What Does Reread Mean?


Reread synonyms

In this page you can discover 7 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for reread, like: reexamine, study again, read, go over, read-through, and null.

How do you use reread in a sentence?

Reread sentence example

  1. She reread the message, startled. …
  2. She reread the entry, brow furrowed. …
  3. Dean reread the eleven letters he had only glanced at earlier. …
  4. In study hours she had to look up new words for me and read and reread notes and books I did not have in raised print.

What is the sentence of reappear?

1 She went upstairs and did not reappear until morning. 2 Many of these ideas reappear in his later books. 3 The same familiar faces reappear in the law courts with depressing regularity. 4 He had not expected the young man to reappear before evening.

What is the sentence of unkind?

(1) She was very hurt by his unkind words. (2) It was unkind to denigrate her achievement. (3) He was never unkind to her. (4) She was rather hurt by his unkind words.

Is reread a real word?

Reread (solid) and re-read (hyphenated) are used in equal measure in all sorts of writing. Once you use one version, stick to it throughout the copy. The modern trend is to go less on internal word hyphenations — but there are exceptions, of course.”

What does it mean when we say to look back in time?

The prefix retro- means “back,” and spect is a component of the words inspect, spectator, spectacles, and perspective, among others, which all have to do with looking or seeing. So it makes sense that retrospect means to look back in time, or to remember. Definitions of retrospect.

What is the exact meaning of brush up?

1 : to improve or polish as if by brushing. 2 : to renew one’s skill in brush up your Spanish. intransitive verb. : to refresh one’s memory : renew one’s skill brush up on math. Other Words from brush up More Example Sentences Learn More About brush up.

What do you mean by Null?

1 : having no legal or binding force : invalid a null contract. 2 : amounting to nothing : nil the null uselessness of the wireless transmitter that lacks a receiving station— Fred Majdalany. 3 : having no value : insignificant …

What is the root of reread?

Remember, the prefix “re” means again, so “reread” means to read again.

Why do readers reread?

Rereading books provides an opportunity to develop a deep understanding of a book’s plot or character development something not possible reading a book once. Exploring the text and illustrations helps children delve into the story’s message and make new connections, preparing them for more complex narratives.


What does re mean in reading?

I’ve seen Re: explained as an abbreviation of the words “regarding” or “referencing.” However, Re is not an abbreviation for anything.Re: means “re.” Re is an English preposition in use since at least the 18th century. It means “in the matter of, with reference to.

What does look down upon mean?

To look down upon is defined as to consider someone or something lesser or inferior in some way.

What does gloominess mean?

Definitions of gloominess. a feeling of melancholy apprehension. synonyms: gloom, somberness, sombreness. type of: apprehension, apprehensiveness, dread. fearful expectation or anticipation.

What does looking up to someone mean?

: to respect and admire (someone) I’ve always looked up to my older brother. The kids really look up to their coach.

What are the difference between blended words and clipped words?

In a blend, you should still be able to hear each of the letters that make up the blend. Clipped Word- is a word formed by dropping one or more syllables from a longer word or phrase with no change in meaning . For example, a blueberry is Clipping. Clipped compounds are common in various slang and jargon vocabularies.

Is there a word unread?

not read, as a letter or newspaper. lacking in knowledge gained by reading; having read little or nothing: She was intelligent but unread.

Who is an unkind person?

1. unkind person – a person of mean disposition. meanie, meany. oppressor – a person of authority who subjects others to undue pressures.

What are the acts of being unkind?

The definition of unkind is cruel or inconsiderate of others. An example of someone unkind is a very strict, mean school principal. An example of something unkind is a person taking a treat from the hand of a child. Lacking kindness; inconsiderate or unsympathetic.

What does Uncharitably mean?

: lacking in charity : severe in judging : harsh uncharitable comments.

How do you use dependent in a sentence?

  1. Don’t be too dependent on others. ( …
  2. He is still dependent on his parents. ( …
  3. She’s still dependent on her parents. ( …
  4. Tom is still dependent on his parents. ( …
  5. Tom and Mary are dependent on each other. ( …
  6. She’s dependent on her husband. (
