What Does The Idiom Sit On The Fence Meaning?


The origin of the idiom ‘on the fence’ has its roots in Middle English, when the word ‘fens’, short for ‘defens’ was originated. Later, an “e” was added to the term to form the word defense as it is used today.

What is the meaning of sitting on?

phrasal verb. If you say that someone is sitting on something, you mean that they are delaying dealing with it. He had been sitting on the document for at least two months. [

What is a Sitout?

: to refrain from participating in sat out every dance.

How long should I sit a day?

Sitting behind your desk all day is bad for your health and experts have long been advising people to stand at their workstations for about 15 minutes an hour. But a University of Waterloo professor says his research shows that people should be standing for at least 30 minutes per hour to get health benefits.

Is it okay to sit on the fence?

If you sit on the fence, you avoid supporting a particular side in a discussion or argument. He’s not afraid of making decisions and is a man who never sits on the fence. …

What does beating around the bush mean?

to avoid giving a definite answer or position. Please stop beating around the bush and tell me the full story.

What does it mean to play both sides of the fence?

playing both sides against the center The manipulation of two opposite sides of an argument, conflict, competition, etc. against each other for their own benefit or advantage.

What do you call a person on the fence?

fencer Add to list Share. A fencer is someone who participates in the sport of fencing, or sword fighting. Fencers are among the athletes who compete in the Olympics every four years. … The word fencer comes from the verb fence, “defend oneself,” from the noun fence, “fortification,” a shortened form of defense.

What is fence sitting psychology?

fence sitting. One who takes a position of neutrality or indecision, as in a controversial matter. acquiescence. yea-saying, or agreement with every item instead of thinking carefully about each one. response sets.

What is the synonym of chronic?

constant, continuing, continual, ceaseless, incessant, unabating, unending, persistent, perennial, long-lasting, lingering. deep-rooted, deep-seated, ineradicable. severe, serious, acute, grave, dire. temporary, mild. 3’a chronic liar’

What does stealing someone’s thunder mean?

: to prevent someone from having success or getting attention, praise, etc., by doing or saying whatever that person was planning to do or say I didn’t mean to steal your thunder, but I just had to tell your mom about your promotion.

What does getting cold feet mean?

: apprehension or doubt strong enough to prevent a planned course of action.


What does a heart to heart talk mean?

A heart-to-heart is a conversation between two people, especially close friends, in which they talk freely about their feelings or personal problems. I’ve had a heart-to-heart with him. Synonyms: tête-à-tête, cosy chat, one-to-one, private conversation More Synonyms of heart-to-heart.

What drives you up the wall?

Definition of ‘drive someone up the wall’

If you say that something or someone is driving you up the wall, you are emphasizing that they annoy and irritate you. The heat is driving me up the wall.

What do you call someone who doesn’t beat around the bush?

beat around the bushverb. To delay or avoid talking about something difficult or unpleasant. Please stop beating around the bush and tell me what the problem is! Synonyms: waffle, pussyfoot, prevaricate.

What is the sentence of sit on the fence?

He did not want to say no to either of them, so he was just sitting on the fence. She did not know whether to say yes or no to the proposal, she was sitting on the fence. When two heavyweights have an argument, its best to sit on the fence and not make either of the turn against you.

Is on the fence a movie?

On the Fence (TV Movie 2017) – IMDb.

Is sitting worse than lying down?

The short answer is that inactivity is the culprit, whether you are sitting or lying down. “The mode or type of sedentary behavior doesn’t matter,” said John P. … None of that happens when we sit in a chair or lounge in bed. Instead, our big muscles are slack and levels of blood sugar and bad cholesterol rise.

What to do after sitting all day?

Here are seven simple daily habits and mobility drills to help you counteract the consequences of sitting.

  1. Lunge and rotate. The lunge… …
  2. Hinge, hold and stretch. The stretch… …
  3. Deep Squat. A deep squat is a good test of mobility. …
  4. Breathe. …
  5. Walking. …
  6. Pull more than push. …
  7. Get off the couch!

How many hours of sitting is too much?

LOW risk indicates sitting less than 4 hours per day. MEDIUM risk indicates sitting 4 to 8 hours per day. HIGH risk indicates sitting 8 to 11 hours per day. VERY HIGH risk indicates sitting more than 11 hours per day.

Can sit it out?

To stay until the end of something: Let’s sit out this act, and then we can leave at intermission. This lecture is really boring—I don’t think I can sit it out. 2. To refrain from taking part in something: The star pitcher sat out the game with an ankle injury.

What does sitting it out mean?

to stay until the end of something, especially something unpleasant. I know it’s boring, but we’re just going to have to sit it out. Synonyms and related words. To remain in a place or situation.
