What Happens At The Initial Stage Of Counselling?


Stage one: (Initial disclosure) Relationship building

The counseling process begins with relationship building. This stage focuses on the counselor engaging with the client to explore the issues that directly affect them.

What are the phases of counselling?

Six Stages of Counselling

  • Stage 1: Pre-contemplation. …
  • Stage 2: Contemplation. …
  • Stage 4: Action. …
  • Stage 5: Maintenance. …
  • Stage 6: After-care.

What is initial counselling?

The first counselling session is different from any subsequent sessions. … It also gives you as the counsellor an opportunity to assess the client’s needs as they explain their reasons for seeking counselling.

What do you do in initial counseling session?

During the first session, your therapist may ask you:

  • What are your symptoms?
  • What brought you to therapy?
  • What do you feel is wrong in your life?
  • Some questions about your history, including your childhood, education, relationships (family, romantic, friends), your current living situation, and your career.

What you should never tell your therapist?

What Not to Say to Your Therapist

  • “I feel like I’m talking too much.” Remember, this hour or two hours of time with your therapist is your time and your space. …
  • “I’m the worst. …
  • “I’m sorry for my emotions.” …
  • “I always just talk about myself.” …
  • “I can’t believe I told you that!” …
  • “Therapy won’t work for me.”

What do you do at a second counseling session?

Second Therapy Session: “What should I talk about?”

  • When you reflect on the week, what were the key events, problematic areas, or stresses?
  • What thoughts came to you since we last me? …
  • Take a moment and go inside yourself. …
  • What is the status of the problem that brought you here? …
  • Did you try anything different?

Which type of therapy is most cost effective?

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: CBT interventions tend to be relatively brief, making them cost-effective for the average consumer. In addition, CBT is an intuitive treatment that makes logical sense to patients.

How do I start my first Counselling session?

7 Professional tips that will help you prepare for your first counseling session

  1. 1) Give credit where it’s due. …
  2. 2) Don’t be afraid to ask questions. …
  3. 3) Find comfort in the fact that everything is kept confidential. …
  4. 4) Think about what you want to achieve. …
  5. 5) Block out a window of time before and after the session.

What are the 3 stages of Counselling?

The Counseling process is broken down into three basic stages.

  • Initial stage or the initial disclosure stage.
  • Middle stage or in-depth exploration stage.
  • Last stage or commitment to action stage.

What is the most important counseling process?

Opening: The initial portion of the counseling process is one of the most important because it provides both counselor and client the opportunity to get to know each other. It also allows the counselor to set the tone for the therapeutic relationship.

How do you start Counselling?

7 Things You Need to Know When Starting a Counseling Practice

  1. Don’t Pay for Advertising. …
  2. Consider Your Space. …
  3. Learn Which Type of Clients You Want to See (and Which Ones You Don’t) …
  4. Believe in Your Worth. …
  5. Take Safety Precautions. …
  6. Let Clients Do Their Own Work. …
  7. Model Peace and Calm.

What are the 5 major goals of counseling?

However, these are the five most commonly named goals of counseling:

  • Facilitating behaviour change.
  • Improving the client’s ability to establish and maintain relationships.
  • Enhancing the client’s effectiveness and ability to cope.
  • Promoting the decision-making process and facilitating client potential.
  • Development.

What is the middle stage of Counselling?

The middle stage of counselling involves the client finding a new and more helpful perspective of their concerns. When we are embroiled in a problem it is easy to wear blinkers and keep doing things the way we have always done so, thus ensuring the same results.


What is purpose of Counselling?

Counselling is a process of talking about and working through your personal problems with a counsellor. The counsellor helps you to address your problems in a positive way by helping you to clarify the issues, explore options, develop strategies and increase self-awareness.

What should I say in my first Counselling session?

Before you go to your sessions, think about how to describe “what’s wrong,” and how to describe your feelings. One way to prepare is to write it down first. You could try reading it out loud after you’ve written it down. Hearing yourself say it a few times will help you describe things more clearly to your therapist.

Which is an example of all or nothing thinking?

An example often used to illustrate all-or-nothing thinking is a job interview. An all or nothing thinker will leave a job interview focusing on the one moment they faltered, concluding the whole experience was a bust because of a single flub.

How do you evaluate a therapist?

Evaluate Your Therapist

  1. You should make progress. …
  2. You should get something new out of every session. …
  3. You should be learning from your therapist. …
  4. You shouldn’t feel worried about your therapist’s feelings – it’s the therapist’s job to take care of themselves. …
  5. You should feel your therapist likes and cares about you.

Can you tell your therapist anything?

You should know that therapists are required to keep the things you tell them confidential– with a few exceptions. For example, if they have reasonable cause to suspect you’re a danger to yourself or someone else they may need to involve a third party to ensure everyone’s safety.

What should I ask in a therapy session?

20 CBT Therapy Question to ask Clients

  • What were you feeling right before you did that? (Affective)
  • What happens to you physically before this happens? …
  • How do you normally act right before this happens? (Behavioral)
  • What thoughts go through your mind before this happens? (Cognitive)

What are open ended questions in counseling?

Open questions are those that cannot be answered in a few words, they encourage the client to speak and offer an opportunity for the counsellor to gather information about the client and their concerns. Typically open questions begin with: what, why, how or could. For example: What has brought you here today?

How do you structure a therapy session?

In counseling there is normally a familiar pattern of sessions – Introduction, Information Gathering, Discussion, Conclusion and Homework! What follows is the framework for an Initial Visit, Middle Visit, and Final Visit.

Can a therapist tell if you are attracted to them?

Whether your therapist knows you’re attracted to them

Therapists know that this happens sometimes, and they’re usually more than willing to address it — if you want to. If you don’t ever wish to bring it up, that’s your right as well.

Can you tell your therapist illegal things?

Meaning, a therapist is permitted (but not required) to break confidentiality if he or she believes someone is in imminent harm from a client/patient. … Aside from these exemptions anything you tell your therapist, including illegal drug use (a common question), is strictly confidential.

Can you tell a therapist if you killed someone?

If a client tells their therapist they committed a crime in the past, whether it is murder, bank robbery, or kidnapping, we can’t violate confidentiality unless there is a person at imminent risk, right now. … Confidentiality in the therapy setting is the main reason why therapy works.
