What Does Long Enduring Mean?


1 : to continue in the same state : last entry 1 the style endured for centuries. 2 : to remain firm under suffering or misfortune without yielding though it is difficult, we must endure. transitive verb. 1 : to undergo especially without giving in : suffer endure hardships endured great pain.

How do you use the word enduring?

Enduring Sentence Examples

  1. The motions of most lizards are executed with great but not enduring rapidity.
  2. After enduring the greatest hardships it was resolved to abandon the ship, Upernivik being reached on the 5th of August 1855, whence a relief expedition brought the explorers home.

What is another word for lasting a long time?

In this page you can discover 17 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for long-lasting, like: durable, long-standing, continuing, enduring, abiding, persistent, resilient, permanent, perdurable, perennial and lasting.

Which phrase means in a very long time?

everlasting. adjective. continuing for a very long time.

What type of word is enduring?

lasting; permanent: a poet of enduring greatness. patient; long-suffering.

What are the 9 enduring issues?

9 Examples of Enduring Issues (Infographic)

  • Conflicts.
  • Cooperation.
  • Power.
  • Inequality.
  • Innovation.
  • Interconnectedness.
  • Ideas and beliefs.
  • Environmental impact.

What is an enduring truth?

adj. 1 permanent; lasting. 2 having forbearance; long-suffering.

What is an enduring love?

What does enduring love mean? Enduring love traditionally means love that lasts over time just as strongly as the day it began, through the tough times and the good times. Enduring love is a person who will continue to love their partner despite any flaws or problems in the relationship that occurs.

What is an enduring relationship?

1 permanent; lasting. 2 having forbearance; long-suffering.

What is an example of endure?

Endure is defined as to put up with or to undergo. An example of endure is someone continuing to run a marathon after twisting their ankle. verb.

Is it long-lasting or long-lasting?


adj. 1. enduring or existing for a long period of time: a long-lasting friendship. 2.

What does enduring icon mean?

adj. 1 permanent; lasting. 2 having forbearance; long-suffering. ♦ enduringly adv.

How do you use long-lasting in a sentence?

(1) Even minor head injuries can cause long-lasting psychological effects. (2) This varnish provides a long-lasting and hard-wearing gloss finish. (3) This lipstick gives long-lasting rich colour. (4) The impact of divorce on children can be long-lasting.


What are some enduring issues today?

  • Scarcity.
  • Equity Issues/Lack of Access.
  • Impact of Cooperation/Exploitation.
  • Impact of Migration.
  • Nationalism.
  • Impact of Technology.
  • Human Rights Violations/Genocide.

What are 5 enduring issues?

This mind–body issue will arise most clearly in our discussions of the biological basis of behavior, sensation and perception, altered states of consciousness, emotion and motivation, adjustment and health psychology, and disorders and therapy. These five issues represent enduring themes in the history of psychology.

What are different enduring issues?

Considerations Enduring Issues are often nested, e.g., conflict (war, competition, armed struggle, resistance, invasions, threats to balance of power) and human rights violations injustice, inequality, discrimination, unfair treatment, persecution for beliefs, threats to cultural identity, restrictions to movement).

What is an adjective for enduring?

endurable. Able to be endured; tolerable; bearable. Capable of enduring; likely to endure; durable.

What part of speech is the word enduring?

verb (used without object), en·dured, en·dur·ing. to continue to exist; last: These words will endure as long as people live who love freedom.

What is meant by enduring value?

n. the usefulness or significance of records based on the information they contain that justifies their permanent or ongoing preservation (View Citations)

What is the longest time word?


Appearing in the Oxford English Dictionary, this 45-letter word for a disease is the longest English word that is defined in a major dictionary. It’s a technical word referring to the lung disease more commonly known as silicosis.

How do you reply to its been a while?

How have you been? The positive reply is usually Good, thanks, often followed by a similar question. In the UK people may say Yeah, good, thanks, and in the US people may say Real good, thanks.

How do you say a long time professionally?

  1. eternity.
  2. month of Sundays.
  3. time immemorial.
  4. time out of mind.
  5. aeon.
  6. forever and a day.
  7. right smart spell.
  8. years on end.
