What Does FAT TOM Mean In Food Safety?


Factors that Affect Bacterial Growth on Foods: FAT TOM

If not prepared properly, microorganisms (bacteria, yeasts and molds) on the food, in the environment, or transferred by the person preparing the food, may lead to spoilage or foodborne illnesses.

How do you prevent FAT TOM?

Three ways to avoid food contamination

  1. Refrigerate cooked food.
  2. Ensure dry storage temperature between 10ºC to 21ºC.
  3. Ensure food are cooked thoroughly in order to kill microorganisms to an acceptable level.
  4. Proceed with extra caution when cooking in batches.
  5. Cook food at a suitable temperature of above 63ºC.

What are the 3 conditions needed for bacterial growth?

A Comfortable Bacterial Home

The three fundamental requirements related to bacterial life are temperature, oxygen and food. It is not possible, however, to identify specific environmental conditions that favor general bacterial growth because bacteria are a vastly diverse group of organisms.

Do bacteria grow better in light or dark?

Bacteria grows best in warm, moist, dark places. Of the thousands of bacterial species on the earth, only a small fraction cause disease.

What are the 4 conditions which allow bacteria to grow?

Bacteria grow in very diverse conditions, which explains why they are found nearly everywhere on Earth. Although bacteria are good at adapting to their environments, certain conditions promote bacterial growth more than others. These conditions include temperature, moisture, pH and environmental oxygen.

What are the six conditions for bacterial growth?

FATTOM is an acronym used to describe the conditions necessary for bacterial growth: Food, acidity, time, temperature, oxygen, and moisture. Foods provide a perfect environment for bacterial growth, due to their provision of nutrients, energy, and other components needed by the bacteria.

What pH does bacteria grow best?

Most bacteria grow best around neutral pH values (6.5 – 7.0), but some thrive in very acid conditions and some can even tolerate a pH as low as 1.0. Such acid loving microbes are called acidophiles.

What’s the ideal temperature for bacteria to multiply?

Bacteria grow most rapidly in the range of temperatures between 40 °F and 140 °F, doubling in number in as little as 20 minutes.

What two conditions of FAT TOM can we control?

What two FAT TOM conditions are the easiest for a operation to control? Time and temperature. To control time, limit how long TCS food spends in the temperature danger zone.

What are the 3 types of contamination?

While there are many food safety hazards that can cause food contamination, most fall into one of three categories: biological, physical or chemical contamination.

What causes bacteria to multiply?

Moisture – Bacteria need moisture in order to grow. … Food – Food provides energy and nutrients for bacteria to grow. High risk foods particularly protein foods such as chicken and dairy products are rich in nutrients and moisture and so promote bacterial growth.

What are the 4 major bacteria that cause foodborne illness?

The top five germs that cause illnesses from food eaten in the United States are:

  • Norovirus.
  • Salmonella.
  • Clostridium perfringens.
  • Campylobacter.
  • Staphylococcus aureus (Staph)

What is the temperature danger zone for food?

The temperature range in which disease causing bacteria grow best in TCS food is called the temperature danger zone. The temperature danger zone is between 41°F and 135°F.

What promotes bacterial growth?

Bacteria can live in hotter and colder temperatures than humans, but they do best in a warm, moist, protein-rich environment that is pH neutral or slightly acidic.

What pH level kills bacteria?

All microorganisms prefer a neutral pH for optimum growth, but they can grow in more acidic pH values. Most of them stop growing at a pH of 5.0.

At what pH do most fungi grow?

In comparison, fungi thrive at slightly acidic pH values of 5.0–6.0. Microorganisms that grow optimally at pH less than 5.55 are called acidophiles.

Does pH affect fungal growth?

In conclusion, this study showed that neutral or slightly alkaline conditions favored bacterial growth. Conversely, an acid pH favored fungal growth. This resulted in an increase in the relative importance of fungi by a factor of 30 from pH 8.3 to pH 4.5.

Is it true all pathogens need oxygen to grow?

1 All pathogens need oxygen to grow. 2 The most important way to prevent foodborne illnesses caused by viruses is to control time and temperature. 3 Salmonella Typhi is commonly linked with ground beef. 4 Parasites are commonly associated with seafood.

What is the important of food safety?

Food safety is important as it helps to protect consumer from the risk of food borne illnesses. It also helps to prevent consumers from risks of health –related conditions such as allergy and even death.

Which bacteria does not need oxygen to grow?

Bacteria that grow only in the absence of oxygen, such as Clostridium, Bacteroides, and the methane-producing archaea (methanogens), are called obligate anaerobes because their energy-generating metabolic processes are not coupled with the consumption of oxygen.

Does bacteria grow in water?

Bacteria that live in tap water exist in two communities — those that float freely in the water and those that live in the films that line the sides of pipes, called biofilms. Biofilms are much like the films that we see growing on the glass in fish tanks, Liu said.

How do you stop bacteria from growing?

The best way to avoid bacterial growth on food is to follow proper food-handling instructions: Keep meat cold, wash your hands and any surface that comes in contact with raw meat, never place cooked meat on a platter that held raw meat, and cook food to safe internal temperatures.

Why do bacteria grow better in the dark?

In the light, both strains of bacteria take in more organic carbon, including sugars, metabolize them faster. In the dark, those functions are reduced, and the bacteria increase protein production and repair, making and fixing the machinery needed to grow and divide.
