What Does Spread Eagle Mean In Slang?


noun, plural jin·goes. a person who professes his or her patriotism loudly and excessively, favoring vigilant preparedness for war and an aggressive foreign policy; bellicose chauvinist.

Is Hysterical an emotion?

Hysterical means “marked by uncontrollable, extreme emotion.” If your favorite sports team wins a championship, you might get hysterical and started weeping and screaming all at once.

How do you do a spread eagle cheer jump?

Spread Eagle Cheerleading Jump

  1. Your legs are apart with your knees facing FORWARD (compared to the Toe Touch when your knees are facing up).
  2. Keep your legs directly beside you.
  3. Your toes should be pointed toward the ground.
  4. Your arms are in a High “V” motion.
  5. Keep your back straight and head up – do not lean forward.

What is the easiest cheer jump?

Probably one of the most common jumps, the toe touch is fairly easy to perform. Arms are in a “T” position and legs are in a V, with knees pointing toward the sky or even backward a bit. Your hands will not touch your toes, despite the name.

What is the most basic cheer jump?

TOE TOUCH. The most common jump performed. The cheerleader splits their legs to the sides with toes pointed and knees directed upwards, while the arms remain in a T position. Athletes must be extending through their toes to a pointed position and their chest should remain upright.

What is a toe touch cheer?

Toe-Touch. The most recognisable cheerleading jump, very similar to what is known in gymnastics as a ‘straddle’ jump. In this jump, the legs are straddled and straight, parallel to the ground, toes pointed, knees are pointing up/backwards, and your hands are in fists or blades and arms in a “T” motion.

How long does it take to learn a toe touch jump?

It is incorporated into most routines, so it is important to learn and master the skill as outlined in a few simple steps below. It takes a lot of practice. Some say that you must practice something for 10,000 hours or six to eight years before you master a skill.

What muscles do you use when you touch your toes?

Often considered a measure of hamstring flexibility, touching your toes displays flexibility in your lower back, glutes, ankles, and hamstrings. If you can’t touch your toes, performing a stretching routine that addresses each muscle area individually is the best way to improve your toe touch abilities.

What is a cheerleading chant?

Unlike longer cheers and routines, cheerleading chants are typically short, quick and very much to the point. Whether you need a quick filler in between plays, some fast encouragement to urge your team on to victory or a cute cheer that will be easy for your squad to remember, you can find a chant to fit your needs.

How do you jump higher?

Exercises to try

  1. Jumping jacks. Jumping jacks are a type of plyometric exercise that can help you jump higher by building lower body strength. …
  2. Single-leg deadlifts with jump. This advanced exercise builds stability as you explosively jump up using one leg at a time. …
  3. Burpees. …
  4. Forward linear jumps. …
  5. Squat jumps. …
  6. Rebounding.

What is the most difficult jump stunt?

Pike This jump is among the most difficult of jumps. Both legs are straight out, knees locked. Arms are in a touchdown motion out in front to create a folded position in the air, this motion is also called “candlesticks”.

Is cheerleading a sport yes or no?

But unlike football, cheerleading is not officially recognized as a sport — neither by the NCAA nor by U.S. federal Title IX guidelines. … Still, cheerleading has had a higher rate of injury over time than 23 of the 24 sports recognized by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), the exception being football.

What is the difference between chant and cheer?

TIPS: There is a difference be a cheer and a chant: a chant is very short and is repeated several times – usually 4 times. A cheer is much longer and is done one time through.

What jumps do you need to know for cheerleading tryouts?

The jumps that most schools expect potential cheerleaders to perform include the toe touch, herkie, side hurdler, roundoff and front hurdler. Advanced tumbling moves should only be practiced if you are already a gymnast.

What is hysteria called today?

In the most recent update of the DSM, the DSM-5, symptoms that were once labeled under the broad umbrella of hysteria fit under what is now referred to as somatic symptom disorder.

Is it okay to say hysterical?

It’s a perfectly good word and describes a certain condition.

What does crying hysterically mean?

without being able to control your feelings or behavior because you are extremely frightened, angry, excited, etc.: She started laughing/crying hysterically.

What does jingoism mean in English?

Jingoism, an attitude of belligerent nationalism, or a blind adherence to the rightness or virtue of one’s own nation, society, or group, simply because it is one’s own.

Why is jingoism derogatory?

Patriotism in the U.S. is often cultivated in young children. Jingoism is a pejorative phrase used to describe chauvinistic patriotism, characterized by a readiness to go to war and support for a very aggressive foreign policy. Like other pejoratives, it is not usually used self-referentially.

Why is it called jingoism?

Jingoism originated during the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878, when many British citizens were hostile toward Russia and felt Britain should intervene in the conflict. … Someone holding the attitude implied in the song became known as a jingo or jingoist, and the attitude itself was dubbed jingoism.
