.

Where can I get $40 in Detroit become human?

You won’t be able to get into the motel looking like an android. Next, head to the 24 hour convenience store and talk to the clerk. Ask him for help and he’ll deny giving you the $40 you need.
