What Does Overcast Mean In A Sentence?


adjective. overspread or covered with clouds; cloudy: an overcast day. Meteorology. (of the sky) more than 95 percent covered by clouds.

Is overcast a verb or adjective?

Verb an impenetrable fog overcast our view of the harbor Adjective It was an overcast morning. They worked in overcast conditions.

How do you use the word clouded in a sentence?

Clouded sentence example

  1. Black spots clouded her vision as she grabbed the receiver, and then she fell. …
  2. His eyes clouded with belated concern and his voice lost its edge. …
  3. Kiera found she truly was happy for her, though her own happiness was clouded by a sense of sadness and yearning.

What’s the definition of clouded?

clouded; clouding; clouds. Definition of cloud (Entry 2 of 2) intransitive verb. 1 : to grow cloudy —usually used with over or up clouded over before the storm. 2a of facial features : to become troubled, apprehensive, or distressed in appearance her face clouded with worry.

Whats the meaning of clouded?

adjective. confused; muddled; disordered: a mind clouded by sorrow. covered with or as if with clouds.

What is the difference between cloudy and overcast?

A cloudy sky is typically one in which clouds dominate over the sun during the day, or obscure the stars at night. … An overcast sky is usually saved to describe a sky that is 100% and completely covered in clouds with zero breaks in between.

Can overcast be a noun?

An outcast. A cloud covering all of the sky.

Does it rain during overcast?

An overcast sky does not mean heavy rain, or precipitation of any sort, is on its way. … The reasons for an overcast sky are many and varied, and although an overcast sky can certainly indicate that rain is likely to occur, it is definitely not a guarantee.

What causes overcast?

Although fog can cause low visibility on the ground, overcast skies are created by clouds that are higher in the atmosphere. Other conditions can lead to low visibility as well. These include blowing snow, heavy rain, smoke, and ash and dust from volcanoes.

What causes a cloudy day?

When the molecules are bouncing around in the atmosphere, they don’t normally stick together. Clouds on Earth form when warm air rises and its pressure is reduced. The air expands and cools, and clouds form as the temperature drops below the dew point. … When these droplets come together, they form a cloud.

Where does the term overcast come from?

overcast (adj.)

c. 1300, of weather, “covered or overspread with clouds,” past-participle adjective from verb overcast (early 13c.), “to place something over or across,” also “to cover, to overspread” as with a garment, but usually of clouds, darkness (also “to knock down”), from over- + cast (v.).

How do you use the word overcast?

Overcast sentence example

  1. Tuesday dawned a dreary overcast day. …
  2. It was frosty and the air was sharp, but toward evening the sky became overcast and it began to thaw. …
  3. The day was overcast and absent the warming glow of the sun, felt colder than usual. …
  4. It was overcast , but warm.

What is the meaning of Nimbo?

– The prefix nimbo- or the suffix -nimbus means precipitating, such as nimbostratus or cumulonimbus. – Stratocumulus are layered cumulus clouds. – Virga is rain that evaporates before hitting the ground.

What is the noun of cloudy?

cloudiness. The state of being cloudy (e.g. weather). The property of being murky (e.g. liquid, style). The property of being obscure (e.g. information).

Can you tan in overcast?

Yes, tanning through clouds is possible. … It does not matter how cloudy, hazy, or even rainy the day is there is still a chance of getting a tan, and even worse, a burn. Thick grey or black clouds will absorb some of the rays and not allow as much UV light through, but some will still get through and into your skin.

Can you burn in overcast weather?

Reality: According to the SCF, up to 80 percent of the sun’s UV rays can pass through clouds. This is the reason people often end up with serious sunburns on overcast days if they’ve spent time outside with no sun protection.

Is overcast worse than cloudy?

Many people have heard the claim that UV Rays are stronger on cloudy days, but often this thought is disregarded entirely as a myth. … Clouds can block up to 70-90% of these UV-B rays during times of extreme overcast. If, however, the forecast presents itself as “partly cloudy,” the situation is entirely different.

What do you call a cloudy morning?

Use the adjective overcast when you’re describing a cloudy sky. An overcast day can be dark, cold, and gloomy, or just quiet and calm. A day that’s gray and cloudy is overcast, and a dull, sunless sky can also be described this way.

Is overcast worse than Mostly cloudy?

General use of the word ‘cloudy’ implies there will be more clouds than sunshine,” McRoberts states. … A: Overcast means the entire sky is cloud covered, he adds. “An overcast sky is usually a dull and gray-looking sky when clouds are expected to cover all of the surrounding area.

What does it mean when someone says their mind is clouded?

Clouding of consciousness (also known as brain fog or mental fog) is when a person is slightly less wakeful or aware than normal. They are not as aware of time or their surroundings and find it difficult to pay attention. People describe this subjective sensation as their mind being “foggy”.

Is Nephophilia a real word?

Nephophilia Definition: A person who loves clouds; love of clouds; fondness or obsession of clouds.

What plodded means?

to walk heavily or move laboriously; trudge: to plod under the weight of a burden. to proceed in a tediously slow manner: The play just plodded along in the second act. to work with constant and monotonous perseverance; drudge.
