What Grip Is Best For Bench Press?


This study confirmed the classic theory that a wide grip bench will activate the lower chest more while a close grip bench will hit the triceps harder. Utilize both grip widths in your training to maximize upper body development and bench press strength!

Is bench press close grip good for upper chest?

Those looking to build up their upper body will appreciate the close grip bench press for its emphasis on the triceps and upper chest, while powerlifters and those concerned with strength will appreciate it for its ability to improve the lockout and elbow positioning.

Should bench press touch your chest?

The barbell should lightly touch the middle of your chest when performing the barbell flat bench press. By touching the bar to your chest, you ensure a full range of motion, which, in turn, activates more muscle fibers.

Why is my bench so weak?

If you’re weak off the chest in the bench press it’s either because (1) you have weak contributing muscle groups, namely the pecs, or (2) you have inefficient technique, ranging from an inconsistent touch point, bringing the bar down to slow, lacking a bench press arch, or picking the wrong grip.

Is wider grip better for chest?

By taking a wider grip on the bench press you lift less range of motion, recruit the larger musculature of your chest, and can better set your shoulders in the start position, which increases stability throughout the entire movement. … Read more about how powerlifters train their chest in my complete guide.

Should I do close grip bench?

Summary. The close-grip bench press is an assistance lift for the bench press that puts more emphasis on the shoulders, upper chest, and triceps. … It uses a deeper range of motion than the incline bench press, which should, in theory, make it better for building the front delts and upper chest.

Is closer grip better for bench?

In general, people are about 5–6% stronger in a wide grip bench press than a close-grip bench press. The close-grip bench press results in higher velocity and power, while the wide grip bench press results in a higher force.

How much less can you close grip bench?

That said, most people will be able to close-grip bench press around 80% of the weight they normally use for the barbell bench press. For example, if your barbell bench press one-rep max is 200 pounds, you should be able to close-grip bench press about 160 pounds.

Is wide grip bench bad for shoulders?

This wide grip puts most of the key muscles in a bad position to perform the lift. It also increases the leverage of the bar on your shoulder, leading to excess strain. And this position also increases impingement on the rotator cuff.

What is a respectable bench press?

For example, the average man, in ordinary circumstances, should be able to bench press 90% of his body weight. … A 220lbs man in his 20s would be able to lift 225 in an intermediate level, 305 in advanced, and 380 in elite. Men tend to be strongest in their 20s and 30s, and gradually decline as they get older.>

What should the average man be able to bench press?

For a 198-pound man — a very close match for the national average — who has no experience benching whatsoever, ExRx.net places the standard at 135 pounds. That jumps up to 175 for a novice and 215 for an intermediate lifter. At the advanced level, the number is 290 pounds.


Do push ups increase your bench press?

Push-ups train the same muscles as a bench press. … The research went on to show that when both exercises are loaded comparably — a bench press with a barbell and a push-up with a resistance band —they provide similar gains in muscle strength.

How far apart should your close grip bench be?

Position: Hands inside shoulder-width, 8-12 inches apart

The close grip offers the most range of motion of any Bench Press grip. The closer your hands are together, the further you have to move the bar to lock it out and complete a rep.

Do triceps Help bench press?

The triceps have an important role in the bench press. If your triceps are weak, then you’ll struggle to lock the weight out. I always say to my athletes: “you should never fail a bench press rep at lock-out”. Therefore, strong triceps are necessary in order to maximize your strength on the bench press.

Is close grip bench enough for triceps?

The close grip bench press comes in eighth as an effective triceps exercise, eliciting about 62% muscle activation. 1 This move also involves quite a bit of chest, which may be why the triceps don’t work as much as in other exercises.

Does close grip chest work?

The close grip bench press is an upper body compound exercise that targets the triceps muscles. The secondary muscles involved are your chest and shoulders. … Because the chest and shoulders assist the movement, the close grip press has the potential for heavier lift loads and maximum strength gains.

Should you fully extend on bench press?

You should never fully extend your elbows when bench pressing unless performing single reps in preparation for competition. … Press the bar back to the starting point directly above your mid chest but do not fully extend your elbows.

Is it OK to bench press everyday?

Yes, you can bench press every day if the goal is to improve technique, break through a plateau, or prioritize the bench press over other lifts for a period of time. However, it is not recommended to bench press every day if the lifter is prone to injuries, and/or cannot consistently train 7 days a week.

Can you bench press 3 times a week?

Most powerlifters will train bench press 2-3 times per week. By doing this, you can gain sufficient practice with the bench press technique, as well as plan different training adaptations (strength, hypertrophy, power) on separate workouts.

Should I touch chest incline bench?

In general, yes, you should try to always touch your chest on the Incline Bench. The only time you shouldn’t touch your chest is if you lack the mobility to keep your shoulders in a stable position throughout the movement. You can do this by keeping your shoulder blades retracted at all times.
