What Does Water Symbolize In Life?


The meaning of water symbol in literature can be taken in many ways. The most obvious are life, being born, purity, cleansing, or the washing away of sins. Water is very important to life and growth and it mainly appears as a birth and rebirth symbol.

What does the river symbolize?

In this case, the river is a passageway. Like taking a road that leads to a new world; the river can symbolize changes in values, personalities, and morality. These two examples are just some of the ways that rivers can tell a human story. Many other natural settings also advance storytelling and serve as a metaphor.

What does water symbolize in death?

Water symbolism consists of two opposing images. First, there is the concept of water as a catalyst of life; it is the fuel of organic survival, and it renews and revives the damaged and dirty.

What is lightning a symbol of?

The bolt of lightning is a traditional symbol of sudden illumination and the destruction of ignorance; it also represents a punishment of humans by the gods from the skies, most commonly attributed to Zeus, king of the gods.

Is water a symbol of death?

Water has been indispensable for humanity throughout its history and indeed the origin of life on Earth. Therefore it is unsurprising that water has important and varied symbolic meanings. Water represents creation and destruction, life and death, birth and re- birth, chaos and order, and pollution and purification.

What does it mean when you see river in dream?

Seeing a river in during sleep can represent various things in your life. It can symbolise your attitude towards life. It can represent abundance which is going to come into your life in the near future. … Rivers seem to be a common element in dreams.

What does a river represent in the Bible?

In the book of Revelation, the river runs from God’s very throne, from God’s presence (Rev. 22:1-2; also Ezek. 47:1-12). The river of life in Revelation represents God’s life-giving presence.

What does the Bible say about the river of life?

Revelation 22:1 then states: “And he showed me a river of water of life, bright as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb“. The Revelation reference is interpreted as the Holy Spirit. … … to the thirsty I will freely give from the fountain of the water of life.

What do lakes represent in literature?

Lake, like WATER, can be the giver of fertility. In addition, it can represent the transition of life, death and resurrection. Taking into consideration its reflecting power, it symbolizes a mirror for self-contemplation as well as a chance for revelation.

Does water represent the Holy Spirit?

The New Testament uses water as an image of the Holy Spirit. … “Rivers of living water” represent the Holy Spirit’s presence and power poured out on Jesus’ followers. The Spirit’s presence points to his cleansing and sanctifying work in the hearts of God’s children.

How is water a symbol of cleansing?

In literature, it is known that water works as a symbol in a variety of ways as a work of purification. In coming to the idea of purity, water works to cleanse, wash, and bring about new life. … Water then acts as a symbol here of life. Water brings life to the soldiers which then allows them to keep going in battle.

Is it good to see water in dreams?

Water dreams are common, and they carry deep, primal significance. Of all the dream symbols, water seems to be the universal sign of subconscious thoughts and emotions. … Drowning in the water is one of the most common ways people fear dying, but consuming water is also necessary for life and health.


What does the rain mean spiritually?

Rain symbolism represents cleansing, calmness, growth and fertility, and even rebirth. It’s also a favorite symbol for moviemakers and literature writers who use rain as a symbol of foreshadowing. It’s also commonly present in romantic scenes but also to portray a protagonist’s high level of mental strength.

What does flooding mean spiritually?

It represents our unconsciousness and our stream of thoughts that emerge as they become too strong as actions and emotions. Floods can also purify and are symbols of purification, and cleansing – either physically or in one’s mind.

What are the 4 rivers in the Garden of Eden?

Thaddeus’ illustration mentioned above is based on Gen 2:10: “A river flowed out of Eden to water the garden, and there it divided and became four rivers.” They were the Pishon, the Gihon, the Tigris and the Euphrates. The picture abounds with features.

What does river of life mean?

The river of life flows from the Lamb on the throne. Jesus is the source of the river of life. … They will see God in His glory and live because they are forgiven and made holy through the death and resurrection of Jesus.

What does flowing water mean in the Bible?

In the Old Testament, flowing or “living” water stands for God’s faithful and lasting provision for his people. From the opposite direction, from above, God’s presence is announced by powerful, dramatic, life-giving storms.

What is the spiritual meaning of swimming in a dream?

Swimming as a Symbol for Emotions

If you see water in your dream, it can relate to the way you are feeling. Perhaps you are in a new relationship and you are not certain how you feel about this person. Maybe you want to start a new career, but are afraid of leaving your steady, well-paid job.

What does flowing water mean in a dream?

If you dream of flowing water from a river or stream, the Psychic Library indicates this might symbolize changes in your life, which are occurring either peacefully (smooth-flowing water) or too quickly (a swift-running or turbulent flow).

What does a dry river mean?

1. the channel of a watercourse that is dry except during periods of rainfall. 2. the watercourse itself.

What does water mean psychologically?

As a symbol, water is rich with psychological mean- ing for it represents the source of life, maternity, potential energy, healing, wisdom, as well as destruction. It embodies all possibilities and potentiality, both harmful and helpful.

What is the purpose of symbolism?

In literature, symbolism is used to produce an impact, which it accomplishes by attaching additional meaning to an action, object, or name. Symbolism takes something that is usually concrete and associates or affixes it to something else in order to give it a new and more significant meaning.

What is symbolism multiple choice?

What is symbolism? A pattern of sound that includes the repetition of consonant sounds. The use of an object, person, situation, or word to represent something else (an idea) in literature.
