What Does Resend Mean?


transitive verb. : to send again or back.

How do you resent an email?

Double-click the message that you want to resend. On the Message tab, in the Move group, click Actions, and then click Resend This Message. A new message window opens. If there are multiple recipients, you can remove recipients who don’t need to receive the message again.

Does resent mean sent again?

The word resent is derived from the French word, ressentir, which means to feel regret or to feel pain. Resent (reeSENT) means to have sent something again.

Do you resent me meaning?

To resent something is to feel anger or bitterness toward it. You might resent someone who has treated you poorly. To resent is a strong, negative feeling. … You might resent a friend who has more money or friends than you.

Does resend mean back?

Rescind is a verb. It means to withdraw or take back a previous action. … Resend is a verb, and can also be written with a dash: re-send. It means to repeat the sending of correspondence.

Can I resend it meaning?

To send again. I didn’t get your email — you’ll have to resend it. To send back. To send again or send back.

How do you use the word resent?

  1. resent something/somebody I deeply resented her criticism.
  2. The children resented the new woman in their father’s life.
  3. resent doing something He bitterly resents being treated like a child.
  4. resent somebody doing something She resented him making all the decisions.
  5. (formal) She resented his making all the decisions.

Has resent meaning?

: to be angry or upset about (someone or something that you think is unfair) See the full definition for resent in the English Language Learners Dictionary. resent. verb.

Is it okay to resend an email?

Don’t Resend An Email Right Away

It could be considered rude if you just re-send an email after not hearing back from the recipient after only a day. Everyone has their own schedule and usually a few days to a week is usually a good amount of time to get back to someone to see if they have received your email or not.

What does rescinded mean in English?

1 : to take away : remove. 2a : take back, cancel refused to rescind the order. b : to abrogate (a contract) and restore the parties to the positions they would have occupied had there been no contract. 3 : to make void by action of the enacting authority or a superior authority : repeal rescind an act.

What is the opposite of resend?

Antonyms & Near Antonyms for resend. accept, receive.

Will follow up synonym?

Find another word for follow up. In this page you can discover 23 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for follow up, like: followup, reexamination, implement, debrief, follow through, dodge, review, avoid, follow, follow-out and carry out.

Could you please resend meaning?

verb (transitive) to send again or back.


Are sent or have been sent?

If the report is on its way, you can say: is being sent. Of course if you say:has been sent, you have to realise that it is also being sent and that means it hasn’t arrived yet.

What is the meaning of resend code?

If there happens to be a delay in receiving the code, your restaurant staff can resend the redemption code to the customer by simply clicking the Resend Code button. … For Home Delivery customers, your restaurant staff can send the redemption code via SMS.

What does rescinded mean in law?

Cancellation of a contract. Rescission may be unilateral, as when a party rightfully cancels a contract because of another party’s material breach. … Finally, courts can use rescission as a synonym for voiding a contract, as for reasons of public policy.

What is the word for take back an offer?

rescind Add to list Share. If you get a call saying a company has decided to rescind your job offer, it’s back to the classifieds for you. Rescind means to cancel or revoke. Things that are rescinded: policies, court decisions, regulations, and official statements.

What does it mean to take back words?

to admit that something you said to or about someone was wrong. I didn’t mean what I said – I take it back. Synonyms and related words. To admit you are wrong or have done something wrong.

Can you resent yourself?

Whatever the reason, many people spend a huge amount of time harboring guilt and resentment towards themselves and others… Face it, we’ve all been there! Many of us have also heard it time and time again, “Forgiveness is the only way to free yourself of these feelings.”

Do you resent someone?

Resentment describes a negative emotional reaction to being mistreated. … A person experiencing resentment will often feel a complex variety of emotions that include anger, disappointment, bitterness, and hard feelings. Resentment is commonly triggered by: Relationships with people who insist on being right all the time.

Is resentment a strong word?

resentment Add to list Share. Resentment, or the strong and painful bitterness you feel when someone does something wrong to you, doesn’t have actual physical weight, but it feels very heavy and can last a long time. Forgiveness is one way to get rid of resentment.

Can an offer letter be rescinded?

Generally, this means that when an employer makes an offer of at-will employment, the employer is free to rescind that job offer, for any reason or no reason at all, at any time, including the period after the potential employee has accepted the offer but before he or she begins work, without legal consequence.
