What Does Overcasting Mean When Sewing?


The overedge foot is also known as an overcast foot, or an overlocking foot. Essentially it allows thread to wrap around the edge of the fabric to prevent unraveling. It is a magical little sewing machine foot that can give you an edging similar to that of an overlocker with just about any sewing machine.

Is overcasting the same as Serging?

They find the serger a pain to set up and thread and don’t like the seams it makes as well as on their regular machines. … Overcast and sew a seam at the same time. Use like a serger (it does not cut the fabric like a serger, but it allows you to sew an interlocking hem along a raw edge)

Can a regular sewing machine do Serging?

Can a Serger Replace My Regular Sewing Machine? Although some projects can be done 100 percent on a serger, a serger cannot replace a regular sewing machine. You will still need a regular machine for facings, zippers, topstitching, buttonholes, etc. A serger cannot do this job.

Are Overlockers worth it?

Overlockers are worth buying if you intend to make lots of clothing, sew with stretch fabrics and make professional-looking projects. Overlockers are not worth using for those who finish their seams with bindings or make home decors that don’t require overlocked seams.

What is a stitch in the ditch foot?

Stitch in the ditch is a style of machine quilting that simply follows the seam lines of the quilt top. The trouble is, all those layers of fabric and batting can really bog down the operation. My advice? Swap out your presser foot for a walking foot.

When would you use a overcast stitch?

When sewing two or more layers of fabric together with overcast or whipstitch, it’s usually with felt or as a way to sew an opening closed, such as on a stuffed toy.

Is overcast stitch the same as blanket stitch?

The blanket stitch is one of many overcast stitches. Overcast stitches are used for buttonholes, seams on stretch fabric, and to keep loosely woven fabrics from unraveling.

How do you overcast edges in cross stitch?

You can overcast the edges with a simple whip stitch, or fold over the edge into a hem and baste it. When hand stitching the edge, use regular sewing thread doubled up. Be sure to stitch into the fabric a bit so you don’t end up pulling up the edges – 1/4 to 1/2 inch should work.

How do I stop my edges from fraying without sewing?

Using nail polish to contain fraying fabric edges is an easy, effective and quite inexpensive technique. It works best when used with thin, lightweight fabrics. As you’ll see below, a thin layer of nail polish is applied along the fabric’s cut edge.

Will a zigzag stitch prevent fraying?

A zigzag seam finish can be used on almost any seam to enclose the raw edge and prevent fraying if you have the option of sewing a zigzag stitch with your sewing machine.

How do you overcast raw edges by hand?


  1. Find the Right Needle. Grab a needle that’s the right size and type for the fabric you’re sewing. …
  2. Loop the Thread. Loop the thread over the fabric edge and pass the needle through it. …
  3. Pull the Thread. Now you’ll see the first loop you’ve formed over the edge of the fabric. …
  4. Repeat. …
  5. Pull.

Do I need a special foot to stitch in the ditch?

This sewing technique uses a walking foot if you have one and is especially useful for finishing off quilts. The stitch in the ditch finishes the quilt as it stitches together the lining and batting.

Can I use walking foot to stitch in the ditch?

Stitch in the ditch techniques are very simple. … It is possible to use a stitch in the ditch foot but from what we have been able to uncover is that the walking foot is the best sewing tool for this job. It grabs the fabric better on all layers and makes sure it is fed through the needle at the same speed.

What stitches can you do with a walking foot?

The walking foot is engineered for FORWARD MOTION stitches such as straight and zig zag. If the feed dogs move backwards they may cause the fabric to shift, as feed dogs do not move backward as efficiently as they do forward. Think of it this way, your car will drive in reverse, but it is designed to move forward.

What can you use instead of a walking foot?

Maybe a darning foot

If you wish to avoid using a walking foot altogether, then your alternative quilting foot is a darning or hopping foot. With this foot, the you must drop your sewing machine’s feed dogs. You are in charge of moving the quilt sandwich through your sewing machine and creating the stitch length.

Is an even feed foot the same as a walking foot?

The walking foot also known as the even feed foot, is another multi-purpose marvel. This foot is unique because of its feed dogs that in combination with the sewing machine’s feed dogs, work to move the fabric along. … The foot is used for stitch-in-the-ditch quilting on your standard sewing machine.

What can an overlocker do that a sewing machine can t?

What Does an Overlocker Do? An overlocker does not replace a sewing machine. Its primary function is to clean finish a raw edge, giving the project a professional appearance. Many overlocking stitches have built-in stretch, making them the perfect tool for seaming knit fabrics.

Which is better overlocker or sewing machine?

When to Use an Overlocker over a Sewing Machine

If you work on numerous garment construction projects, then it’s wise to invest in an overlocker because of the speed factor. You will work more efficiently with a serger than when using an ordinary sewing unit to complete hemming, seaming or edging tasks.

How hard is it to use an overlocker?

As you can imagine it is a lot more complicated than threading a sewing machine with two needles and four threads to contend with. Many overlockers also have to be threaded in a particular order and it can take a lot of time, practice and bedtime reading of the manual for you to perfect it.
