What Does Lamented Mean?


Some common synonyms of lament are bemoan, bewail, and deplore. While all these words mean “to express grief or sorrow for something,” lament implies a profound or demonstrative expression of sorrow.

What does lamentation mean in Bible?

the act of lamenting or expressing grief. a lament. Lamentations, (used with a singular verb) a book of the Bible, traditionally ascribed to Jeremiah.

How do you use the word lament?

Lament sentence example

  1. I lament the passing of the “42-day rule.” …
  2. His amiable disposition acquired him a large circle of friends, who deeply lament his death. …
  3. We were listening to the lament played by piper Rob Bell. …
  4. You always hear aspiring authors lament about finding the time to write.

Why does God want us to lament?

Lament is a tool that God’s people use to navigate pain and suffering. Lament is vital prayer for the people of God because it enables them to petition for God to help deliver from distress, suffering, and pain. Lament prayer is designed to persuade God to act on the sufferer’s behalf.

What is the difference between lament and grief?

As nouns the difference between grief and lament

is that grief is suffering, hardship while lament is an expression of grief, suffering, or sadness.

Can Christians lament?

Christians often have a hard time expressing grief. But there is power and freedom in creating the space to lament well. You don’t have to be happy all the time, writes Jill Benson, a member of the Christian Reformed Church in North America, in her reflection on journeying together through pandemic pain.

What does Nescience mean?

nescience • NESH-ee-unss • noun. : lack of knowledge or awareness : ignorance.

What does the book of Lamentations teach us?

Let your mistakes, failures and even bad decisions teach you valuable lessons that will be beneficial in the future. In the book of Lamentations, there was so much more the Lord wanted to give the people and do in their lives, and they almost forfeited it because of careless and foolish choices.

What does lament mean in Hebrew?

27. 6. The definition of lament is an expression of loss, sometimes through artistic expression. An example of a lament is The Book of Lamentations in the Old Testament of the Bible.

Is Lamentations a book in the Bible?

The Lamentations of Jeremiah, also called The Lamentations Of Jeremias, Old Testament book belonging to the third section of the biblical canon, known as the Ketuvim, or Writings. The poems are independent units, but their mood and content provide a unity to the book as a whole. …

What is a lament poem?

Lament, a nonnarrative poem expressing deep grief or sorrow over a personal loss. The form developed as part of the oral tradition along with heroic poetry and exists in most languages.

Can people be lament?

If you are really upset or sorry about something, you might lament it. … So if you keep saying how sorry you are about something, someone could say, “Enough of your laments!” There’s also an old literary form called “a lament,” which expresses feelings of loss in a long dramatic poem.

What is a lament for a dead person?

5 letter answer(s) to lament for the dead


DIRGE. a song or hymn of mourning composed or performed as a memorial to a dead person.

Is a lament on the death?

1. to express often vocal mourning or grief for or over: lamented the death of their leader. 2. to be very sorry for; regret. 3. to mourn deeply and often vocally.

What is Nescience ignorance?

“Ignorance” is associated with “the act of ignoring”. Per contrast, “nescience” means “to not know” (viz., Latin prefix ne = not, and the verb scire = “to know”; cf. the etymology of the word “science”/prescience). … We know about the truth but we actively ignore it for the most part.

What is a word for purposeful ignorance?

(idiomatic, law) A decision in bad faith to avoid becoming informed about something so as to avoid having to make undesirable decisions that such information might prompt. Synonyms: vincible ignorance, willful blindness.

What do you call someone who is ignorant?

illiterate, uninformed, naive, obtuse, innocent, uneducated, oblivious, dense, green, in the dark, inexperienced, insensible, mindless, moronic, shallow, thick, unconscious, uncultivated, uncultured, unenlightened.

Is Psalm 13 a lament?

Psalm 13 is one of several models of lament in the Psalter, and the three movements developed above should not be taken as the sole paradigm for Christian practice. The laments seasoned throughout Scripture are inex- haustible resources for creative appropriation to any ministry.

Why do we hope in God?

hope leads to faith. That’s why hope is so important. … “In other words, hope is the birthplace of Christian self-sacrificing love. That’s because we just let God take care of us and aren’t preoccupied with having to work to take care of ourselves.

What are the five elements found in most psalms of lament?

What are the five elements found in most psalms of lament? an address to god, a complaint or account of misery suffered, a plea for help, an affirmation of trust in god, and a statement praising god.

How do you deal with grief?

There are many ways to cope effectively with your pain.

  1. Seek out caring people. Find relatives and friends who can understand your feelings of loss. …
  2. Take care of your health. …
  3. Accept that life is for the living. …
  4. Be patient. …
  5. Don’t offer false comfort. …
  6. Offer practical help. …
  7. Be patient.

How do you lead a lament?

There are at least four steps in this painful journey:

  1. Turn to Prayer. When pain creates struggles or hard questions, lament invites us to talk to God about it. …
  2. Bring Our Complaints. Lament invites us to bluntly tell God our questions, fears, and frustrations. …
  3. Ask Boldly. …
  4. Choose to Trust.

What is the difference between elegy and lamentation?

As nouns the difference between lamentation and elegy

is that lamentation is the act of lamenting while elegy is a mournful or plaintive poem; a funeral song; a poem of lamentation.
