What Does Scunnered Mean In Scottish Slang?


/ (ˈskʌnəd) / adjective dialect, mainly Scot. annoyed, discontented, or bored. nauseated or disgusted, esp from a surfeit of food, drink, etc.

What is a Jakey in Scotland?

/ (ˈdʒeɪkɪ) / noun. Scot slang, derogatory a homeless alcoholic.

What is a Scottish kiss?

(Britain, euphemistic, humorous) A sharp, sudden headbutt to the nose, usually resulting in a broken nose.

What does Scottish word Dreich mean?

“Dreich” – meaning dull or gloomy – topped a poll to mark Book Week Scotland, led by the Scottish Book Trust. It beat off contenders including “glaikit”, “scunnered” and “shoogle”. The charity said the first recorded use of the word “dreich” was in 1420, when it originally meant “enduring” or “slow, tedious”.

What does Scundered mean in Irish?

Filters. (North of Ireland, especially Belfast environs, slang) Embarassed. When I tripped over and fell on stage in front of everyone, I was scundered! adjective.

What does Glaikit mean in Scottish?

Glaikit – stupid, foolish, or thoughtless.

How do you say don’t in Scottish?

Scots are known for pronouncing traditional words in unpredictable ways. Listen out for “yes” pronounced as “aye”, “dae” as “do” and “dinnae” as “don’t“.

Why is a poo called a jobby?

Sounds rude, right? That’s because it is in Scotland – scottish slang dictates that a ‘jobby’ is actually another word for faeces. Yep, jobby means poop, basically.

Can a person be scintillating?

If you say someone is scintillating, then they are clever — people want to listen to them. This is a word often used sarcastically. If someone is boring, you might say “Well, that was scintillating,” while rolling your eyes.

What does Gies a Bosie mean?

Gie’s A Bosie is Doric dialect for ‘Give us a hug! ‘.

What is the Scottish word for beautiful?

Bonnie. Female | A quintessential Scottish name that will never go out of fashion, Bonnie is the Scots word for beautiful, pretty, stunning and attractive. Bonnies tend to have an inimitable personality.

What is the Scottish word for home?

Taigh. It is probable not surprising that many of our cottages include the word Taigh (also Tigh) which is Gaelic for ‘house’. They often refer to the original owner or resident.

What is the most Irish thing to say?

20 things Irish people say versus what they actually mean

  1. 1. “ I will yeah”
  2. 2. “ She has some neck”
  3. 3. “ That’s Grand”
  4. 4. “ A good bit”
  5. 5. “ The tea is wet”
  6. “Will you have a mineral?”
  7. 7. “ I’m off to get a few messages”
  8. “Would you be well?”

What does Culchie mean in Ireland?

Culchie is a pejorative term in Hiberno-English and Ulster-Scots dialects for someone from rural Ireland. … In Belfast, Northern Ireland, the term is used to refer to persons from outside of the city proper but not necessarily outside the Greater Belfast area.

How do you say drunk in Irish?

THEY say Eskimos have 100 words for snow, but the Irish have almost as many ways to say drunk.

  1. Balloobas.
  2. Bladdered.
  3. Blocked.
  4. Blotto.
  5. Bollocked.
  6. Bolloxed.
  7. Boogalooed.
  8. Buckled.

Is Drookit a Scottish word?

The “ch” is pronounced as in Scots loch or German ach. Drookit – extremely wet / absolutely drenched. … It is most commonly used when referring to the wind, and is thought to be a derivative of the old English word for quick or sharp, and the German word schnell, an adjective or adverb also meaning quick or swift.

Is Natter a Scottish word?

(colloquial) To talk without purpose. (Scotland) To nag. … To talk idly; chatter.

What does Sasine mean in Scottish?

1 Scots law : the seisin or possession of feudal property also : the formality by which it is acquired by the tenant. 2 : the instrument or deed by which the transfer of feudal property is proved.

What does belter mean in Scotland?

Belter – What it usually means: A loud, forceful singer. Meaning in Glasgow: Amazing.

What does Greek kiss mean?

Kissing was also certainly considered a sign of affection, as in many of Homer’s works, kissing is used to illustrate a deep bond of friendship or kinship. … Often, parents were described as kissing their children in order to show their love, and men who were close friends would also kiss.

How long should you wait to kiss a guy?

“ Overall, over half of U.S. consumers think kissing on the first date is acceptable. An additional 33% of consumers say its best to wait until 2-3 dates for the first kiss. Men were more likely than women to say that kissing on the first date is acceptable.

What does FUD mean in Scotland?

The term “fud” is used as Scottish slang for referring to someone as a foolish person – or more commonly, as female genitals.
