What Does This Word Mean Scrutinize?


Some common synonyms of scrutinize are examine, inspect, and scan. While all these words mean “to look at or over,” scrutinize stresses close attention to minute detail. scrutinized the hospital bill.

What does scrutinize mean example?

4. To scrutinize is to look at something very closely or very carefully. An example of scrutinize is when you study a painting on the wall to pick up every tiny detail. verb.

What does meticulously scrutinize mean?

adj very precise about details, even trivial ones; painstaking.

Is scrutinize a negative word?

It’s not really negative. It’s more intense. Scrutinize usually means that you’re looking for something specific, like a flaw.

What are two synonyms for scrutinize?

synonyms for scrutinize

  • consider.
  • dissect.
  • explore.
  • inspect.
  • peruse.
  • probe.
  • scan.
  • watch.

How do you use scrutinize?

1) She leaned forward to scrutinize their faces. 2) MPs may lack the necessary expertise to scrutinize legislation effectively. 3) Her purpose was to scrutinize his features to see if he was an honest man. 4) Scrutinize the menu for something exceptional.

How do you use scrutinize in a sentence?

Scrutinizing sentence example

She met his scrutinizing gaze. Dolokhov answered absently, scrutinizing the face of the French drummer boy. He stood, scrutinizing Elisabeth’s painting, wondering how any of this could be real.

What does it mean to scrutinize your face?

to examine in detail with careful or critical attention.

What can you scrutinize?

To scrutinize something, you have to look at it really critically, investigating every nook and cranny. Often things are scrutinized to verify if they’re correct or authentic. So it makes perfect sense that this verb is rooted in the Latin word scrutari, which means “to search.”

What’s another word for being judged?

In this page you can discover 62 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for judged, like: labelled, guilty, rated, esteemed, found guilty, found innocent, deemed, settled, tried, adjudicated and pronounced.

What does have a look over mean?

: to inspect or examine especially in a cursory way.

Is scrutiny a formal word?

Scrutiny and its related words scrutable and scrutinize come from the Late Latin noun scrūtinium “physical search (of a place) for something hidden.” … And the earliest sense of scrutiny in English happens to be “the formal taking of votes.”


Is it Scrutinise or scrutinize?

As verbs the difference between scrutinize and scrutinise

is that scrutinize is to examine something with great care while scrutinise is to examine something with great care.

Is it incomprehensible or incomprehensible?

impossible to understand or comprehend; unintelligible. Archaic.

What is an example of ramshackle?

The definition of ramshackle is something that is badly in need of repair or that is likely to fall apart. A house with boarded up windows and a sagging foundation that could fall over at any time is an example of a ramshackle house.

What is the meaning of being skeptical?

1 : an attitude of doubt or a disposition to incredulity either in general or toward a particular object. 2a : the doctrine that true knowledge or knowledge in a particular area is uncertain. b : the method of suspended judgment, systematic doubt, or criticism characteristic of skeptics.

What is the verb of scrutiny?

to examine in detail with careful or critical attention. verb (used without object), scru·ti·nized, scru·ti·niz·ing. to conduct a scrutiny.

What is modern scrutiny?

Scrutiny. … The modern English “scrutiny” is derived from this root, indicating a careful examination or inquiry. The word is specifically applied in the early Roman Catholic Church to the examination of the catechumens or those under instruction in the faith.

What does public scrutiny mean?

If a person or thing is under scrutiny, they are being studied or observed very carefully.

What is a scrutinizing person?

to examine someone or something very carefully: All new products are scrutinized by the laboratory.

What is Petronize?

transitive verb. 1 : to act as patron of : provide aid or support for The government patronized several local artists. 2 : to adopt an air of condescension toward : treat haughtily or coolly. 3 : to be a frequent or regular customer or client of a restaurant much patronized by celebrities.

What is negative scrutiny?

1 expressing or meaning a refusal or denial. a negative answer. 2 lacking positive or affirmative qualities, such as enthusiasm, interest, or optimism. 3 showing or tending towards opposition or resistance.
