What Does It Mean By Turning Over?


She kept turning over the events of the day in her mind.

turn over

  1. If you turn over you might find it easier to get to sleep.
  2. The car skidded and turned over.
  3. (figurative) The smell made my stomach turn over (= made me feel sick).

How do you use turnover in a sentence?

the act of upsetting something.

  1. The company had a turnover of £3.8 million.
  2. We have a fast turnover of stock.
  3. The illicit drugs industry has an annual turnover of some £200 bn.
  4. The combined turnover of both businesses has doubled in the last two years.
  5. The firm has an annual turnover of $75 million.

What is turnover in simple words?

Turnover is an accounting concept that calculates how quickly a business conducts its operations. Most often, turnover is used to understand how quickly a company collects cash from accounts receivable or how fast the company sells its inventory. … “Overall turnover” is a synonym for a company’s total revenues.

What is an example of a turnover?

An example of turnover is when new employees leave, on average, once every six months. An example of turnover is when a store takes, on average, three months to sell all its current inventory and require new inventory.

Is it turn over or turnover?

Turnover can mean the rate at which inventory or assets of a business “turn over” a.k.a sell or exceed their useful life. It can also refer to the rate at which employees leave a business. But turnover in accounting is how much a business makes in sales during a period.

Is turnover good or bad?

Turnover, whether through involuntary terminations or voluntary resignations, can improve the work environment significantly, leaving only employees who are engaged and productive. This is referred to as desirable turnover, which has a positive effect on the workplace.

Is turnover a revenue?

The key difference between Revenue vs Turnover is that Revenue refers to the income generated by any business entity by selling their goods or by providing their services during the normal course of its operations, whereas, Turnover refers to the number of times the company earns revenue using the assets it has

What is the phrasal verb of turn over?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishturn over phrasal verb1 turn something over to somebody to give someone the right to own something, or to make someone responsible for dealing with something He’ll turn the shop over to his son when he retires.

What does it mean for an engine to turn over?

The term “turning the engine over” refers to the literal turning of the crankshaft which then in turn allows the other necessary parts including the pistons and cam shaft to start moving in a domino effect.

What is the meaning of passing on?

1. phrasal verb. If you pass something on to someone, you give it to them so that they have it instead of you. The winner is passing the money on to a selection of her favorite charities.

What is difference between sales and turnover?

Sales refer to the total value of goods and services sold by a business. Turnover is the income that a firm generates through trading its goods and services.

Is turnover the same as income?

Turnover is the total sales made by a business in a certain period. It’s sometimes referred to as ‘gross revenue‘ or ‘income’. This is different to profit, which is a measure of earnings.


Is revenue the same as profit?

Revenue is the total amount of income generated by the sale of goods or services related to the company’s primary operations. … Profit is the amount of income that remains after accounting for all expenses, debts, additional income streams, and operating costs.

Is turnover ever good?

In other words, despite conventional thinking, low turnover isn’t always preferable—it can indicate that your employees are poorly selected and trained, overpaid, coddled and complacent. That’s right. In some cases, high turnover may actually be a good thing.

Why is turnover bad?

If your organization has high turnover, you have to spend time and energy replacing top talent that has been lost. High turnover rates can also contribute to lost productivity, employee burnout, and low employee engagement among employees who continue to work for your organization.

Why is turnover expensive?

Employee turnover is so expensive because organizations pay direct exit costs when an employee leaves and incur additional costs to recruit and train new hires. … Side effects of turnover, such as decreased productivity, knowledge loss, and lowered morale, can incur incidental costs, as well.

How is turnover calculated?

To determine your rate of turnover, divide the total number of separations that occurred during the given period of time by the average number of employees. Multiply that number by 100 to represent the value as a percentage.

What is the turnover formula?

Inventory turnover indicates the rate at which a company sells and replaces its stock of goods during a particular period. The inventory turnover ratio formula is the cost of goods sold divided by the average inventory for the same period.

What is a stock turnover?

Share turnover is a measure of stock liquidity, calculated by dividing the total number of shares traded during some period by the average number of shares outstanding for the same period. The higher the share turnover, the more liquid company shares are.

What is turnover in GST?

Turnover, in common parlance, means the value of a business over a period of time. Aggregate turnover in GST can be described as the taxable value of supplies of goods and services, exempt supplies of goods and services, the export of goods and services and inter-state supplies.

What is a monthly turnover?

The formula for calculating turnover on a monthly basis is figured by taking the number of separations during a month divided by the average number of employees on the payroll . Multiply the result by 100 and the resulting figure is the monthly turnover rate.

What does HMRC mean by turnover?

VAT taxable turnover is the total value of everything you sell that is not exempt from VAT . You must register for VAT with HM Revenue and Customs ( HMRC ) if it goes over the current registration threshold in a rolling 12-month period.

Whats included in cost of sales?

The cost of sales is the accumulated total of all costs used to create a product or service, which has been sold. … The cost of sales is calculated as beginning inventory + purchases – ending inventory. The cost of sales does not include any general and administrative expenses.
