What Does Stalk Someone Mean?


The definition of a stalker is a person or animal who follows someone, hunts someone or harasses and intimidates someone. … An animal that follows and hunts its prey is an example of a stalker. A creepy obsessed person who follows you everywhere and harasses you is an example of a stalker.

What does stalker mean in stalker?

Supposedly, it stands for “Scavengers, Trespassers, Adventurers, Loners, Killers, Explorers, Robbers“, but the truth of this is contested somewhat by the fact that S.T.A.L.K.E.R. written with periods between the letters is only ever seen as “the mark”, the tattoo put on brainwashed agents of the C-Consciousness.

What is a stronger word than obsessed?

In this page you can discover 35 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for obsessed, like: captivated, fixated, hung-up, hooked, consumed, troubled, seized, bedeviled, plagued, beset and dogged.

What is an example of stalking?

Examples of stalking behaviors:

Repeated, unwanted phone calls, texts, messages, etc. that may or may not be threatening. Creating fake profiles to continue contacting a person after they have been blocked on their personal account. Observing, following or “coincidentally” showing up wherever the person goes.

Is stalking someone legal?

Stalking can be defined as the willful and repeated following, watching or harassing of another person. … They become illegal when they breach the legal definition of harassment (e.g., an action such as sending a text is not usually illegal, but is illegal when frequently repeated to an unwilling recipient).

Why is it called stalker?

“STALKER” is a backronym for Scavengers, Trespassers, Adventurers, Loners, Killers, Explorers and Robbers.

Do psychopaths stalk their victims?

Many psychopaths and stalkers objectify their victims and see them only as a way to fulfill their self-centered needs. No emotional connection: Both psychopaths and stalkers tend to experience a dysfunctional emotional connection with the other person.

How do you not stalk someone?

If you Google “how to stop stalking your ex,” here are a few things that immediately come up…

  1. Delete/unfriend/block him.
  2. Ask your friends for some tough love.
  3. Implement a “stalk jar.”
  4. Stay busy.
  5. Instead of stalking your ex, stalk a celebrity.
  6. Find a habit to replace the stalking.
  7. Get out there and start dating!

What does secret stalker mean?

Stalker. Description. A secret admirer is an individual who feels adoration, fondness or love for another person without disclosing his or her identity to that person. A stalker shows unwanted or obsessive attention toward another person.

What is the most common type of stalking?

Simple Obsessional: This is the most common type of stalker. The stalker is usually a male and the focus of the stalking is an ex-wife, ex-lover or former boss. In intimate relationships, the stalking frequently starts before the break-up.

What is the difference between stalk and petiole?

As nouns the difference between stalk and petiole

is that stalk is the stem or main axis of a plant, which supports the seed-carrying parts or stalk can be a particular episode of trying to follow or contact someone while petiole is (botany) the stalk of a leaf, attaching the blade to the stem.


What is a person who follows you around?

A follower is a person who believes in a particular cause, faith, or specific person. … When you play tag and the person who’s “it” runs behind you as you dodge around trees, that person is a follower. The Old English root is folgere, “servant or disciple,” from folgian, “follow, accompany, or pursue.”

What proof do you need for stalking?

To prove stalking, you need to be able to prove a pattern of behavior – a few isolated incidents aren’t sufficient. If the person stalking you is sending you messages online or commenting on your social media posts, all of them together can go towards proving that the person is stalking you.

How do I stop stalking my crush?

Below are some ideas on how to get rid of a crush:

  1. Talk to them and find out if you have anything in common. …
  2. Do not avoid your crush. …
  3. Get busy with other aspects of life. …
  4. Spend time with family and friends. …
  5. Confide in your loved ones about your crush. …
  6. Question yourself about the origin of this crush.

What are the elements of stalking?

You may be a victim of stalking if someone is:

  • Repeatedly following or spying on you.
  • Repeatedly calling your home and/or work.
  • Repeatedly sending you unwanted or offensive emails, letters, text messages etc.
  • Leaving unwanted gifts or items for you.
  • Vandalising or damaging your property.

How do stalkers work?

Stalkers write countless letters or emails to their victims, begging for attention. They make repeated phone calls, send gifts, flowers, candies, cards. They secretly follow the victim, either by car or in an insidious way — by getting access to the victim’s email. “We’ve seen this in many relationships.

Who is likely to be a victim of stalking?

The majority of stalking victims are women and most stalkers are men, but men can be victims, too. Three out of four stalking victims were stalked by someone they know; of these, 45 percent of stalkers were acquaintances of the victim and 30 percent were intimate partners.

How do you know if you’re being Cyberstalked?

Here are three ways to tell if someone is cyberstalking you:

  1. Your inbox is always full. At least once a week, you can guarantee receiving a message, comment, or email from this person – even if you ignore them or have asked them to stop contacting you. …
  2. They know everything about you. …
  3. Someone is spreading rumors about you.

What do you call someone obsessed with you?

“Obsessive love disorder” (OLD) refers to a condition where you become obsessed with one person you think you may be in love with. … Talk to your doctor if you think you or a loved one may have the disorder.

What do you call an obsessed person?

egocentric, egoistic. (also egoistical), egomaniacal, egotistic.

What is the word for obsessive thinking?

besetting, compulsive, consuming, fixed, gripping, haunting, tormenting, unforgettable.
