What Happened To Seven Of Nine At The End Of Voyager?


During his time working on the franchise, Braga had a hand in two major character deaths that are still controversial among fans, namely Captain Kirk’s death in Star Trek: Generations and Charles “Trip” Tucker’s death in the Enterprise season finale.

Why did Voyager get Cancelled?

Star Trek: Voyager ended on its own terms after seven seasons, but it limped to the finish line, rather than going out on top like The Next Generation. Voyager wasn’t cancelled, but it was the first sign that there were serious cracks in the franchise’s foundation.

How long does it take for Voyager to get home?

The Voyager embarks on its journey home, which is calculated to take approximately 75 years, while trying to stay alive and documenting the undiscovered places they find themselves stranded in.

Why is warp 10 Impossible?

The warp 10 barrier is a theoretical barrier for a starship with warp drive. Warp 10 is regarded as infinite velocity, so theoretically any vessel travelling at warp 10 would exist at all points in the universe at once.

Does Voyager return to Earth?

Admiral Janeway beams aboard Voyager and meets her younger self, and is moved to see a healthy Tuvok and Chakotay again. In Janeway’s Ready Room, the Admiral reveals to the Captain that Voyager did eventually make it back to Earth after another 16 years, and the ship became a museum on the grounds of the Presidio.

Is the Borg Queen 7 of 9 mother?

Erin Hansen was a Human exobiologist and the mother of Annika Hansen, the Human female who became Seven of Nine. She and her husband Magnus were the first Humans to closely study the Borg.

What happened to the Voyager crew?

After the Voyager officers broke out their fellow crew people, they boarded the gutted Voyager, took over the ship from a Starfleet security crew to allow Icheb and Seven to regenerate. … In July, Voyager was officially re-launched and sent on its first mission under Captain Chakotay.

What happened to B elanna Torres after Voyager?

After her escape from the Vidiians the Klingon Torres suffered a fatal wound from the Vidiian energy weapon and died, but the Doctor used her DNA to restore the human Torres to her original half-human/half-Klingon state, as her cellular structure needs the Klingon DNA to survive.

How many people have died on Voyager?

Each number has a purpose and every named crew count gets explained. In the first episode 18 people are killed on Voyager, and the maquies support the Voyager-Crew with 37 People (incl. Tuvok) + Kes + Neelix + Paris = so 40 gains at all.

Who played the female Borg in Star Trek?

Alice Krige made such an indelible impression as the sinewy, sexy and sinister Borg Queen in Star Trek: First Contact that the character remains one the greatest Trek villains of all time.

Did 7 of 9 marry chakotay?

After the Doctor removed the affected implants on her, she was free to become involved with the real Chakotay and the two finally began dating. In an alternate timeline, Janeway reveals that Seven of Nine and Chakotay were married.

What happened to chakotay in Picard?

Chakotay died in 2394, following Voyager’s return, and Admiral Janeway visits his grave marker in that episode. This future was undone by the future Janeway travelling back in time to Voyager to return it to Earth sooner.


What is the most powerful race in Star Trek?

Romulans are probably the most notorious species in Star Trek to harness cloaking technology in all of their combat worthy starships. This made their armada one of the most fearsome in the galaxy. Besides their underhandedness, Romulans are also known for their arrogance and xenophobia.

Does Captain Janeway get married?

By then, he had decided to switch to using his first name, “Mark”. In an alternate timeline featured in the Star Trek: Myriad Universes novella A Gutted World, Voyager was never stranded in the Delta Quadrant and Janeway and Mark were married by 2373.

Is Voyager more powerful than the enterprise?

Voyager NCC-74656 is one of the fastest and most powerful starships in Starfleet. Although only 345 meters long, about half the size of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D, Voyager is more technologically advanced than previous Starfleet vessels.

Who does Harry Kim end up with?

15 Hurt: Harry Kim & Linnis

In an alternate timeline, Tom Paris and Kes got together and had a daughter named Linnis. The half-Ocampan side of her aged her faster than other humans. It was also in this timeline that she married Harry Kim and they had a son named Andrew.

Are the Borg aware of Q?

It’s highly likely that the Borg have assimilated species which are telepathic enough to sense the presence of a Q. That, or otherwise put up a fight through a psychic battle. We’ve seen some incredibly powerful beings which, while not omnipotent, could certainly be a contestant against Q in the mental realm.

Does 7 of 9 become the Borg Queen?

Seven Of Nine Became The Borg Queen

In an effort to save the Borg and Ex-Borg from the Romulan oppressors on the Borg Cube, Seven of Nine was forced to make a tough decision. She attached herself to the device in the Borg Queen’s chambers, which then gave her control of every remaining Borg in stasis in the cube.

What species is Borg Queen?

This Queen was soon replaced by another, almost identical one — a drone assimilated from Species 125 — who encountered the U.S.S. Voyager in the Delta Quadrant when that Federation crew attempted to procure a transwarp coil.

What year did Voyager return to Earth?

In the year 2404, the Federation and the re-assembled crew of Voyager are celebrating the 10th anniversary of the ship’s return to Earth, 23 years after it was stranded in the Delta Quadrant.

Is Voyager 2 still working?

NASA said that the successful call to Voyager 2 is just one indication that the dish will be fully back online as planned in February 2021. … It will take about 300 years for Voyager 2 to reach the inner edge of the Oort Cloud and possibly 30,000 years to fly beyond it.

How long was Voyager lost?

To protect an intelligent species (the Ocampa), Janeway destroys a device, the Caretaker Array, which had the potential to return her crew to Federation space, stranding her ship and crew 75 years’ travel from home.
