What Does It Mean When Someone Is Yearning?


1. Yearn, long, hanker, pine all mean to feel a powerful desire for something. Yearn stresses the depth and passionateness of a desire: to yearn to get away and begin a new life; to yearn desperately for recognition.

What is yearning in English?

to wish very strongly, especially for something that you cannot have or something that is very difficult to have: Despite his great commercial success he still yearns for critical approval. Sometimes I just yearn to be alone. Synonyms. long for sth; long to do sth formal.

How do you use the word yearning?

Yearning sentence example

  1. She found herself yearning for friends again. …
  2. The sense of yearning was deep.

What is an example of yearning?

An example of yearning is wanting to go to college but not being able to afford to pay for classes. An example of yearning is longing to ask someone on a date. A wistful or melancholy longing. She had a yearning to see her long-lost sister again.

What type of word is yearning?

deep longing, especially when accompanied by tenderness or sadness: a widower’s yearning for his wife. an instance of such longing.

Is Yearning an emotion?

“Yearning is an emotional state widely experienced in situations involving loss, focused on a desire for a person, place, or thing that was treasured in the past.”

What’s the difference between yearning and longing?

As nouns the difference between longing and yearning

is that longing is an earnest and deep, not greatly passionate, but rather melancholic desire while yearning is a wistful or melancholy longing.

How do I stop yearning?

If you desire quiet; give yourself the space for a peaceful night to yourself. In the simplest of terms; give to yourself what you’re longing for. There is always a way to twist what you desire from the world and contort it into a form where you can give it back to yourself.

What is full of yearning or desire?

A yearning is a strong desire. If you have a yearning to travel in Africa, it means that you dream about it and intensely hope that one day you’ll end up there. A strong longing for something is a yearning for it.

What does you have a yearning for perfection mean?

The yearning for perfection is a spiritual quality that indicates a high level of evolution in a soul. … When this desire for perfection is applied to worldly matters, we find a person who is tireless in their pursuit of the “rightness” of every act and every thing that they create.

What can someone yearn for?

To yearn for something is to really, really want it. You might yearn for freedom or you might yearn for a perfect tamale. Usually you yearn for something or someone you can’t easily get. If you have a hankering for pie, you could also say that you yearn for it.

Why do humans need to feel loved?

The need for affection solidifies our desire to know we are compatible with another human being, even if the relationship is on the friendship or familial level. It creates a sense of harmony in a relationship, especially when it is an intimate one, according to about.com.


What does Yerned mean?

to have an earnest or strong desire; long: to yearn for a quiet vacation. to feel tenderness; be moved or attracted: They yearned over their delicate child.

Is longing a mood?

A longing is a strong feeling of need or desire for someone or something. … A longing describes an unfulfilled desire. The days might feel long as long as you are longing to see someone you love, if that person is far away.

What is the difference between missing and longing?

Missing is felt by the mind, and longing is endured by the totality of one’s being. … Missing is felt by the mind, and longing is endured by the totality of one’s being.

What is the difference between desire and longing?

As nouns the difference between desire and longing

is that desire is someone or something wished for while longing is an earnest and deep, not greatly passionate, but rather melancholic desire.

What is being emotionless called?

Alexithymia is a broad term to describe problems with feeling emotions. In fact, this Greek term used in Freudian psychodynamic theories loosely translates to “no words for emotion.” While the condition is not well-known, it’s estimated that 1 in 10 people has it.

Why do I like someone I never met?

It’s possible to form a strong emotional connection and even spiritual connection to someone you’ve never met in real life — particularly now with things like FaceTime or Skype, it’s also possible to feel a physical attraction to someone,” she tells Elite Daily.

Is love a emotion or feeling?

Some researchers suggest that love is a basic human emotion just like happiness or anger, while others believe that it is a cultural phenomenon that arises partly due to social pressures and expectations.

Is yearning a verb or noun?

yearning noun – Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes | Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary at OxfordLearnersDictionaries.com.

What is a antonym for yearning?

Antonyms: apathetic, calm, careless, cold, cool, dispassionate, frigid, heedless, indifferent, negligent, phlegmatic, purposeless, regardless, stolid, stony, stupid, unconcerned, uninterested, unmindful, unmoved.

What does it mean to be zealous?

1 : filled with or showing a strong and energetic desire to get something done or see something succeed The police were zealous in their pursuit of the criminals. 2 : marked by passionate support for a person, cause, or ideal a zealous fan. Other Words from zealous. zealously adverb.

What does it mean to covet someone?

1 : to wish for earnestly covet an award. 2 : to desire (what belongs to another) inordinately or culpably The king’s brother coveted the throne. intransitive verb. : to feel inordinate desire for what belongs to another.
