What Does The Word Insistently?


earnest or emphatic in dwelling upon, maintaining, or demanding something; persistent; pertinacious. compelling attention or notice: an insistent tone.

How do you use ambitious in a sentence?

Examples of ambitious in a Sentence

The company was created by two very ambitious young men in the early 1900s. This 500-page book is her most ambitious effort yet. Your plans for the future are very ambitious. It was too ambitious a task for just one person.

How can you use insistent in a sentence?

Insistent sentence example

  • He was insistent on meeting with her as planned. …
  • The President was insistent upon the need of repealing the excess profits taxes and reducing transportation taxes and income surtaxes.

How do you use interrogate in a sentence?

Interrogate sentence example

  1. He tried to interrogate me more but I’d had my say. …
  2. “I’m using the skills you taught me to interrogate someone else,” Jonny said. …
  3. Grab him and interrogate him to hear him make a crack about Metal Gear Solid.

How do you interrogate someone?

Use descriptive questions.

When you ask certain types of questions, like when you’re trying to get details about a situation or spot someone in a lie, use descriptive language. Use words like “tell”, “describe”, or “show” to get person telling a story and giving specific details.

What is a interrogating sentence?

to question someone in a commanding manner. Examples of Interrogate in a sentence. 1. If Jill brings a boy home, she knows her father is going to interrogate him by asking hundreds of questions.

What does skulking mean in English?

skulk SKULK verb. 1 : to move in a stealthy or furtive manner. 2 : to hide or conceal something (such as oneself) often out of cowardice or fear or with sinister intent. Examples: The cat often skulks around the foyer, waiting for someone to open the front door.

What does Be tactful mean?

: having or showing the ability to do or say things without offending other people. Other Words from tactful. tactfully -​fə-​lē adverb.

What menacing means?

: presenting, suggesting, or constituting a menace or threat : threatening a menacing look menacing words [Harold E.

Is being ambitious good or bad?

Ambition drives them to advance and accomplish their goals. Well-aimed and supported by values, ambition reflects a healthy self-esteem and higher power of abstraction and visualization of the future. Ambitious people have a gleam in their eyes as they approach their goals.

What is ambitious and example?

The definition of ambitious is to be very driven, eager and motivated. An example of someone ambitious is someone who sets a goal to break a world record. adjective. 32. 8.

Can people be tumultuous?

You might hear the adjective tumultuous in news stories about riots because it’s one of the best words to describe a group of people in turmoil or disorder, but it can mean anything in a state of unrest.


What does unremitting mean in English?

: not remitting : constant, incessant unremitting pain.

What do you mean by insolent?

1 : insultingly contemptuous in speech or conduct : overbearing. 2 : exhibiting boldness or effrontery : impudent.

Is being tactful a good thing?

The ability to communicate with sensitivity offers many benefits. First, tact is important when you have to deliver bad news or provide critical feedback, whether in a personal or professional situation. Next, communicating tactfully strengthens your reputation and builds your credibility .

How do you describe a tactful person?

If you are tactful, you have a knack for saying the right thing at the right time. A tactful person is appropriate and sensitive, never rude or careless. Tactful means “full of tact.” What’s tact? It’s the gift for saying the right thing because you understand what the situation calls for.

What is an example of tact?

A tact (a word derived from “contact” with the environment) occurs when you see, smell, taste, hear, or touch something in your environment, and then label it. … Example of a tact: A child sees a car pull into the driveway.

What does Beatificially mean?

Meaning of beatifically in English

in a way that appears happy and calm, especially in a holy way: She smiled beatifically.

What is meant by improvident?

: not provident : not foreseeing and providing for the future.

What does the word furtively means?

1a : done in a quiet and secretive way to avoid being noticed : surreptitious a furtive glance exchanged furtive smiles. b : expressive of stealth : sly had a furtive look about him. 2 : obtained underhandedly : stolen furtive gains.

What are types of sentences?

The Four Types of Sentences

Declarative Sentences: Used to make statements or relay information. Imperative Sentences: Used to make a command or a direct instruction. Interrogative Sentences: Used to ask a question. Exclamatory Sentences: Used to express a strong emotion.

What is an example of tautology?

In grammatical terms, a tautology is when you use different words to repeat the same idea. For example, the phrase, “It was adequate enough,” is a tautology. … You can also have logical tautologies, as with the phrase “You’re either hungry or you’re not.” These kinds of tautologies are self-cancelling.

What are assertive sentences?

An assertive sentence is a sentence that states a fact. Such sentences are simple statements. They state, assert, or declare something. They are also called declarative sentences. Assertive sentences usually end with a period or full stop.
