What Does Panophobia Mean?


Pan came to be a kind of universal god of everything. This explains why the words “panophobia” and “pantophobia” came to describe an extreme, wide-ranging fear of everything. If you have a specific phobia, you feel intense anxiety about a particular object or situation, such as storms or insects.

What is the best definition of a phobia?

: an unreasonable, abnormal, and lasting fear of something. phobia. noun.

What is the rarest phobia?

Rare and Uncommon Phobias

  • Ablutophobia | Fear of bathing. …
  • Arachibutyrophobia | Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth. …
  • Arithmophobia | Fear of math. …
  • Chirophobia | Fear of hands. …
  • Chloephobia | Fear of newspapers. …
  • Globophobia (Fear of balloons) …
  • Omphalophobia | Fear of Umbilicus (Bello Buttons)

What is the #1 phobia?

1. Social phobias. Fear of social interactions. Also known as Social Anxiety Disorder, social phobias are by far the most common phobia our Talkspace therapists see in their clients.

What is Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia?

Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is one of the longest words in the dictionary — and, in an ironic twist, is the name for a fear of long words. Sesquipedalophobia is another term for the phobia. The American Psychiatric Association doesn’t officially recognize this phobia.

Can phobias be cured?

Almost all phobias can be successfully treated and cured. Simple phobias can be treated through gradual exposure to the object, animal, place or situation that causes fear and anxiety. This is known as desensitisation or self-exposure therapy.

What are 3 types of phobias?

There are three types of phobia: social phobia, agoraphobia, and specific phobia. Symptoms, or phobic reactions, may be psychological, such as an intense feeling of unease or foreboding; physical, such as crying or gastrointestinal distress; or behavioral, which includes a wide variety of avoidance tactics.

How does a phobia affect others?

How do phobias affect relationships and family life? At times, phobias can cause disagreements in close relationships, as they can limit the activities that partners and families can do together.

What is Somniphobia?

Somniphobia is the fear of falling asleep and staying asleep. You may feel that you will not be in control of what is happening around you when you sleep, or you may miss out on life if you’re not awake. Some people also fear that they will not wake up after having a good night’s rest.

What is the fear of people called?

Anthropophobia is the fear of people. The National Institute of Mental Health does not use the term. But if you search for the term on the NIMH website, the result “social anxiety disorder” turns up. Some researchers say it is the same as sociophobia, or social phobia, a fear of social gatherings.

What are the 10 most common fears?

Phobias: The ten most common fears people hold

  • Social phobias. …
  • Agoraphobia: fear of open spaces. …
  • Acrophobia: fear of heights. …
  • Pteromerhanophobia: fear of flying. …
  • Claustrophobia: fear of enclosed spaces. …
  • Entomophobia: fear of insects. …
  • Ophidiophobia: fear of snakes. …
  • Cynophobia: fear of dogs.

What is the phobia of crying called?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.


What’s the fear of clowns called?

A fear of clowns, called coulrophobia (pronounced “coal-ruh-fow-bee-uh”), can be a debilitating fear. A phobia is and intense fear of a certain object or scenario that impacts behavior and sometimes daily life. Phobias are often a deep-rooted psychological response tied to a traumatic event in someone’s past.

Do phobias get worse with age?

“Generally, phobias will probably improve with age, but if your phobia has anything to do with being vulnerable, such as heights or big crowds, it will probably get worse.”

What should you not say to a phobia?

15 Things You Should Never Say to Someone Who Suffers From Anxiety

  • Oh, here we go again (eye roll)… …
  • You’re only like this because it’s so trendy to be anxious right now. …
  • Calm down. …
  • Everything is going to be fine. …
  • You need to push through it. …
  • I get anxious too! …
  • Have a drink, it’ll help you relax.

Does everyone have a phobia?

What is a phobia? Almost everyone has an irrational fear or two—of spiders, for example, or your annual dental checkup. For most people, these fears are minor. But when fears become so severe that they cause tremendous anxiety and interfere with your normal life, they’re called phobias.

What word takes 3 hours to say?

Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (45 letters)

What does pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis mean in English?

What is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis? noun | A lung disease caused by the inhalation of very fine silicate or quartz dust, causing inflammation in the lungs. … Due to the length of the word it is often abbreviated by language buffs to p45 (i.e. 45 characters).

What does Paraskevidekatriaphobic stand for?

Paraskevidekatriaphobia: Fear of Friday the 13th.

Who was afraid to fly?

Aerophobia is used for people who are afraid to fly. For some, even thinking about flying is a stressful situation and flying phobia, coupled with panic attacks, can lead to dangerous situations.

Is Trypophobia real?

Trypophobia isn’t an officially recognized phobia. Some researchers have found evidence that it exists in some form and has real symptoms that can impact a person’s everyday life if they’re exposed to triggers. Speak with your doctor or a counselor if you think you may have trypophobia.

What do humans fear the most?

The most common are insects, snakes, and spiders. The fact these animals are so different from mammals is a major reason why people develop this strong aversion. Another point is that some are poisonous and their bite or sting can cause an intense reaction. However, only a tiny percentage have this trait.

What is extreme shyness called?

Many suffer from more than just shyness, experts say. They have a condition called social anxiety disorder, also known as social phobia. The condition has been officially recognized as a psychiatric disorder since 1980.
