What Does It Mean To Indemnify And Keep Indemnified?


An indemnity is a promise by one party to compensate the other party for loss or damage suffered by the other party during the performance of the contract. An indemnity is also known as a ‘hold harmless’ clause as one party agrees to hold the other party harmless.

What does shall indemnify mean?

To reimburse (another) for a loss suffered because of a third party’s or one’s own act or default. 2. To promise to reimburse (another) for such a loss.

What is the difference between indemnify and indemnity?

There is a distinction. Indemnity = (1) security or protection against contingent hurt, damage, or loss; or (2) a legal exemption from the penalties or liabilities incurred by any course of action. Indemnification = the action of compensating for actual loss or damage sustained; the payment made with this object.

What is indemnity example?

Indemnity is compensation paid by one party to another to cover damages, injury or losses. … An example of an indemnity would be an insurance contract, where the insurer agrees to compensate for any damages that the entity protected by the insurer experiences.

What happens when you indemnify someone?

To indemnify someone is to absolve that person from responsibility for damage or loss arising from a transaction. Indemnification is the act of not being held liable for or being protected from harm, loss, or damages, by shifting the liability to another party.

What happens if no indemnity clause?

If there is no indemnification clause, then the parties will not be entitled to any contractual indemnification. This does not mean that a party may not be held liable towards another party in a court of law, it just means that contractually a party cannot claim compensation for specific damages or expenses.

What is the difference between indemnify defend and hold harmless?

The main difference in this case is that “hold harmless” may require a party to protect against actual losses as well as potential losses while indemnification protects against actual losses only.

How do you avoid an indemnity clause?

Strategies for Avoiding Unfavorable Provisions

  1. Review indemnity provisions before finalizing contracts. Before signing, thoroughly review every contract to which your institution is a party. …
  2. Draft model indemnity language. …
  3. Publicize and educate relevant people about the process.

How do you enforce an indemnity?

Tips for Enforcing Indemnification Provisions

  1. Identify Time Periods for Asserting Indemnification Rights. …
  2. Provide Notice in a Timely Fashion. …
  3. Notify All Concerned Parties. …
  4. Understand Limitations on Recovery. …
  5. Exclusive Remedy. …
  6. Scope of Damages. …
  7. Claims Process/Dispute Resolution.

What is the difference between limitation of liability and indemnification?

indemnity, the major difference is that a limited liability clause is all about how much liability one party can be assigned if something goes wrong with a contract. In contrast, an indemnity clause is all about which party will have to bear the cost of defending a legal claim.

What is the benefit of an indemnity?

An indemnity has a number of distinct advantages over a warranty: An indemnity generally compensates a party for all loss actually suffered so the difficulties which may arise in respect of a warranty claim regarding quantum of loss can be avoided.


Why do you need an indemnity clause?

In most contracts, an indemnification clause serves to compensate a party for harm or loss arising in connection with the other party’s actions or failure to act. The intent is to shift liability away from one party, and on to the indemnifying party.

What is the difference between warranty and indemnity?

DIFFERENCES BETWEEN WARRANTIES AND INDEMNITIES. A warranty is a statement by the seller about a particular aspect of the target company’s business. … An indemnity is a promise to reimburse the buyer in respect of a particular type of liability, should it arise.

What does agree to indemnify mean?

Indemnity is a contractual agreement between two parties. In this arrangement, one party agrees to pay for potential losses or damages caused by another party. … With indemnity, the insurer indemnifies the policyholder—that is, promises to make whole the individual or business for any covered loss.

What is an indemnity and hold harmless agreement?

A Hold Harmless (Indemnity) Agreement is used between two parties (such as an employer and employee) to establish protection from liabilities, losses, claims, or damages for one of the parties during their involvement in an activity.

What does it mean to indemnify another party?

To indemnify another party is to compensate that party for losses that that party has incurred or will incur as related to a specified incident.

Why are indemnity clauses bad?

Indemnity clauses are most commonly misused for two reasons: That if a risk is not covered by an indemnity, a party will not have adequate means of recovering its loss if the risk materialises. That an indemnity clause has advantages over a claim for damages such that if they can be used, they should be used.

Can an indemnity last forever?

Even if there is no breach of the contract, then the law won’t tie us to it forever. There may be additional grounds that it would be unreasonable for us to continue. Some of them may be more often seen and easier to show than others, but they can be worth considering in cases of doubt.

Do indemnity clauses work?

Indemnification provisions are generally enforceable. There are certain exceptions however. Indemnifications that require a party to indemnify another party for any claim irrespective of fault (‘broad form’ or ‘no fault’ indemnities) generally have been found to violate public policy.

Why is an indemnity better than damages?

Sometimes, indemnities are implied into the terms of contracts automatically, due to the nature of the legal relationship between the two parties. … It gives a better measure of recovery for loss than what would be available in the general law of damages. The liability is usually greater.

What is the opposite of indemnify?

indemnify. Antonyms: fine, mulct, amerce. Synonyms: compensate, se cure, satisfy, reimburse.

Can you indemnify yourself?

Some indemnified parties may prefer to defend against their own lawsuits, so depending on the circumstances and the parties, this language should be carefully considered. In California, you have the option to choose – if you are the indemnifying party – to choose to defend yourself.

What are the types of indemnity?

There are basically 2 types of indemnity namely express indemnity and the implied Indemnity.
